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Dough Lab Cookies, Wonocolo

Rating 4.2 (4.2)

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Restoran Dough Lab Cookies, Wonocolo merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Timur yang tepatnya di daerah Surabaya

  •   Alamat : Jl. Margorejo Indah No. 7, Wonocolo, Surabaya
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 22-Dec-2021
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Sweets Desserts, Roti yang cocok disantap dengan teman atau sahabat anda. Tempat makan ini menawarkan berbagai menu masakan yang enak dan lezat. Harganya pun masih bisa dijangkau oleh kantong anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Crunchy Cookies One Yummy Cookie
 Box Of Happiness Beverages

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Crunchy Cookies
Berikut harga dan menu Crunchy Cookies dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Macadamia Crunch Macadamia Crunch
20 Pieces Crunchy Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies With Toasted Macadamia
Rp. 90,000
Macadamia Crunchy Jar Macadamia Crunchy Jar
45 Pieces Crunchy Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies With Toasted Macadamia
Rp. 220,000

Kategori One Yummy Cookie
Berikut harga dan menu One Yummy Cookie dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
The Monster (1 Pcs) The Monster (1 Pcs)
Blue Monster With Fudgy Chocolate Chip Cookie Filling (per Pc)
Rp. 44,000
The Duchess (1 Pcs) The Duchess (1 Pcs)
Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie With Chocolate Chunks And Walnuts (per Pc)
Rp. 60,500
Gold Digger (1 Pcs) Gold Digger (1 Pcs)
Dark Chocolate Cookies With Molten Peanut Butter Filling
Rp. 60,500
New Yorker (1 Pcs) New Yorker (1 Pcs)
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rp. 27,500
Scotch Bae 1 pc Scotch Bae 1 pc
Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookie With A Sprinkle Of Maldon Salt
Rp. 33,000

Kategori Box of Happiness
Berikut harga dan menu Box of Happiness yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
OG & Diva Duet (10pcs) OG & Diva Duet (10pcs)
5 Pcs The OG And 5 Pcs The Diva
Rp. 77,000
OG & Diva Duet (20pcs) OG & Diva Duet (20pcs)
10 Pcs The OG And 10 Pcs The Diva
Rp. 150,000
The OG Box (10 Pcs) The OG Box (10 Pcs)
Bite Sized Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rp. 71,500
The OG Box (20 Pcs) The OG Box (20 Pcs)
Bite Sized Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rp. 143,000
The OG Jar (23 Pcs) The OG Jar (23 Pcs)
Bite Sized Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies (23 Pcs Jar)
Rp. 176,000
The Monster ( 3 pcs ) The Monster ( 3 pcs )
Blue Monster With Fudgy Chocolate Chip Cookie Filling ( 3 Pcs In 1 Box )
Rp. 121,000
Gold Digger (3 Pcs) Gold Digger (3 Pcs)
Dark Chocolate Cookieswith Molten Peanut Butter Filling
Rp. 181,500
The Duchess (3 Pcs) The Duchess (3 Pcs)
Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie With Chocolate Chunks And Walnuts
Rp. 181,500
The Diva Box (10 Pcs) The Diva Box (10 Pcs)
Double Chocolate Chip Cookies With Salted Caramel
Rp. 82,500
The Diva Box (20 Pcs) The Diva Box (20 Pcs)
Double Chocolate Chip Cookies With Salted Caramel
Rp. 165,000
The Diva Jar (22 Pcs) The Diva Jar (22 Pcs)
Double Chocolate Chip Cookies With Salted Caramel (20 Pcs Jar)
Rp. 198,000
Red Velvet (3 Pcs) Red Velvet (3 Pcs)
Red Velvet Cookies With Cream Cheese Filling
Rp. 82,500
Red Velvet (4 Pcs) Red Velvet (4 Pcs)
Red Velvet Cookies With Cream Cheese Filling
Rp. 99,000
Scotch Bae (2 Pcs) Scotch Bae (2 Pcs)
Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookie With A Sprinkle Of Maldon Salt
Rp. 60,500
Scotch Bae 5 pcs Scotch Bae 5 pcs
Butterscotch Oatmeal Cookie With A Sprinkle Of Maldon Salt
Rp. 137,500
New Yorker (2 Pcs) New Yorker (2 Pcs)
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rp. 55,000
New Yorker (5 Pcs) New Yorker (5 Pcs)
Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rp. 137,500
Flower Child (5 Pcs) Flower Child (5 Pcs)
Vegan Cookies With Organic Coconut Oil Coconut Milk Dark Chocolate Chunks And Organic Brown Sugar 100% Plant Based
Rp. 82,500
Flower Child (9 Pcs) Flower Child (9 Pcs)
Vegan Cookies With Organic Coconut Oil Coconut Milk Dark Chocolate Chunks And Organic Brown Sugar 100% Plant Based
Rp. 148,500
Flower Child (12 Pcs) Flower Child (12 Pcs)
Vegan Cookies With Organic Coconut Oil Coconut Milk Dark Chocolate Chunks And Organic Brown Sugar 100% Plant Based
Rp. 165,000
The Cranberry (4 Pcs) The Cranberry (4 Pcs)
4 Full Sized Chewy Cookies With Toasted Macadamia Nuts White Chocolate & Cranberries
Rp. 77,000
The Bride (4 Pcs) The Bride (4 Pcs)
Chewy White And Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rp. 82,500
The Bride (10 Pcs) The Bride (10 Pcs)
Chewy White And Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies
Rp. 187,000
Yummy Mummy Box (15 Pcs) Yummy Mummy Box (15 Pcs)
Chocolate Chip Cookies For Nursing Moms Brewers Yeast Daun Katuk Extract Rolled Oats Eat 3x A Day For Best Results (15 Pcs Box)
Rp. 187,000

