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DAPUR OE - Bossque, Bandung Central 24 Hours

Rating 4 (4)

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Restoran DAPUR OE - Bossque, Bandung Central 24 Hours merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang tepatnya di daerah Bandung

  •   Alamat : BUKJAR Via.UNPAR Kampus 2, DAPUR OE, Jl. Bukit Jarian VI No.68, Ciumbuleuit, BANDUNG
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 30-Jul-2020
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Aneka Nasi, Aneka Ayam Bebek, Sate. Harga yang ditawarkan pun juga lumayan terjangkau dan menu-menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup bervariasi sehingga cocok disantap dengan teman dan sahabat anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Nasi Merah Putih Supper - Sarapan Pagi
 Sambal - Sambal - Saus Gulai Kari Kuah Panas Paket Nasi
 Sup Soto Tongseng Panas Paket Nasi Nasi Putih + Ayam Goreng + Sambal
 Nasi Putih + Ikan Goreng + Seafood Nasi Bakar Kemangi + Ikan/Ayam - Goreng/Bakar
 Nasi Timbel + Jambal Roti + Sambal Terasi Ayam Goreng (Tanpa Nasi)
 Berkuah Panas (Tanpa Nasi) Minuman Dingin Segar Alami
 Minuman Penghangat Tubuh SnacksbreakfasT
 Dietary Kentang Lion Hotel Snacks -Fritters
 Hotel Breakfast - American Hotel Breakfast - Diet Vegetarian
 Alacarte Hotel - Nasi Goreng Special (Bento) Alacarte Hotel - Ayam Fillet Goreng (Bento)
 Alacarte Hotel - Seafood (Japanense Bento) Alacarte Hotel - Grill-Fillet (Japanese Bento)
 Hot Soup (Mixed) Sate OE
 Seafood Chinese Food
 European / Western Foods Pipiti / Besek / Box - Oldest Sundanese Cuisines
 Nusantara Aromas Cuisines Vegan Vegetarians Cuisines
 Beverages Original Fresh And Natural

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Nasi Merah Putih
Berikut harga dan menu Nasi Merah Putih dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Nasi Putih Setengah Porsi Nasi Putih Setengah Porsi
Happy Meal
Rp. 6,000
Nasi Putih Bossque Wangi Pandan Nasi Putih Bossque Wangi Pandan
Rp. 9,000
Nasi Merah Nasi Merah
Rp. 12,000
Nasi Putih Timbel Daun Pisang Nasi Putih Timbel Daun Pisang
Rp. 10,000
Nasi Merah Timbel Daun Pisang Nasi Merah Timbel Daun Pisang
Rp. 15,000
Nasi Putih Bakar ( Rempah Kemangi ) Nasi Putih Bakar ( Rempah Kemangi )
Rp. 20,000
Nasi Merah Bakar Rempah Kemangi Nasi Merah Bakar Rempah Kemangi
Happy Meal
Rp. 25,000
Nasi Merah Setengah Porsi Nasi Merah Setengah Porsi
Rp. 8,000

Kategori Supper - Sarapan Pagi
Berikut harga dan menu Supper - Sarapan Pagi yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Bubur Ayam Telor Ayam Sewir Kacang Tabur Bawang Seledri Sambal Kerupuk Bubur Ayam Telor Ayam Sewir Kacang Tabur Bawang Seledri Sambal Kerupuk
Rp. 20,000
Ketan Bakar Serundeng / Oncom / Bumbu Kacang Ketan Bakar Serundeng / Oncom / Bumbu Kacang
Rp. 20,000
Bubur Kacang Hijau Panas Bubur Kacang Hijau Panas
Rp. 25,000
Bubur Ayam Kuah Kari Panas Ayam Sewir Telor Tabur Kacang Bawang Seledri Sambal Krupuk Bubur Ayam Kuah Kari Panas Ayam Sewir Telor Tabur Kacang Bawang Seledri Sambal Krupuk
Rp. 25,000
Nasi Kuning Telor Sewir Ayam Sewir Kacang Timun Sambal Kemangi Kerupuk Nasi Kuning Telor Sewir Ayam Sewir Kacang Timun Sambal Kemangi Kerupuk
Rp. 25,000
Nasi Goreng Bawang Acar Krupuk Nasi Goreng Bawang Acar Krupuk
Rp. 25,000
Nasi Goreng Kampung Acar Krupuk Nasi Goreng Kampung Acar Krupuk
Rp. 29,000
Nasi Goreng Mawut Acar Kerupuk Nasi Goreng Mawut Acar Kerupuk
Rp. 29,000
Nasi Goreng Seafood Acar Kerupuk Nasi Goreng Seafood Acar Kerupuk
Rp. 29,000
Nasi Goreng Sosis Acar Kerupuk Nasi Goreng Sosis Acar Kerupuk
Rp. 29,000

Kategori Sambal - Sambal - Saus
Berikut harga dan menu Sambal - Sambal - Saus dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Sambal Gowang ( Dadak ) Sambal Gowang ( Dadak )
Rp. 15,000
Sambal Terasi (Dibuat Dadakan) Sambal Terasi (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 15,000
Sambal Matah Bali ( Halal ) - Dibuat Dadakan Sambal Matah Bali ( Halal ) - Dibuat Dadakan
Rp. 15,000
Sambal Dabu Dabu (Dibuat Dadakan) Sambal Dabu Dabu (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 15,000
Sambal Kacang (Dibuat Dadakan) Sambal Kacang (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 15,000
Sambal Nanas (Dibuat Dadakan) Sambal Nanas (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 15,000
Sambal Rujak (Dibuat Dadakan) Sambal Rujak (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 20,000
Sambal Kecap (Dibuat Dadakan) Sambal Kecap (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 15,000
Saus Asam Manis (Dibuat Dadakan) Saus Asam Manis (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 20,000
Saus Teriyaki (Dibuat Dadakan) Saus Teriyaki (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 20,000
Saus Richeese (Dibuat Dadakan) Saus Richeese (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 20,000
Saus Telor Asin (Dibuat Dadakan) Saus Telor Asin (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 20,000

