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Haru Gelato, Taman Sari/Taman Sari/Nissan

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Restoran Haru Gelato, Taman Sari/Taman Sari/Nissan merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jakarta yang tepatnya di daerah Jakarta

  •   Alamat : Jalan Taman Sari VI No 50, Rt014Rw007, Jakarta Barat
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 16-Aug-2022
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Minuman, Snacks Jajanan, Fastfood. Harga yang ditawarkan pun juga lumayan terjangkau dan menu-menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup bervariasi sehingga cocok disantap dengan teman dan sahabat anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Gelato 500ml Gelato 200ml
 Keripik Whole Chips 90gr Keripik Whole Chips 15gr
 Keripik Whole Chips 40gr Krakakoa - Mini
 Promo Gelato 200ml Krakakoa Arenga Classic
 Vegan Gelato Friendly 200ml Vegetarian Gelato Friendly 200ml

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Gelato 500ml
Berikut harga dan menu Gelato 500ml dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Matcha Flavour 500ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Matcha Flavour 500ml
Benefits Of Matcha: High In Antioxidants Contains A Class Of Antioxidants Called Catechins Including The Power EGCG Boosts Metabolism And Burns Calories Defense Againts Cancer May Help Protect The Liver Boosts Brain Function
Rp. 125,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Chocolate Flavour 500ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Chocolate Flavour 500ml
Benefits For Dark Chocolate: Very Nutritious Powerful Source Of Antioxidants May Improve Blood Flow And Lower Blood Pressure Raises HDL And Protects LDL From Oxidation May Reduce Heart Disease Risk May Protect Your Skin From The Sun
Rp. 125,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Rose Flavour 500ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Rose Flavour 500ml
Benefits For Rose: Detoxification Contain Anti Oxidants Which Protect Our Bodies Againts Free Radicals Which Can Lead To Cancer And Other Illnesses Protect And Beautify The Skin Soothes Skin Irritation Soothes Sore Throats
Rp. 125,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Vanilla Flavour 500ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Vanilla Flavour 500ml
Benefits For Vanilla: Vanilla Is Useful For Treating Intestinal Gas And Fever Increase Sexual Desire (As An Aphrodisiac) Reduce The Amount Of Sugar Needed For Sweetening Helps To Stop Tooth Decay
Rp. 125,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Strawberry Flavour 500ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Strawberry Flavour 500ml
Benefits For Strawberry: Protect Heart Increase HDL (Good) Cholesterol Whitening Teeth Lower Blood Pressure Guard Againts Cancer Full With Vitamins Fiber And Particularly High Levels Of Antioxidants Known As Polyphenols
Rp. 125,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Vitamin C Booster 500ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Vitamin C Booster 500ml
Benefits Of Vitamin C Booster: May Reduce Risk Of Chronaic Disease May Help Manage High Blood Pressure May Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease May Reduce Blood Uric Acid Levels And Help Prevent Gout Attacks Helps Prevent Iron Deficiency
Rp. 125,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Taro Flavour 500ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Taro Flavour 500ml
Benefit Of Taro (Purple Ube): High Level Of Manganese Which Contributes Good Metabolisme Bone Health Blood Clotting High Level Of Vitamin C B6 And Vitamin E Promote Healthy Vision Skin Circulation Immune System Function
Rp. 125,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Ogura Flavour 500ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Ogura Flavour 500ml
Benefits Of Adzuki (Red Beans): Improves Digestion High In Dietary Fiber Which Helps Promote Digestive Health While Increasing The Absorption Of Healthy Nutrients Balance Sugar Levels And Reduces The Risk Of Diabetes Improves Heart Health
Rp. 125,000

