Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 |
Minuman Kekinian |
Kategori Minuman Kekinian Berikut harga dan menu Minuman Kekinian dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Korean Strawberry Milk Susu Strawberry | Rp. 18,800 | |
Nutella With Almond Choco Milk Nutella Almond Milk | Rp. 18,800 | |
Milk With Sweetened Mango Mango Cheese Milk | Rp. 18,800 | |
Cheese Milk With Blueberry Blueberry Cheese Milk | Rp. 18,800 | |
Paket Hemat Specials WFH Mango Strawberry Blueberry | Rp. 54,000 |
Senin | 10:00-20:00 |
Selasa | - |
Rabu | 10:00-18:00 |
Kamis | - |
Jumat | 13:00-19:00 |
Sabtu | - |
Minggu | 11:00-17:00 |
Pecel Tumpang |
Gethuk Pisang |
Tahu Takwa |
Sate Bekicot |
Tahu Poo |
Sate Emprit |
Stik Tahu |
Carang Mas |
| ||