Kategori Gulai Kari Kuah Panas Paket Nasi
Berikut harga dan menu Gulai Kari Kuah Panas Paket Nasi dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Gulai Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk Gulai Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Kari Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk Kari Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Sup Soto Tongseng Panas Paket Nasi
Berikut harga dan menu Sup Soto Tongseng Panas Paket Nasi yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Sup Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk Sup Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Soto Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk Soto Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Tongseng Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk Tongseng Panas Ayam Fillet Nasi Sambal Kerupuk
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Nasi Putih + Ayam Goreng + Sambal
Berikut harga dan menu Nasi Putih + Ayam Goreng + Sambal dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Ayam Goreng Sunda Nasi Sambal Gowang Lalapan Ayam Goreng Sunda Nasi Sambal Gowang Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ayam Penyet Kemangi Nasi Sambal Kemangi Lalapan Ayam Penyet Kemangi Nasi Sambal Kemangi Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ayam Goreng Krispi Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ayam Goreng Krispi Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Hapoy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ayam Geprek Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ayam Geprek Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ayam Richeese Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ayam Richeese Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Nasi Putih + Ikan Goreng + Seafood
Berikut harga dan menu Nasi Putih + Ikan Goreng + Seafood yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Lele Goreng /Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Lele Goreng /Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Nila Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Nila Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Mas Goreng / Bakar Nasi PutihTahu Tempe Sambal Lalpan Ikan Mas Goreng / Bakar Nasi PutihTahu Tempe Sambal Lalpan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Bandeng Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Bandeng Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Patin Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Patin Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Bawal Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Bawal Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Tongkol Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Tongkol Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Tongkol Pindang Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Tongkol Pindang Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Kerapu Goreng / Goreng Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Kerapu Goreng / Goreng Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Hiiu Cucut Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Hiiu Cucut Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Kerang Harmis Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Kerang Harmis Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Balakutak Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Balakutak Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Cumi Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Cumi Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Udang Goreng / Bakar Tepung Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Udang Goreng / Bakar Tepung Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Kakap Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Kakap Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Ikan Tuna Tongkol Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Tuna Tongkol Goreng / Bakar Nasi Putih Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Nasi Bakar Kemangi + Ikan/Ayam - Goreng/Bakar
Berikut harga dan menu Nasi Bakar Kemangi + Ikan/Ayam - Goreng/Bakar dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Nasi Bakar Rempah Kemangi Nasi Bakar Rempah Kemangi
Rp. 20,000
Nasi Bakar Kemangi Ayam Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Nasi Bakar Kemangi Ayam Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 40,000
Nasi Bakar Kemangi Bawal Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Nasi Bakar Kemangi Bawal Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 40,000
Nasi Bakar Kemangi Ikan Mas Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Nasi Bakar Kemangi Ikan Mas Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 40,000
Nasi Bakar Kemangi Tongkol Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Nasi Bakar Kemangi Tongkol Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 40,000
Nasi Bakar Kemangi Nila Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Nasi Bakar Kemangi Nila Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 40,000
Nasi Bakar Kemangi Kerapu Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Nasi Bakar Kemangi Kerapu Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 40,000
Nasi Bakar Kemangi Bandeng Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Nasi Bakar Kemangi Bandeng Goreng/Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 40,000

Kategori Nasi Timbel + Jambal Roti + Sambal Terasi
Berikut harga dan menu Nasi Timbel + Jambal Roti + Sambal Terasi dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Nasi Timbel Tumis Asin Cumi Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Tumis Asin Cumi Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Goreng Asin Cumi Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Goreng Asin Cumi Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Goreng / Beleum Peda Merah Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Goreng / Beleum Peda Merah Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Beuleum Sepat Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Beuleum Sepat Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Stim Ikan Asin Peda Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Stim Ikan Asin Peda Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Tumis Tulang Asin Jambal Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Tumis Tulang Asin Jambal Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Goreng Asin Sepat Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Goreng Asin Sepat Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Beleum Sepat Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Beleum Sepat Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Goreng Pindang Tongkol Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Goreng Pindang Tongkol Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Tumis Asin Cucut Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Tumis Asin Cucut Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Rp. 35,000
Nasi Timbel Pindang Tongkol Sewir Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan Nasi Timbel Pindang Tongkol Sewir Tahu Tempe Sambal Terasi Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Ayam Goreng (Tanpa Nasi)
Berikut harga dan menu Ayam Goreng (Tanpa Nasi) dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Ayam Goreng Sunda ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe Ayam Goreng Sunda ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe
Rp. 29,000
Ayam Goreng Penyet ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe Ayam Goreng Penyet ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe
Rp. 29,000
Ayam Goreng Krispi ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe Ayam Goreng Krispi ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe
Rp. 32,000
Ayam Geprek ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe Ayam Geprek ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe
Rp. 32,000
Ayam Richeese ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe Ayam Richeese ( Tanpa Nasi ) Sambal Lalapan Tahu Tempe
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Berkuah Panas (Tanpa Nasi)
Berikut harga dan menu Berkuah Panas (Tanpa Nasi) dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Tongseng Ayam (Tanpa Nasi ) Kuah Panas Dibuat Dadakan Tongseng Ayam (Tanpa Nasi ) Kuah Panas Dibuat Dadakan
Rp. 39,000
Sup Ayam (Tanpa Nasi) Kuah Panas Dibuat Dadakan Sup Ayam (Tanpa Nasi) Kuah Panas Dibuat Dadakan
Rp. 39,000
Gulai Ayam (Tanpa Nasi) Kuah Panas Dibuat Dadakan Gulai Ayam (Tanpa Nasi) Kuah Panas Dibuat Dadakan
Rp. 39,000
Kari Ayam (Tanpa Nasi) Kuah Panas Dibuat Dadakan Kari Ayam (Tanpa Nasi) Kuah Panas Dibuat Dadakan
Rp. 39,000