Kategori Beverages
Berikut harga dan menu Beverages yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Milk Milk
Rp. 20,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 20,000 - Rp. 220,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Dough Lab Cookies, Wonocolo secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


1. Wahyu (27/12/22 - 11:54:58)
Rating Review 5
 enak, sarapan ya doughlab

2. R** R**** (02/11/22 - 20:31:12)
Rating Review 5
 Pesanan sesuai dan enak-enak. Tapi kaget banget beli milk harga 20k kirain produk sendiri ternyata punya greenfields 200ml, beli di indoalfa bisa dapet seliter😭😭

3. M**** L** (11/10/22 - 11:44:51)
Rating Review 4
 agak asin cookies nya, exp ku manis 🙃 padahal bukan yg salted caramel yg asin

4. Elyana (07/09/22 - 14:12:23)
Rating Review 4
 Manisnya bisa agak dikurangi ya supaya bisa lebih sehat. Terima kasih.

5. B**** (25/06/22 - 15:56:16)
Rating Review 5
 Best cookies Ive ever had in Surabaya.

6. S***** D** C (23/06/22 - 21:35:45)
Rating Review 5
 makasiii buat mba/masnya yg udah rela nulis notesnya!! sapapun staff doughlab yg baca inii, tolong kasi bonus ke kaka yg nuliss!! 🤧🤧

7. Beta (16/06/22 - 19:15:11)
Rating Review 5
 paling suka yg ini 💗💜

8. A** F******* M (05/06/22 - 14:11:37)
Rating Review 5
 Enak bangetdeh suka sama cookiesnya the divaaaa

9. G*** (29/05/22 - 21:53:03)
Rating Review 5
 pesanan sebelumnya ada yg gak lengkap tp akhirnya di refund.. makasi fast responnya

10. Arviani (29/05/22 - 10:24:10)
Rating Review 4
 the diva enak. the of lumayan. tapi flower child ngak banger. porsinya gede tapi somehow bikin eneg. yg flower child gak worth sih beli DG harga segitu


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