Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 |
Steak | Pasta |
Indonesian Delight | Dessert |
Beverage Menu/Minuman |
Kategori Steak Berikut harga dan menu Steak yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Cheese Chicken Steak Chicken Steak Mozarella Cheese Sauce Barbeque French Fried Vegetables | Rp. 29,000 | |
Sirloin Steak Sirloin Steak French Fried Sauce Barbeque Vegetables | Rp. 31,000 | |
Chicken Steak Chicken Steak French Fried Sauce Barbeque Vegetables | Rp. 24,000 | |
Kategori Pasta Berikut harga dan menu Pasta yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Fetucini Chicken Mushroom Pasta Chicken Slice Mushroom Corn | Rp. 23,000 | |
Spaghetti Carbonara With Sausage Crispy Pasta Smoked Beef Egg With Sauce White Sausage Crispy | Rp. 22,000 | |
Spaghetti Bolognese Pasta Beef Bolognese Sauce | Rp. 20,000 | |
Kategori Indonesian Delight Berikut harga dan menu Indonesian Delight yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Ayam Geprek Melted Nasi Ayam Geprek Vegetable | Rp. 22,000 | |
Ayam Geprek Sehah Nasi Ayam Geprek Vegetable | Rp. 19,000 | |
Nasi Goreng Kchef (Spicy) Nasi Goreng Chicken Slice Egg Vegetable | Rp. 22,000 | |
Nasi Goreng Cikur(Spicy) Nasi Goreng Chicken Slice Egg Bumbu Cukur Vegetable | Rp. 22,000 | |
Mie Goreng K-chef Mie Chicken Slice Egg Vegetable | Rp. 20,000 | |
Kategori Dessert Berikut harga dan menu Dessert dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Pancake Oreo Pancake Vannila Sauce Oreo Ice Cream | Rp. 18,000 | |
Pancake Strawberry Pancake Sauce Strawberry Ice Cream | Rp. 16,000 | |
Pancake Choco Cheese Cream Pancake Sauce Choco Cheese Cedar Ice Cream | Rp. 18,000 | |
Pancake Blueberry Pancake Sauce Blueberry Ice Cream | Rp. 16,000 | |
Pancake Boba Strawberry Pancake Ice Cream Vannila Boba Strawberry Sauce Strawberry | Rp. 19,000 | |
Kategori Beverage Menu/Minuman Berikut harga dan menu Beverage Menu/Minuman dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Vietnam Drip Coffe Full Arabica Susu Kental Manis | Rp. 12,000 | |
Ice Caffe Latte Coffe Espresso (Full Arabika) Ice Fresh Milk Sugar | Rp. 18,000 | |
Ice Kopi Susu Gula Aren Espresso Coffe(Full Arabica) Fresh Milk Ice Gula Aren | Rp. 20,000 | |
Milkshake Chocolatte Fresh Milk Ice Cream Chocolatte Ice | Rp. 16,000 | |
Milkshake Vannila Fresh Milk Ice Cream Vannila Ice Cube | Rp. 16,000 | |
Milkshake Taro Fresh Milk Ice Cream Taro Ice Cube | Rp. 18,000 | |
Ice Mochaccino Espresso Coffe(Full Arabica) Sauce Chocolatte Fresh Milk Ice Cube Simple Sirup | Rp. 20,000 | |
Milkshake Strawberry Fresh Milk Ice Cream Strawberry Ice Cube | Rp. 16,000 |
Senin | 13:00-21:00 |
Selasa | 13:00-22:00 |
Rabu | 13:00-20:00 |
Kamis | 13:00-20:00 |
Jumat | 13:00-20:00 |
Sabtu | 12:00-20:00 |
Mie Kocok |
Batagor |
Seblak |
Karedok |
Nasi Tutug Oncom |
Lotek |
Colenak |
Surabi |
Tahu Susu |
Pisang Bollen |