Kategori Minuman Dingin Segar Alami
Berikut harga dan menu Minuman Dingin Segar Alami dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Minuman Segar Alami Es Asam Jawa Gula Palem Minuman Segar Alami Es Asam Jawa Gula Palem
Rp. 22,000
Es Jeruk Asli (Dibuat Dadakan) Es Jeruk Asli (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 15,000
Es Teh Manis Lemon Es Teh Manis Lemon
Rp. 15,000
Jus Mangga Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan Jus Mangga Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan
Fresh Drink
Rp. 15,000
Jus Sirsak Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan Jus Sirsak Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan
Fresh Drink
Rp. 15,000
Jus Buah Jambu Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan Jus Buah Jambu Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan
Fresh Drink
Rp. 15,000
Air Kelapa Dingin Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan Air Kelapa Dingin Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan
Fresh Drink
Rp. 15,000

Kategori Minuman Penghangat Tubuh
Berikut harga dan menu Minuman Penghangat Tubuh dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Teh Hangat Manis Lemon Teh Hangat Manis Lemon
Hot Drink
Rp. 15,000
Kopi Tubruk OE Kopi Tubruk OE
Hot Drimk
Rp. 15,000
Bandrek Jahe Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan Cream Bandrek Jahe Segar Asli Alami Dibuat Dadakan Cream
Hot Drink
Rp. 22,000
Susu Hangat Susu Hangat
Hot Drink
Rp. 15,000
Coklat Hangat Coklat Hangat
Hot Drink
Rp. 15,000

Kategori SnacksbreakfasT
Berikut harga dan menu SnacksbreakfasT yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Classic Banana Fritters Classic Banana Fritters
Rp. 20,000
Classic Bala Bala Sunda (Vegetables Mix Peanut / Black / Delmonte Sauce ) Classic Bala Bala Sunda (Vegetables Mix Peanut / Black / Delmonte Sauce )
Rp. 27,000
Classic Mendoan with Peanut / Black Sauce Classic Mendoan with Peanut / Black Sauce
Rp. 20,000
Classic Cireng Peanut / Black Sauce Classic Cireng Peanut / Black Sauce
Rp. 20,000
Classic Grilled Sticky Rice with Peanut / Fermented Peanut / Shredded Coconut Fries Sauce Classic Grilled Sticky Rice with Peanut / Fermented Peanut / Shredded Coconut Fries Sauce
Rp. 20,000
Classic Tofu Crispy with Delmonte / Black / Peanut Sauce Classic Tofu Crispy with Delmonte / Black / Peanut Sauce
Rp. 20,000
Classic Corn Cake with Peanut / Black / Delmonte Sauce Classic Corn Cake with Peanut / Black / Delmonte Sauce
Rp. 25,000
Classic Potatoes Fries with Delmonte / Black Sauce Classic Potatoes Fries with Delmonte / Black Sauce
Happy Meal
Rp. 25,000
Wedges Delmonte Sauce Wedges Delmonte Sauce
Rp. 25,000
Classic French Fries with Delmonte Sauce Classic French Fries with Delmonte Sauce
Rp. 25,000
Classic Chicken Omelette with Delmonte / Mayonaise Classic Chicken Omelette with Delmonte / Mayonaise
Rp. 25,000
Classic Banana Pan Cake Classic Banana Pan Cake
Rp. 25,000
Potatoes Cake Potatoes Cake
Rp. 30,000
Green Bean Porridge Plain Toast Green Bean Porridge Plain Toast
Rp. 25,000
OE Toast OE Toast
Rp. 25,000

Kategori Dietary Kentang Lion
Berikut harga dan menu Dietary Kentang Lion dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Kentang Rebus Kentang Rebus
Rp. 25,000
Kentang Goreng Kentang Goreng
Rp. 25,000

Kategori Hotel Snacks -Fritters
Berikut harga dan menu Hotel Snacks -Fritters dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Classic Banana Fritter Classic Banana Fritter
Rp. 25,000
Banana Fritter with Cheese Ceres Topping Banana Fritter with Cheese Ceres Topping
Rp. 25,000
Crispy Vegetable Fritter Crispy Vegetable Fritter
Rp. 25,000
Corn Fritter Corn Fritter
Rp. 25,000
Chickpeas Fritters Chickpeas Fritters
Rp. 30,000

Kategori Hotel Breakfast - American
Berikut harga dan menu Hotel Breakfast - American dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Plain Toast Hot Cream Soup Scramble Egg Sauted Vegetable Sauce Hot Capucino Plain Toast Hot Cream Soup Scramble Egg Sauted Vegetable Sauce Hot Capucino
American Breakfast Hotel
Rp. 75,000
Plain Toast Hot Cream Soup Sausage Chips Sauce Hot Black Coffee Plain Toast Hot Cream Soup Sausage Chips Sauce Hot Black Coffee
American Breakfast Hotel
Rp. 75,000

Kategori Hotel Breakfast - Diet Vegetarian
Berikut harga dan menu Hotel Breakfast - Diet Vegetarian dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Vegetarian Wedges Potato White Rice Coleslaw Sauce (Japanese Bento) Vegetarian Wedges Potato White Rice Coleslaw Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 39,000

