Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 |
Bottle | Eat Together |
Party Blendeur In Bottle | Toppings |
Mylk | Additional |
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Kategori BIRTHDAY HAMPER! Berikut harga dan menu BIRTHDAY HAMPER! yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Blendeur Birthday Hamper! Perfect Birthday Package With 2 Bottle (Dragon Festival Dan Choco Boost) Cooling Pack Custom Birthday Card Template : From To And Note Harga Normal : Rp 200 000 | Rp. 181,000 | |
Kategori Bowl Berikut harga dan menu Bowl yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Dragon Festival S (200ml) Small Dragon Fruit Banana Soya Milk Oats All Blended Served With Coconut No Sugar Granola Dragon Pieces And Banana (cal:187kcal Prot:4g Carb:36g Fat:3g Not Include Toppings) | Rp. 47,000 | |
Dragon Festival L (400ml) Large Dragon Fruit Banana Soya Milk Oats All Blended Served With Coconut No Sugar Granola Dragon Pieces And Banana (Cal:357kcal Prot:8g Carb:70g Fat:5g Not Include Toppings) | Rp. 63,000 | |
Sunny Flamingo S (200ml) Small Strawberry Banana Soya Milk Oats All Blended Served With Coconut No Sugar Granola Strawberry Slices And Banana (Cal:167kcal Prot:4g Carb:31g Fat:3g Not Include Toppings) | Rp. 39,000 | |
Sunny Flamingo L (400ml) Large Strawberry Banana Soya Milk Oats All Blended Served With Coconut No Sugar Granola Strawberry Slices And Banana (Cal:329kcal Prot:8g Carb:63g Fat:5g Not Include Toppings) | Rp. 59,000 | |
Blendeur Signature S (200ml) Small Blueberry Strawberry Banana Soya Milk Oats All Blended Served With Coconut Blueberry Strawberry Slices And Banana (Cal:171kcal Prot:4g Carb:32g Fat:3g Not Include Toppings) | Rp. 47,000 | |
Blendeur Signature L (400ml) Large Blueberry Strawberry Banana Soya Milk Oats All Blended Served With Coconut Blueberry Strawberry Slices And Banana (Cal:326kcal Prot:8g Carb:60g Fat:6g Not Include Toppings) | Rp. 69,000 | |
Choco Boost x MELTS S (200ml) Small Banana Plant Based Chocolate Soya Milk Oats Blended Served W Vegan Choco Cookies Coconut Banana And Vegan Choco Sauce (Cal:340kcal Prot:7g Carb:51g Fat:12g Not Incl Toppings) | Rp. 45,000 | |
Choco Boost x MELTS L (400ml) Large Banana Plant Based Chocolate Soya Milk Oats Blended Served W Vegan Choco Cookies Coconut Banana And Vegan Choco Sauce (Cal:665kcal Prot:13g Carb:97g Fat:25g Not Incl Toppings) | Rp. 65,000 | |
Match-a with U x MELTS S (200ml) Small Banana Plant Based Matcha Soya Milk Oats Blended Served W Vegan Matcha Cookies Coconut Banana And Vegan Matcha Sauce (Cal:310kcal Prot:6g Carb:49g Fat:10g Not Include Toppings) | Rp. 49,000 | |
Match-a with U x MELTS L (400ml) Large Banana Plant Based Matcha Soya Milk Oats Blended Served W Vegan Matcha Cookies Coconut Banana And Vegan Matcha Sauce (Cal:605kcal Prot:12g Carb:92g Fat:21g Not Include Toppings) | Rp. 73,000 | |
Choco Hazelnut S (200ml) Small Banana Plant Based Hazelnut Soya Mylk Oats Blended Served W Vegan Choco Cookies Coconut Banana And Vegan Hazelnut Sauce (Cal:364kcal Prot:11g Carb:53g Fat:12g Not Incl Toppings) | Rp. 49,000 | |
Choco Hazelnut L (400ml) Large Banana Plant Based Hazelnut Soya Mylk Oats Blended Served W Vegan Choco Cookies Coconut Banana And Vegan Hazelnut Sauce (Cal:696kcal Prot:21g Carb:99g Fat:24g Not Incl Toppings) | Rp. 73,000 | |
Kategori Bottle Berikut harga dan menu Bottle dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Dragon Festival (1 Liter) Blendeur In Bottle 1 Liter Dragon Fruit Banana Soya Milk Oats All Blended For 3 4 Person (per 200ml Cal:175 5kcal Prot:3 75g Carb:34 5g Fat:2 5g) | Rp. 91,000 | |
Blendeur Signature (1 Liter) Blendeur In Bottle 1 Liter Blueberry Strawberry Banana Soya Milk Oats All Blended For 3 4 Person (per 200ml Cal:166kcal Prot:4 25g Carb:30g Fat:3 25g) | Rp. 99,000 | |
