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Kimo Koffie, Rawamangun

Rating 4.8 (4.8)

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>> Daftar dan dapatkan cuan berkali lipat <<

Restoran Kimo Koffie, Rawamangun merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jakarta yang tepatnya di daerah Jakarta

  •   Alamat : Jl. Balai Pustaka Barat No.340 Rawamangun Jakarta Timur 13220
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 10-Jul-2019
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Coffee Shop, Minuman yang cocok disantap dengan teman atau sahabat anda. Tempat makan ini menawarkan berbagai menu masakan yang enak dan lezat. Harganya pun masih bisa dijangkau oleh kantong anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Promo Coffee
 Non Coffee Creme Royale

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Promo
Berikut harga dan menu Promo dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
180k For 6 180k For 6
Choose Any Drinks
Rp. 180,000
100 For 3 100 For 3
Choose Any Drinks
Rp. 100,000
350k For 12 350k For 12
Choose Any Drinks
Rp. 350,000

Kategori Coffee
Berikut harga dan menu Coffee dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Salted Caramel Latte Salted Caramel Latte
Coffee Salted Caramel And Lots Of Goodness
Rp. 35,000
Kopi Kekinian Kopi Kekinian
Kopi Susu Gula Aren
Rp. 35,000
Kopi Kekinian Regal Kopi Kekinian Regal
Kopi Susu Gula Aren Tambah Regal
Rp. 35,000
Ice Cappuccino Ice Cappuccino
Cappuccino In A Can?!
Rp. 30,000
Ice Flat White Ice Flat White
Flat White In A Can?!
Rp. 30,000
Ice Americano Ice Americano
Cold Americano In A Can?!
Rp. 30,000
Golden Americano Golden Americano
Ice Cold Americano With A Twist In A Can
Rp. 30,000

Kategori Non Coffee
Berikut harga dan menu Non Coffee dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Matcha Latte Matcha Latte
Ya Matcha Latte 330ml
Rp. 35,000
Leprechauns Milk Leprechauns Milk
Minty Green Milk 330ml
Rp. 35,000
Susu Aren Regal Susu Aren Regal
Enak Kok 330ml
Rp. 35,000
Red Velvet Red Velvet
Taste The Premium Chocolate In It
Rp. 35,000
Strawberry Mint Tea Strawberry Mint Tea
Teh Stroberi Seger Gitu
Rp. 35,000
Strawberry Milk Strawberry Milk
Ya Susu Stroberi 330ml
Rp. 35,000
Ice Dark Chocolate Ice Dark Chocolate
Its Pretty Bitter And Very Very Chocolaty 330ml
Rp. 35,000
Ice Chocolate Ice Chocolate
Still Very Chocolaty But Sweeter 330ml
Rp. 35,000
Minty Ice Chocolate Minty Ice Chocolate
Still Very Very Much Chocolate Still Sweet With A Hint Of Mint 330ml
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Creme Royale
Berikut harga dan menu Creme Royale dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Vanilla - 250ml Vanilla - 250ml
The Base Of All Flavours Is Vanilla Creme Royale Proudly Use Best Local Vanilla Beans From Our Local Farmers Combined With The Best Ingredients Slowly Cooked Carefully Churned To Shape The Cold And Creamy Texture That Will Melt In Your Mouth
Rp. 90,000
Strawberry - 250ml Strawberry - 250ml
How To Make A Strawberry Ice Cream That Is Different From Others? The Toughest Challenge Lies In The Fruit Itself Choose Fresh Strawberries Take Advantage Of Its Sour Taste And Balance The Freshness Of Taste With Creme Royale
Rp. 90,000
Matcha Creme - 250ml Matcha Creme - 250ml
Matcha Is Made From A Type Of Green Tea Called Tencha Which Is Ground Until It Is Smooth Like Flour The Best Quality Matcha Is Sweeter Less Bitter
Rp. 90,000
Chocolate Milk - 250ml Chocolate Milk - 250ml
Chocolate Milk Ice Cream Is Undoubtedly The Second Or Most Popular Ice Cream To Vanilla Creme Royale Brings The Most Out Of This Chocolate Milk Flavor To Be As Good If Not Better Than Its Competitor Promises Promises
Rp. 90,000
Nutella - 250ml Nutella - 250ml
Nutella Is One Of The Most Popular Chocolate Spread Of All Time You Will Not Find Any Nutella Ice Cream Better Than Creme Royale This Is A Fact With Its Creamy And Daunting Texture You Will Find More Than Delicious In Creme Royale
Rp. 90,000
Classic Dark Chocolate - 250ml Classic Dark Chocolate - 250ml
Come To The Dark Side We Have Ice Cream Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Is Loaded With Antioxidants And Flavonoids Which Helps In Lowering Your Bad Cholesterol And Helps Improve Your Heart Health
Rp. 90,000
Biscoff - 250ml Biscoff - 250ml
The Belgian Biscuits Are Popular In Europe As Coffee Biscuits Jam Spread On Bread Is One Of The Favorite Variants At Creme Royale Because Of Its Unique Biscuit Taste Taste? Like Cold Biscoff Jam With A Creamy Texture Mixed With Biscuit Crumbs
Rp. 90,000
Oreo - 250ml Oreo - 250ml
Why Buy One If You Can Buy Two? There Is A Saying That Happiness Is Sharing Well You Dont Have To Share Your Oreo You Can Simply Get Her Another Jar Of Creme Royale Thats Also Called Sharing
Rp. 90,000
Coffee Lover - 250ml Coffee Lover - 250ml
Studies Have Found That Coffee Drinkers May Have A Reduced Risk Of: Cardiovascular Disease (including Heart Attack Heart Failure And Stroke) Type 2 Diabetes Alzheimers Disease And Parkinsons Disease Colon Uterine And Liver Cancer Cirrhosis
Rp. 90,000
Almond and Chunks - 250ml Almond and Chunks - 250ml
One Of The Most Coveted Flavor At Creme Royale Its Fine Taste And Creamy Texture Made It So Unbelievably Addictive
Rp. 100,000
Valrhona Chocolate - 250ml Valrhona Chocolate - 250ml
Valrhona Has Been Producing The Worlds Finest Chocolate In The Small Village Of Tain LHermitage France Since 1922 One Of The Best Chocolate Flavor In The World
Rp. 100,000
Cheese Cookies - 250ml Cheese Cookies - 250ml
If You Have A Deep Love For Cheese This Flavor Is Best Suited For You Cheese And Cookies For Days 1 Jar Might Not Be Enough Its Salty Cheese And Its Smooth Ice Cream Textures Would Drive Any Cheese Lover Crazy
Rp. 100,000
Reese In Peanut Butter - 250ml Reese In Peanut Butter - 250ml
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups Are An American Candy Consisting Of A Chocolate Cup Filled With Peanut Cream Very Smooth Ice Cream With Large Bits Of Reese Cups A Best Seller Very Limited Quantity
Rp. 125,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 30,000 - Rp. 350,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Kimo Koffie, Rawamangun secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.