Kategori Alacarte Hotel - Nasi Goreng Special (Bento)
Berikut harga dan menu Alacarte Hotel - Nasi Goreng Special (Bento) dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Special Noodles Fried Rice w/ Vegetables Garnish Sunny Side Up 2 Chicken Satay Crips (Japanese Bento) Special Noodles Fried Rice w/ Vegetables Garnish Sunny Side Up 2 Chicken Satay Crips (Japanese Bento)
Rp. 45,000
Special Villager Fried Rice 2 Chicken Satays Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento) Special Villager Fried Rice 2 Chicken Satays Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento)
Rp. 45,000
Seafood Fried Rice Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento) Seafood Fried Rice Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento)
Rp. 45,000
Special Seafood Fried Rice 2 Tuna Satays Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Potato Crips Sauce (Japanese Bento) Special Seafood Fried Rice 2 Tuna Satays Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Potato Crips Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Rp. 60,000
Salty Jambal Fried Rice 2 Chicken Satays Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento) Salty Jambal Fried Rice 2 Chicken Satays Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento)
Rp. 45,000
Sausage Fried Rice 2 Chicken Satays Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento) Sausage Fried Rice 2 Chicken Satays Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento)
Rp. 45,000
Lamb Fried Rice Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento) Lamb Fried Rice Sunny Side Up Sliced Vegetables Crips (Japanese Bento)
Rp. 45,000
Special Lamb Fried Rice w/ Sunny Side Up 2 Lamb Satay mixed Vegetables Potato Crips w/ Delmonte Special Lamb Fried Rice w/ Sunny Side Up 2 Lamb Satay mixed Vegetables Potato Crips w/ Delmonte
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Onion Fried Rice w/ Satay Sunny Side Up Crips Coleslaw Sauce ( Japanese Bento Special Lunch / Dinner) Onion Fried Rice w/ Satay Sunny Side Up Crips Coleslaw Sauce ( Japanese Bento Special Lunch / Dinner)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Special Chicken Fried Rice Sunny Side Up 2 Chicken Satay Slice Vegetables Crisp (Japanese Bento) Special Chicken Fried Rice Sunny Side Up 2 Chicken Satay Slice Vegetables Crisp (Japanese Bento)
Rp. 45,000

Kategori Alacarte Hotel - Ayam Fillet Goreng (Bento)
Berikut harga dan menu Alacarte Hotel - Ayam Fillet Goreng (Bento) yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Bento - Chicken Teriyaki with White Rice and Potato Crips and Coleslaw mixed Mayonaise Delmonte (No Include Drink) Bento - Chicken Teriyaki with White Rice and Potato Crips and Coleslaw mixed Mayonaise Delmonte (No Include Drink)
1 Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Ayam Goreng Padang Fillet White Rice Soybean curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Padang Sauce (Japanese Bento) Ayam Goreng Padang Fillet White Rice Soybean curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Padang Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Ayam Goreng Kremes Fillet White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Sauce (Japanese Bento) Ayam Goreng Kremes Fillet White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Ayam Geprek Fillet White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Sauce (Japanese Bento) Ayam Geprek Fillet White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Chicken Kungpau White Rice Fried Egplant ( Onions Ring / Wedges ) Coleslaw Mayonaise (Sauce) - Japanese Bento Chicken Kungpau White Rice Fried Egplant ( Onions Ring / Wedges ) Coleslaw Mayonaise (Sauce) - Japanese Bento
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Chicken Teriyaki White Rice Mushroom Crispy (Tentative) Coleslaw Sauce (Japanese Bento) Chicken Teriyaki White Rice Mushroom Crispy (Tentative) Coleslaw Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Chicken Katsu w/ Wedges Vegetables Mayonaise Chicken Katsu w/ Wedges Vegetables Mayonaise
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Fried Chicken Fillet w/ Dabu2 White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables (Japanese Bento) Fried Chicken Fillet w/ Dabu2 White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Fried Chicken Fillet w/ Balinese Sauce White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Balinese Sauce (Japanese Bento) Fried Chicken Fillet w/ Balinese Sauce White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Balinese Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Bento - Jimbaran Filleted Chicken Grill w/ Peanut Sauce White Rice Coleslaw Potato Crips Bento - Jimbaran Filleted Chicken Grill w/ Peanut Sauce White Rice Coleslaw Potato Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Bento - ChickenTeriyaki White Rice w/ Onions Ring Coleslaw Delmonte Bento - ChickenTeriyaki White Rice w/ Onions Ring Coleslaw Delmonte
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Bento - Chicken Katsu Wedges Coleslaw Mayonase Delmonte Bento - Chicken Katsu Wedges Coleslaw Mayonase Delmonte
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000

Kategori Alacarte Hotel - Seafood (Japanense Bento)
Berikut harga dan menu Alacarte Hotel - Seafood (Japanense Bento) dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Jimbaran Honey Grilled Squid Grilled Vegetables Sauce (Japanese Banto ) Jimbaran Honey Grilled Squid Grilled Vegetables Sauce (Japanese Banto )
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Fried Squid Liones Potato Slice Vegetables Sauce (Japanese Bento) Fried Squid Liones Potato Slice Vegetables Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Fried Salty Squid w/ White Rice Soybean Curd Sundanese Sauce (Japanese Bento) Fried Salty Squid w/ White Rice Soybean Curd Sundanese Sauce (Japanese Bento)
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Bento - Shrimps Tacos w/ Richeese Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables Bento - Shrimps Tacos w/ Richeese Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables
1 Happy Meal
Rp. 55,000
Bento - Jimbaran Honey Grilled Squid Balinese Sauce ( Halal ) White Rice w/ Corn Cake Bento - Jimbaran Honey Grilled Squid Balinese Sauce ( Halal ) White Rice w/ Corn Cake
Happy Meal
Rp. 55,000
Bento - Fried Squid Salty w/ Hot Chili Sauce White Rice Soybean Curd Sauce Bento - Fried Squid Salty w/ Hot Chili Sauce White Rice Soybean Curd Sauce
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000