Kategori Gelato 200ml
Berikut harga dan menu Gelato 200ml yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Matcha Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Matcha Flavour 200ml
Benefits Of Matcha: High In Antioxidants Contains A Class Of Antioxidants Called Catechins Including The Powerful EGCg Boosts Metabolism And Burns Calories Defense Againts Cancer May Help Protect The Liver Boosts Brain Function
Rp. 50,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Chocolate Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Chocolate Flavour 200ml
Benefits For Dark Chocolate: Very Nutritious Powerful Source Of Antioxidants May Improve Blood Flow And Lower Blood Pressure Raises HDL And Protects LDL From Oxidation May Reduce Heart Disease Risk May Protect Your Skin From The Sun
Rp. 50,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Rose Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Rose Flavour 200ml
Benefits For Rose: Detoxification Contain Anti Oxidants Which Protect Our Bodies Againts Free Radicals Which Can Lead To Cancer And Other Illnesses Protect And Beautify The Skin Soothes Skin Irritation Soothes Sore Throats Reduces Skin Rednes
Rp. 50,000
Ice Crean Es Krim Haru Gelato Vanilla Flavour 200ml Ice Crean Es Krim Haru Gelato Vanilla Flavour 200ml
Benefits For Vanilla: Vanilla Is Useful For Treating Intestinal Gas And Fever Increase Sexual Desire (As An Aphrodisiac) Reduce The Amount Of Sugar Needed For Sweetening Helps To Stop Tooth Decay
Rp. 50,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Strawberry Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Strawberry Flavour 200ml
Benefits For Strawberry: Protect Heart Increase HDL (Good) Cholesterol Whitening Teeth Lower Blood Pressure Guard Againts Cancer Full With Vitamins Fiber And Particularly High Levels Of Antioxidants Know As Polyphenols Sodium Free
Rp. 50,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Vitamin C Booster 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Vitamin C Booster 200ml
Benefits Of Vitamin C Booster: May Reduce Risk Of Chronaic DiSease May Help Manage High Blood Pressure May Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease May Reduce Blood Uric Acid Levels And Help Prevent Gout Attacks Helps Prevent Iron Deficiency
Rp. 50,000

Kategori Keripik Whole Chips 90gr
Berikut harga dan menu Keripik Whole Chips 90gr dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Keripik Ubi Ungu Whole Chips Purple Ube 90gr Sehat Bebas MSG Keripik Ubi Ungu Whole Chips Purple Ube 90gr Sehat Bebas MSG
Whole Chips Purple Ube: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Terbuat Dari Minyak Kelapa Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadar Gula
Rp. 30,000
Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Rempah Cassava 90gr Halal Bebas MSG Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Rempah Cassava 90gr Halal Bebas MSG
Whole Chips Rempah Cassava: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Tidak Ada Pengawet Terbuat Dari Minyak Kelapa Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadar Gula
Rp. 30,000
Keripik Ubi Whole Chips Yellow Ube 90gr Keripik Ubi Whole Chips Yellow Ube 90gr
Mengapa Whole Chip Yellow Ube: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Tidak Ada Pengawet Terbuat Dari Minyak Kelapa Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadar Gula
Rp. 30,000

Kategori Keripik Whole Chips 15gr
Berikut harga dan menu Keripik Whole Chips 15gr dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Keripik Ubi Ungu Whole Chips Purple Ube 15gr Halal Bebas MSG Keripik Ubi Ungu Whole Chips Purple Ube 15gr Halal Bebas MSG
Whole Chips Purple Ube: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Tidak Ada Pengawet Terbuat Dari Minyak Kelapa Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadar Gula
Rp. 5,500
Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Rempah Cassava 15gr Halal Bebas MSG Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Rempah Cassava 15gr Halal Bebas MSG
Whole Chips Rempah Cassava: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Tidak Ada Pengawet Terbuat Dari Minyak Kelapa Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadar Gula
Rp. 5,500

Kategori Keripik Whole Chips 40gr
Berikut harga dan menu Keripik Whole Chips 40gr yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Seaweed Cassava 40gr Halal Bebas MSG Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Seaweed Cassava 40gr Halal Bebas MSG
Whole Chips Seaweed Cassava: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Tidak Ada Pengawet Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadat Gula
Rp. 24,000
Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Jagung Bakar Cassava 40gr Halal Bebas MSG Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Jagung Bakar Cassava 40gr Halal Bebas MSG
Whole Chips Jagung Bakar Cassava: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Tidak Ada Pengawet Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadar Gula
Rp. 24,000
Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Barbeque Cassava 40gr Halal Bebas MSG Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Barbeque Cassava 40gr Halal Bebas MSG
Whole Chips Barbeque Cassava: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Tidak Ada Pengawet Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadar Gula
Rp. 24,000
Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Balado Cassava 40gr Halal Bebas MSG Keripik Singkong Whole Chips Balado Cassava 40gr Halal Bebas MSG
Whole Chips Balado Cassava: Bebas MSG Rendah Kalori Bebas Gluten Bahan Baku Alami Tidak Ada Pengawet Sangat Rendah Kadar Garam Sangat Rendah Kadar Gula
Rp. 24,000

