Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 |
Kopi | Paket Kopi |
Botol 500Ml | Botol 1000Ml |
Mixed Drink |
Kategori Kopi Berikut harga dan menu Kopi yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Portopi Kopi Aren Coffee Susu Gula Aren | Rp. 23,000 | |
Kopi Cappucino Coffee Susu | Rp. 23,000 | |
Kopi Americano Black Coffee | Rp. 14,000 | |
Kopi Hazelnut Latte Cofee Susu Hazelnut | Rp. 21,000 | |
Kopi Caramel Latte Coffee Susu Vanilla | Rp. 21,000 | |
Kopi Vanilla Latte Coffee Susu Vanilla | Rp. 21,000 | |
Kopi Mocha Coffee Susu Chocolate | Rp. 19,000 | |
Kopi Caramel Piato Coffee Caramel Susu Vanilla Ice Cream | Rp. 25,000 | |
Kopi Rumpi Regal Coffee Susu Rum Gula Aren Regal | Rp. 21,000 | |
Matchapi Kopi Coffee Susu Matcha | Rp. 24,000 | |
Kopi Avopi Coffee Avocado Juice Ice Cream Vanilla Chocolate | Rp. 25,000 | |
Kategori Paket Kopi Berikut harga dan menu Paket Kopi dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Paket 1 2 Porchoco Frappe 3 Kopi Portopi | Rp. 107,000 | |
Paket 2 2 Thai Tea 1 Kopi Portopi | Rp. 65,000 | |
Paket 3 5 Kopi Portopi | Rp. 95,000 | |
Kategori Botol 500Ml Berikut harga dan menu Botol 500Ml dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Portopi Aren Coffee Susu Gula Aren | Rp. 35,000 | |
Caramel Coffee Coffee Susu Caramel | Rp. 38,000 | |
Hazelnut Coffee Coffee Susu Hazelnut | Rp. 38,000 | |
Kategori Botol 1000Ml Berikut harga dan menu Botol 1000Ml yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Portopi Aren Coffee Susu Gula Aren | Rp. 65,000 | |
Caramel Coffee Coffee Susu Caramel | Rp. 70,000 | |
Hazelnut Coffee Coffee Susu Hazelnut | Rp. 70,000 | |
Kategori Mixed Drink Berikut harga dan menu Mixed Drink dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Strawberry Fairy Mixed Drink With Strawberry Flavour | Rp. 30,000 | |
Bubble Gum Frappe Mixed Drink With Bubblegum Flavour | Rp. 30,000 | |
Lychee Blend Mixed Drink With Lychee Flavour | Rp. 30,000 | |
Vanilla Oreo Vanilla Blend With Oreo Biscuits | Rp. 30,000 | |
Taro Frappe Taro Frappe Blend With Fresh Milk | Rp. 30,000 | |
Pormatcha Frappe Matcha Frappe Blend With Fresh Milk | Rp. 30,000 | |
Porchoco Frappe Choco Frappe Blend With Fresh Milk | Rp. 30,000 | |
Mojito Squash Soda With Lime Mint And Lychee Flavour | Rp. 25,000 | |
Lemonade Fresh Lemon With Soda Water | Rp. 25,000 | |
Classic Milo Ice Blend - | Rp. 20,000 | |
Sweet Punch Mixed Soda Drink With Orange & Strawberry Flavour | Rp. 20,000 | |
Thai Tea - | Rp. 21,000 | |
Lemon Tea Tea With Lemon Flavour | Rp. 17,000 | |
Lychee Tea Tea With Lychee Flavour | Rp. 17,000 | |
Rum Regal Aren Susu Biskuit Regal | Rp. 20,000 |
Senin | 10:00-21:30 |
Selasa | 10:00-21:30 |
Rabu | 10:00-21:30 |
Kamis | 10:00-21:30 |
Jumat | 10:00-21:30 |
Sabtu | 10:00-21:30 |
Minggu | 10:00-21:30 |
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