Kategori Alacarte Hotel - Grill-Fillet (Japanese Bento)
Berikut harga dan menu Alacarte Hotel - Grill-Fillet (Japanese Bento) dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Black Soy Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Black Soy Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 50,000
Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Sweet Sour Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Sweet Sour Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 50,000
Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Brown Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Brown Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 50,000
Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Pineaple Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Pineaple Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 50,000
Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Green Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Green Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 55,000
Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Red Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Chicken Fillet w/ Red Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 55,000
Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Black Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Black Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Sweet Sour Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Sweet Sour Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Peanut Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Peanut Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Pineaple Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Pineaple Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Rp. 60,000
Bamboo - Grilled Beef.w/ Green Sauce Bamboo - Grilled Beef.w/ Green Sauce
Grilled Beef W Green Hot Chili Sauce White Rice Slice Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 65,000
Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Red Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Beef w/ Red Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 65,000
Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Black Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Black Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Sweet Sour Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Sweet Sour Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Grilled Beef W Sweet Sour Sauce White Rice Sliced Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 55,000
Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Peanut Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Peanut Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Pineaple Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Pineaple Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Red Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Red Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 65,000
Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Green Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Lamb w/ Green Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Special Happy Meal
Rp. 65,000
Grilled Sauteed Tuna Fillet w/ Black Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Tuna Fillet w/ Black Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Grilled Tuna Fish W Black Soy Sauce Rice Slice Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 65,000
Grilled Sauteed Tuna w/ Yellow Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Tuna w/ Yellow Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Happy Meal
Rp. 65,000
Grilled Sauteed Tuna w/ Brown Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Tuna w/ Brown Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Happy Meal
Rp. 65,000
Grilled Sauteed Tuna w/ Green Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Tuna w/ Green Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Happy Meal
Rp. 75,000
Grilled Sauteed Tuna w/ Red Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento ) Grilled Sauteed Tuna w/ Red Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Grilled Sauteed Lamb W Green Sauce Coleslaw Sauce Onion Rings White Rice ( Japanese Bento )
Rp. 75,000
Bamboo - Grilled Snapper w/ Black Bamboo - Grilled Snapper w/ Black
Grilled Tuna W Black Soy Sauce White Rice Sliced Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 65,000
Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Orange Sauce Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Orange Sauce
Grilled Snapper W Sweet Saour Sauce White Rice Sliced Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 65,000
Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Brown Sauce Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Brown Sauce
Grilled Snapper W Peanut Sauce White Rice Sliced Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 65,000
Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Yellow Sauce Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Yellow Sauce
Grilled Snapper W Pineaple Sauce White Rice Sliced Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 65,000
Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Green Sauce Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Green Sauce
Grilled Snapper W Green Hot Chili Sauce White Rice Sliced Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 75,000
Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Red Sauce Bamboo Grilled Snapper w/ Red Sauce
Grilled Snapper W Red Hot Chili Sauce White Rice Sliced Shallot Cucumber
Rp. 75,000

Kategori Hot Soup (Mixed)
Berikut harga dan menu Hot Soup (Mixed) yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Filleted Chicken Soup White Rice Crips Hot Chili Sauce Filleted Chicken Soup White Rice Crips Hot Chili Sauce
Rp. 45,000
Filleted Tuna Soup White Rice Crips Hot Chili Sauce Filleted Tuna Soup White Rice Crips Hot Chili Sauce
Rp. 55,000
Lamb Cury White Rice Crips Lamb Cury White Rice Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 65,000
Beef Soup Rice Crips Hot Chili Sauce Beef Soup Rice Crips Hot Chili Sauce
Rp. 65,000

Kategori Sate OE
Berikut harga dan menu Sate OE dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Sate Ayam (Tanpa Nasi) Maranggi / Madura / Taichan Acar Sate Ayam (Tanpa Nasi) Maranggi / Madura / Taichan Acar
Rp. 39,000
Sate Kambing (Tanpa Nasi) Maranggi / Madura / Taichan Sate Kambing (Tanpa Nasi) Maranggi / Madura / Taichan
Rp. 59,000
Sate Sapi (Tanpa Nasi) Maranggi / Madura / Taichan Sate Sapi (Tanpa Nasi) Maranggi / Madura / Taichan
Rp. 54,000
Sate Ikan Tuna ( Tanpa Nasi ) Dabu Dabu / Matah / Kecap Pedas Sate Ikan Tuna ( Tanpa Nasi ) Dabu Dabu / Matah / Kecap Pedas
Rp. 55,000
Sate Ikan Kakap ( Tanpa Nasi ) Dabu Dabu / Matah / Kecap Pedas Sate Ikan Kakap ( Tanpa Nasi ) Dabu Dabu / Matah / Kecap Pedas
Rp. 55,000

Kategori Seafood
Berikut harga dan menu Seafood yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Steamed HARMS w/ Fresh Pineaple Sauce Sliced Vegetables Steamed HARMS w/ Fresh Pineaple Sauce Sliced Vegetables
Rp. 35,000
Stif Fry HARMS White Rice Sliced Vegetables Stif Fry HARMS White Rice Sliced Vegetables
Rp. 35,000
Hot Spicy Stir Fry HARMS White Rice Slice Vegetables Hot Spicy Stir Fry HARMS White Rice Slice Vegetables
Rp. 35,000
Grilled Shrimps w/ Balinese Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetable Grilled Shrimps w/ Balinese Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetable
Rp. 50,000
Hot Spicy Stir Fry SQUID White Rice Sliced Vegetables Hot Spicy Stir Fry SQUID White Rice Sliced Vegetables
Rp. 55,000
Squid Green Chili w/ Black Soya White Rice Slice Vegetables Squid Green Chili w/ Black Soya White Rice Slice Vegetables
Rp. 55,000
Grilled SQUID w/ Honey Spices Grilled SQUID w/ Honey Spices
Rp. 55,000
Box - Grilled Tuna w/ Manado Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables Box - Grilled Tuna w/ Manado Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Box - Grilled Tuna w/ Sundanese Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables Box - Grilled Tuna w/ Sundanese Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Box - Grilled Tuna w/ Padang Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables Box - Grilled Tuna w/ Padang Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables
Grilled Snapper W Sweet Sour Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables
Rp. 60,000
Box - Grilled Tuna w/ Balinese Sauce (Halal) Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables Box - Grilled Tuna w/ Balinese Sauce (Halal) Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Box - Grilled Snapper w/ Balinese Sauce (Halal) Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables Box - Grilled Snapper w/ Balinese Sauce (Halal) Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Box - Grilled Snapper w/ Manado Sauce (Halal) Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables) Box - Grilled Snapper w/ Manado Sauce (Halal) Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables)
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Grilled Snapper Fish w/ Sundanese Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables Grilled Snapper Fish w/ Sundanese Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Box - Grilled Snapper Fish w/ Padang Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables Box - Grilled Snapper Fish w/ Padang Sauce Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Fresh Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000