Choco Boost x MELTS (1 Liter) Blendeur In Bottle 1 Liter Banana Plant Based Chocolate Soya Milk Oats All Blended For 3 4 Person (per 200ml Cal:387kcal Prot:6 75g Carb:45g Fat:11g) | Rp. 89,000 | |
Kategori Eat Together Berikut harga dan menu Eat Together dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Makan ber-2 Makan Bareng Ber 2 (Dragon Festival Dan Blendeur Signature ALL SMALL SIZE FREE Cooling Pack) Yang Ringan Tapi Kenyang Enak Dan Sehat Harga Normal : Rp 90 000 | Rp. 81,000 | |
Makan ber-3 Makan Bareng Ber 3 (Dragon Festival Blendeur Signature Choco Boost ALL SMALL SIZE FREE Cooling Pack) Yang Ringan Tapi Kenyang Enak Dan Sehat Harga Normal : Rp 135 000 | Rp. 121,000 | |
Makan ber-4 Makan Bareng Ber 4 (Dragon Festival Blendeur Signature Choco Boost Match A With U ALL SMALL SIZE FREE Cooling Pack) Yang Ringan Tapi Kenyang Enak Dan Sehat Harga Normal : Rp 184 000 | Rp. 161,000 | |
Kategori Party Blendeur in Bottle Berikut harga dan menu Party Blendeur in Bottle dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
2 Bottle Sambil Ngumpul Enaknya Minum Blendeur In Bottle! (Dragon Festival Dan Blendeur Signature) Harga Normal : Rp 186 000 | Rp. 167,000 | |
3 Bottle Sambil Ngumpul Enaknya Minum Blendeur In Bottle! (Dragon Festival Blendeur Signature Choco Boost) Harga Normal : Rp 275 000 | Rp. 247,500 | |
4 Bottle Sambil Ngumpul Enaknya Minum Blendeur In Bottle! (2 Dragon Festival Blendeur Signature Choco Boost) Harga Normal : Rp 362 000 | Rp. 325,000 | |
Kategori Toppings Berikut harga dan menu Toppings yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Vegan Chocolate Cookies Tambah Chocolate Cookies Nya Yuk! | Rp. 9,000 | |
Vegan Chocolate Sauce Tambah Chocolate Sauce Nya Yuk! | Rp. 7,000 | |
Vegan Matcha Cookies Tambah Matcha Cookies Nya Yuk! | Rp. 11,000 | |
Vegan Matcha Sauce Tambah Matcha Sauce Nya Yuk! | Rp. 10,000 | |
Vegan Hazelnut Sauce Tambah Hazelnut Sauce Nya Yuk! | Rp. 10,000 | |
Red Dragon Fruit Pieces Tambah Dragon Pieces Nya Yuk! | Rp. 5,000 | |
Strawberry Slices Tambah Strawberry Slices Nya Yuk! | Rp. 5,000 | |
Blueberry Tambah Blueberry Nya Yuk! | Rp. 7,000 | |
No Sugar Granola Tambah Granola Nya Yuk! | Rp. 7,000 | |
Desiccated Coconut Tambah Coconut Nya Yuk! | Rp. 3,000 | |
Banana Tambah Banana Nya Yuk! | Rp. 3,000 | |
Kategori Mylk Berikut harga dan menu Mylk dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Soya Bean Mylk (150ml) Minum Plant Based Soya Bean Mylk Nya Yuk! | Rp. 13,500 | |
Soya Choco Mylk (150ml) Minum Plant Based Soya Choco Mylk Nya Yuk! | Rp. 17,000 | |
Soya Matcha Mylk (150ml) Minum Plant Based Soya Matcha Mylk Nya Yuk! | Rp. 19,000 | |
Soya Hazelnut Mylk (150ml) Minum Plant Based Soya Hazelnut Mylk Nya Yuk! | Rp. 19,000 | |
Kategori Additional Berikut harga dan menu Additional dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Cooling Pack Yuk Jaga Suhu Pesanan Kamu Agar Tetap Dingin Selama Diperjalanan! (2 Ice Gel Untuk 1 Plastik Maks Isi 4 Small Bowl Atau 2 Large Bowl Atau 1 Paper Bag Maks Isi 4 Small Bowl Atau 2 Large Bowl) | Rp. 3,000 | |
Paper Bag 1 Paper Bag Maks Isi 4 Small Bowl Atau 2 Large Bowl Tidak Bisa Untuk Bottle Kalau Bottle Hanya Bisa Pakai Plastik (Jika Tidak Memesan Ini Akan Memakai Plastik Yang Tebal Ramah Lingkungan Aman) | Rp. 4,000 | |
Custom Card Yuk Tuliskan Kalimat Terbaik Kamu Untuk Orang Tersayang! (From To And Note) | Rp. 2,000 | |
Kategori Disclaimer Berikut harga dan menu Disclaimer dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Perhatian : Kita Pisahkan Toppings Demi Menjaga Kualitas Serta Jika Memerlukan Alat Makan Perlu Untuk Berikan Note Contoh : Minta Sendok Nya Ya Ka Thankyou! | Rp. 1 |
Rasa Enak | 23 Rating |
Bersih | 21 Rating |
Segar | 22 Rating |
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