Logo Kimo Koffie, Rawamangun

 Lokasi Restoran

 Ulasan Rating
Rasa Enak Rasa Enak67 Rating
Segar Segar64 Rating
Kemasan Baik Kemasan Baik63 Rating

 Jam Operasional

 Kuliner Khas Jakarta
Semur Jengkol
Soto Betawi
Kerak Telor
Asinan Betawi
Roti Buaya
Laksa Betawi
Soto Tangkar
Sayur Babanci
Ayam Sampyok

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1. A***** B******** (24/10/21 - 15:57:14)
Rating Review 5
 Kopinya super enak, sesuai dengan ekspektasi, very recomended...thank you so much bonusnya

2. V*** (04/10/21 - 10:56:20)
Rating Review 5
 Enakkkkkkk bangetttttt

3. Y**** (26/09/21 - 13:19:25)
Rating Review 5
 terrrbaaeeekkk as always ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. terimakasih banyak kimo coffee dan sukses selaluh.

4. Y**** (29/08/21 - 13:40:44)
Rating Review 5
 aiii looppphh yuuuu kopi kimoo..langganan tiap minggunya. karna emang seenak itu sih. wort it to buy sekaliih. sukses selalu ya kopikimo.

5. Y**** (22/08/21 - 15:08:07)
Rating Review 5
 manisnya pas+kopinya pas = passsss dihatiiih. dabest mah dah kesekian kali repeat order. dibonusin pulak 😍 bonusnya jg bukan yg abal2 tetep kualitas bagus. pertahankaaaan kimo coffee! im officialy ur bigest fan!

6. Y**** (15/08/21 - 14:35:37)
Rating Review 5
 theeee besssst coffeee for meeeeh as always. sudah kesekian kalinya repeat order disini. dan selalu berakhir dg bonus varian rasa yg berbeda dr storenya. the best dr segi rasa dan kemasan. jd lebih higienis ketika diterima customer. Pertahankan kualitas dan kuantitas pleaseeeee krn aq suda cinta sm ni kopiiii disini.

7. Y**** (12/08/21 - 17:04:04)
Rating Review 5
 da beeeessssttt coffee in town 👌. dikasi bonus leprechaun milk pula yg enak dan fresh. gag nyesel deh repeat order disini. pertahankan kualitas dan rasa kopiiinya please. klo bisa upgrade yg versi panas atau hot coffee please...

8. Y**** (04/08/21 - 08:31:02)
Rating Review 5
 please dipertahankan rasa,kualitas,kemasan,all the best! nakal repeat order disini terus. fix jd langganan sayaaah.

9. A***** A******* (03/08/21 - 20:25:11)
Rating Review 5
 enak-enak semua minumannya, pilih random gak akan nyesel krn enak semua, sukses teeus


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