Kategori Chinese Food
Berikut harga dan menu Chinese Food dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Filleted Chicken w/ Butter Sauce White Rice Filleted Chicken w/ Butter Sauce White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Kungpao Chicken White Rice Kungpao Chicken White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Nanking Chicken White Rice Nanking Chicken White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 75,000
Szechuan Chicken White Rice Szechuan Chicken White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Sweet Sour Hot Spicy Filleted Snapper White Rice Sliced Vegetables Sweet Sour Hot Spicy Filleted Snapper White Rice Sliced Vegetables
Rp. 45,000
Fuyunghai White Rice Fuyunghai White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Filleted Tuna Crispy w/ Sweet Sour Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables Filleted Tuna Crispy w/ Sweet Sour Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables
Rp. 45,000
Filleted Snapper Crispy Butter Rice Sliced Vegetables Filleted Snapper Crispy Butter Rice Sliced Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Filleted Snapper w/ Hot Salty Black Soy Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables Filleted Snapper w/ Hot Salty Black Soy Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Chicken Soup Mushroom Chicken Soup Mushroom
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Hot Hot Tom Yam White Rice Hot Hot Tom Yam White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 55,000

Kategori European / Western Foods
Berikut harga dan menu European / Western Foods dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Spaghetti Cream Sauce Wedges / Boiled Potato Spaghetti Cream Sauce Wedges / Boiled Potato
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Spaghetti w/ Chicken Herbs Spices Wedges / Boiled Potato Spaghetti w/ Chicken Herbs Spices Wedges / Boiled Potato
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Spaghetti w/ Bolognese Wedges /Boiled Potato Spaghetti w/ Bolognese Wedges /Boiled Potato
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Spaghetti Sausage Wedges / Boiled Potato Spaghetti Sausage Wedges / Boiled Potato
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Spaghetti Meatballs Wedges / Boiled Potato Spaghetti Meatballs Wedges / Boiled Potato
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Omelette Stuffed Spaghetti with Bolognese Sauce and Parmesan Omelette Stuffed Spaghetti with Bolognese Sauce and Parmesan
Happy Meals
Rp. 45,000
Chicken Steak with Barbeque Sauce Wedges Clamarte Vegetables Chicken Steak with Barbeque Sauce Wedges Clamarte Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 85,000
Kentucky Fried Chicken with Delmonte Sauce French Fries Clamarte Kentucky Fried Chicken with Delmonte Sauce French Fries Clamarte
Happy Meal
Rp. 85,000
Chicken Cream Soup Garlic Bread Chicken Cream Soup Garlic Bread
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Beef Steak Wedges Sauce Beef Steak Wedges Sauce
Happy Meal
Rp. 90,000
Ris de Veau Cream Cheese Wedges Ris de Veau Cream Cheese Wedges
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000

Kategori Pipiti / Besek / Box - Oldest Sundanese Cuisines
Berikut harga dan menu Pipiti / Besek / Box - Oldest Sundanese Cuisines dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Ayam Goreng Sunda Nasi Bakar Tahu Tempe Goreng Sambal Lalapan Ayam Goreng Sunda Nasi Bakar Tahu Tempe Goreng Sambal Lalapan
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Lunch Box - Grilled Grouper (Krapu) w/ Balinese Sauce ( Halal ) White Rice Slice Vegetables Soybean Curd Tofu Lunch Box - Grilled Grouper (Krapu) w/ Balinese Sauce ( Halal ) White Rice Slice Vegetables Soybean Curd Tofu
Happy Meal
Rp. 38,000
Nasi Timbel Ikan Asin Peda Pepes Tahu Tempe Goreng Sambal Gowang Jeruk Limau Lalapan Kerupuk Nasi Timbel Ikan Asin Peda Pepes Tahu Tempe Goreng Sambal Gowang Jeruk Limau Lalapan Kerupuk
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Box - Grilled Mackarel Tuna (Tongkol) w/ Balinese Sauce (Halal) White Rice Sliced Vegetables Soybean Curd Tofu Box - Grilled Mackarel Tuna (Tongkol) w/ Balinese Sauce (Halal) White Rice Sliced Vegetables Soybean Curd Tofu
Happy Meal
Rp. 38,000
Ikan Mas Acar Kuning Nasi Putih Ikan Asin Sambel Gowang Jeruk Limau Tahu Tempe Lalap Es Teh Manis Ikan Mas Acar Kuning Nasi Putih Ikan Asin Sambel Gowang Jeruk Limau Tahu Tempe Lalap Es Teh Manis
1 Happy Meal 1 Drink
Rp. 55,000
Box - Grilled Milk Fish (Bandeng) w/ Shrimp Paste White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Box - Grilled Milk Fish (Bandeng) w/ Shrimp Paste White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 38,000
Ikan Mas Pepes Nasi Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan Ikan Mas Pepes Nasi Bakar Tahu Tempe Sambal Lalapan
Rp. 45,000
Box - Grilled Pomfret w/ Shrimp Paste White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetabled Box - Grilled Pomfret w/ Shrimp Paste White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetabled
Happy Meal
Rp. 38,000
Box - Grilled Cat Fish (Lele) w/ Balinese Sauce ( Halal ) White Rice Slice Vegetables Soybean Curd Tofu Box - Grilled Cat Fish (Lele) w/ Balinese Sauce ( Halal ) White Rice Slice Vegetables Soybean Curd Tofu
Happy Meal
Rp. 38,000
Lotek Nasi Bakar Ikan Asin Tempe Tahu Kerupuk Lotek Nasi Bakar Ikan Asin Tempe Tahu Kerupuk
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Karedok Nasi Ayam Goreng Ikan Asin Tahu Tempe Krupuk Karedok Nasi Ayam Goreng Ikan Asin Tahu Tempe Krupuk
Happy Meal
Rp. 50,000
Box - Grilled Cat Fish (Patin) w/ Balinese Sauce ( Halal ) White Rice Slice Vegetables Soybean Curd Tofu Box - Grilled Cat Fish (Patin) w/ Balinese Sauce ( Halal ) White Rice Slice Vegetables Soybean Curd Tofu
Happy Meal
Rp. 38,000
Box - Grilled Chicken Balinese Sauce White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Sweet Iced Tea Box - Grilled Chicken Balinese Sauce White Rice Soybean Curd Tofu Sliced Vegetables Sweet Iced Tea
Happy Meal
Rp. 38,000
Bamboes - Grilled White Rice w/ Herb Spices In Banana Lea Grilled Chicken Salted Fish Tofu Soybean Curd Sliced Vegetable Bamboes - Grilled White Rice w/ Herb Spices In Banana Lea Grilled Chicken Salted Fish Tofu Soybean Curd Sliced Vegetable
1 Meal 1 Drink
Rp. 50,000

Kategori Nusantara Aromas Cuisines
Berikut harga dan menu Nusantara Aromas Cuisines dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Sundanese Salad w/ Peanut Sauce White Rice Crips Iced Lemon Tea Sundanese Salad w/ Peanut Sauce White Rice Crips Iced Lemon Tea
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Gado Gado Batavian Salad Peanut Sauce Crips Gado Gado Batavian Salad Peanut Sauce Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Hot Chicken Tongseng White Rice Special Sauce Crips Hot Chicken Tongseng White Rice Special Sauce Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Noodles Mixed Vegetables w/ Meatball Soup (Sweety / Salty) Crips Thai Tea Ice Noodles Mixed Vegetables w/ Meatball Soup (Sweety / Salty) Crips Thai Tea Ice
1 Happy Meal 1 Drink
Rp. 35,000
Rice Noodles Mixed Vegetables with Meat Ball Soup Rice Noodles Mixed Vegetables with Meat Ball Soup
1 Happy Meal 1 Drink
Rp. 35,000
Hot Hot Chicken Soup White Rice Crips Sauce Hot Hot Chicken Soup White Rice Crips Sauce
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Vegan Vegetarians Cuisines
Berikut harga dan menu Vegan Vegetarians Cuisines dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Vegetarian Potatoes Soup White Rice Crips Vegetarian Potatoes Soup White Rice Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Liones Potato w/ Mayo White Rice Vegetarian Liones Potato w/ Mayo White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Yellow Spices Potato Soup W/ Coconut Milk White Rice Vegetarian Yellow Spices Potato Soup W/ Coconut Milk White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Batavian Salad Vegetarian Peanut Sauce White Rice Sunny Side Up Vegetarian Crips Batavian Salad Vegetarian Peanut Sauce White Rice Sunny Side Up Vegetarian Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Sundanese Salad Vegetarian Peanut Sauce White Rice Crips Sundanese Salad Vegetarian Peanut Sauce White Rice Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Wedges Potato Sauce Sliced Vegetables White Rice Vegetarian Wedges Potato Sauce Sliced Vegetables White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Potatoes Cake Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables Vegetarian Potatoes Cake Sauce White Rice Sliced Vegetables
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Boiled Potatoes Delmonte Boiled Potatoes Delmonte
Rp. 30,000
Lacto Vegetarian Egg Soup ( Mixed Vegetables) White Rice Crips Vegetarian Lacto Vegetarian Egg Soup ( Mixed Vegetables) White Rice Crips Vegetarian
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Tofu Crispy Sauce Sunny Side Up White Rice Vegetarian Tofu Crispy Sauce Sunny Side Up White Rice
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Cream Soup White Rice Crips Vegetarian Vegetarian Cream Soup White Rice Crips Vegetarian
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Vegetables Soup White Rice Vegerarian Crips Vegetarian Vegetables Soup White Rice Vegerarian Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Shallot Fried Rice Sunny Side Up Crips Sweet Iced Tea Vegetarian Shallot Fried Rice Sunny Side Up Crips Sweet Iced Tea
Happy Meal
Rp. 35,000
Vegetarian Bento - Omelette w/ mayonaise w/ Delmonte Sauce Coleslaw Mayonaise Vegetarian Bento - Omelette w/ mayonaise w/ Delmonte Sauce Coleslaw Mayonaise
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Vegetarian Bento - Spagetti w/ Delmonte French Fries Coleslaw Mayonaise Vegetarian Bento - Spagetti w/ Delmonte French Fries Coleslaw Mayonaise
Happy Meal
Rp. 45,000
Vegetarian Bento - Spaghetti w/ Omelette Wedges Mango Juice Vegetarian Bento - Spaghetti w/ Omelette Wedges Mango Juice
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Vegetarian Bento - Spaghetti w/ Sunny Side Up Wedges Mango Juice Vegetarian Bento - Spaghetti w/ Sunny Side Up Wedges Mango Juice
Rp. 55,000
Vegetarian Bento - French Toast w/ Omelette Delmonte Sauce Coleslaw Hot Milk Vegetarian Bento - French Toast w/ Omelette Delmonte Sauce Coleslaw Hot Milk
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Vegetarian Bento - French Toast w/ French Fries Delmonte Sauce Coleslaw Hot Milk Vegetarian Bento - French Toast w/ French Fries Delmonte Sauce Coleslaw Hot Milk
Happy Meal
Rp. 60,000
Vegetarian Bento Box - French Toast Hot Milk French Fries Omelete Coleslaw Mango Juice Sticky Rice Peanut Sauce Vegetarian Bento Box - French Toast Hot Milk French Fries Omelete Coleslaw Mango Juice Sticky Rice Peanut Sauce
Happy Meal
Rp. 85,000
Vegetarian Bento Box - French Toast Hot Milk French Fries Omelete Coleslaw Mango Juice Boiled Corn w/ Butter Sauce Vegetarian Bento Box - French Toast Hot Milk French Fries Omelete Coleslaw Mango Juice Boiled Corn w/ Butter Sauce
Happy Meal
Rp. 85,000
Vegatarian Bento Box - French Toast Hot Milk French Fries Omelete Coleslaw Sticky Rice Peanut Sauce Boiled Corn with Butter Sauce Vegatarian Bento Box - French Toast Hot Milk French Fries Omelete Coleslaw Sticky Rice Peanut Sauce Boiled Corn with Butter Sauce
Happy Meal
Rp. 99,000
Vegetarian Bamboes - Scrumble Eggs White Rice Sliced Vegetables Onions Shallot Sauce Tofu Soybean Curd Vegetarian Crips Vegetarian Bamboes - Scrumble Eggs White Rice Sliced Vegetables Onions Shallot Sauce Tofu Soybean Curd Vegetarian Crips
Happy Meal
Rp. 40,000

Kategori Beverages Original Fresh and Natural
Berikut harga dan menu Beverages Original Fresh and Natural yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Teh Wedang Rempah Parahyangan (Dibuat Dadakan) Teh Wedang Rempah Parahyangan (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 25,000
Original Fresh Natural Pineaple Juice Palm Sugar Original Fresh Natural Pineaple Juice Palm Sugar
Rp. 25,000
Sunda Buhun Coffee Original Natural Arabica Palm Sugar Creamer Sunda Buhun Coffee Original Natural Arabica Palm Sugar Creamer
Rp. 25,000
Pure Banana Juice Palm Sugar Pure Banana Juice Palm Sugar
Rp. 25,000
Wedang Uwuh Keraton (Dibuat Dadakan) Wedang Uwuh Keraton (Dibuat Dadakan)
Rp. 25,000
Fresh Natural Pink Guava Juice Palm Sugar (Made Impromtu) Fresh Natural Pink Guava Juice Palm Sugar (Made Impromtu)
Rp. 25,000
Bandrek Sunda Buhun Palm Sugar (Made Impromtu) Bandrek Sunda Buhun Palm Sugar (Made Impromtu)
Rp. 25,000
Banana Juice Milk Banana Juice Milk
Rp. 25,000
Fresh Natural Mango Juice Palm Sugar (Made Impromtu) Fresh Natural Mango Juice Palm Sugar (Made Impromtu)
Rp. 25,000
Fresh Natural Soursop Juice w/ Palm Sugar Fresh Natural Soursop Juice w/ Palm Sugar
Rp. 25,000
Fresh Natural Jack Fruit w/ Palm Sugar Fresh Natural Jack Fruit w/ Palm Sugar
Happy Meal
Rp. 25,000
Fresh Natural Orange Juice White Sugar Fresh Natural Orange Juice White Sugar
Rp. 25,000
Fresh Natural Tamarind w/ Palm Sugar Fresh Natural Tamarind w/ Palm Sugar
Rp. 25,000
Sambiloto Sambiloto
Traditional Herbal
Rp. 20,000
Botrowali Botrowali
Traditional In Herbal
Rp. 20,000
Teh Jati Teh Jati
Traditional In Herbal Is Naturally Original And Easy To Digest
Rp. 20,000
Geprek Jahe Brown Sugar Geprek Jahe Brown Sugar
Traditional Drink
Rp. 20,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 6,000 - Rp. 99,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran DAPUR OE - Bossque, Bandung Central 24 Hours secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.

Logo DAPUR OE - Bossque, Bandung Central 24 Hours

 Lokasi Restoran

 Ulasan Rating
Rasa Enak Rasa Enak23 Rating
Kemasan Baik Kemasan Baik16 Rating
Porsi Pas Porsi Pas16 Rating

 Jam Operasional

 Kuliner Khas Bandung
Mie Kocok
Nasi Tutug Oncom
Tahu Susu
Pisang Bollen

 Restoran Sekitar Dapur Oe - Bossque, Bandung Central 24 Hours
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Rating 4.5
Nasi Bakar,nasi Uduk,juiceNasi Bakar,nasi Uduk,juice
Rating 4.6
Alpukat Kocok Raja, CiumbuleuitAlpukat Kocok Raja, Ciumbuleuit
Rating 4.5
Kedai Baluled, CiumbuleuitKedai Baluled, Ciumbuleuit
Rating 4
Hasna Seblak, CiumbuleuitHasna Seblak, Ciumbuleuit
Rating 4.2
Bariton Bakery, CiumbuleuitBariton Bakery, Ciumbuleuit
Rating 4.7
Ayam Mas LangitAyam Mas Langit
Rating 4.5
Es (es Campur, Es Teller & Es Jus), Bukit JarianEs (es Campur, Es Teller & Es Jus), Bukit Jarian
Rating 4.4
Nasi Liwet & Timbel Ayam Bakar Kedai SambaraNasi Liwet & Timbel Ayam Bakar Kedai Sambara
Rating 4.5
Ayam Dan Ikan Organik, Bukit Jarian DalamAyam Dan Ikan Organik, Bukit Jarian Dalam
Rating 4.5



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