Kategori Krakakoa - Mini
Berikut harga dan menu Krakakoa - Mini dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Krakakoa - Mini Chocolate Bark Dark Chocolate With Focaccia Krakakoa - Mini Chocolate Bark Dark Chocolate With Focaccia
Focaccia Ingredients: Cane Sugar Cacao Nibs Cocoa Butter Vanilla Sunflower Lecithin (Wheat Flour Olive Oil Potato Flakes Salt Sugar Yeast Rosemary)
Rp. 29,000
Krakakoa - Mini Chocolate Bark Dark Milk Chocolate With Baguette Krakakoa - Mini Chocolate Bark Dark Milk Chocolate With Baguette
Ingredients: Cane Sugar Cacao Nibs Cocoa Butter Vanila Milk Sunflower Lecithin Baguette (Wheat Flour Whole Wheat Flour Salt Yeast)
Rp. 29,000
Krakakoa Mini Chocolate Bark Milk Chocolate With Seed And Sourdough Krakakoa Mini Chocolate Bark Milk Chocolate With Seed And Sourdough
Ingredients: Cane Sugar Cacao Nibs Cocoa Butter Vanilla Milk Sunflower Lecithin Seed And Grain Sourdough (Wheat Flour Whole Wheat Flour Pumpkin Seeds Sunflower Seeds Flaxseeds Oats White Sesame Seeds Black Sesame Seeds Salt)
Rp. 29,000
Krakakoa Mini Blinkies Chocolate With Sweet And Salty 45gr Krakakoa Mini Blinkies Chocolate With Sweet And Salty 45gr
Ingredients: Milk Chocolate(Cocoa Bean Sugar Cocoa Butter Milk Powder Sunflower Lecithin Vanilla) Sugar Peanut Sea Salt Cream Of Tartar Baking Soda
Rp. 26,000

Kategori Promo Gelato 200ml
Berikut harga dan menu Promo Gelato 200ml dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Ogura Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Ogura Flavour 200ml
Benefits Of Adzuki (Red Beans): Improves Digestion High In Dietary Fiber Which Helps Promote Digestive Health While Increasing The Absorption Of Healthy Nutrients Balances Sugar Levels And Reduces The Risk Of Diabetes Improves Heart Health
Rp. 50,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Taro Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Gelato Taro Flavour 200ml
Benefit Of Taro (Purple Ube): High Level Of Vitamin C B6 And Vitamin E Promote Healthy Vision Skin Circulation Immune System Function High Level Of Potassium Improve Digestion Blood Sugar Management Heart Health High Level Of Copper
Rp. 50,000

Kategori Krakakoa Arenga Classic
Berikut harga dan menu Krakakoa Arenga Classic dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Krakakoa Arenga Classic Milk Chocolate 50gr Krakakoa Arenga Classic Milk Chocolate 50gr
Komposisi: Cacao Beans Palm Sugar Cocoa Butter Milk Powder Vanilla Sunflower Lecithin
Rp. 58,000
Krakakoa Arenga Classic Milk Chocolate Creamy Coffe 50gr Krakakoa Arenga Classic Milk Chocolate Creamy Coffe 50gr
Krakakoa Flavoured Milk Chocolate Creamy Coffee A Creamy Velvety Blend Of Aromatic Robusta And Arabica Beans Makes For An Addictive Latte In Every Bite
Rp. 58,000
Krakakoa Arenga Dark Chocolate 50gr Krakakoa Arenga Dark Chocolate 50gr
This Is Sumatran Cocoa At Its Purest A Complex Bar With Robust Natural Acidity Of Fermentend Cocoa And Complex Earthy Aromas
Rp. 58,000
Krakakoa Arenga Dark Chocolate Coklat Hitam 50gr Krakakoa Arenga Dark Chocolate Coklat Hitam 50gr
Ingredients: Cocoa Beans Palm Sugar Cocoa Butter Sunflower Lecithin
Rp. 58,000
Krakakoa Chocolate Christmas Hampers 2022 Krakakoa Chocolate Christmas Hampers 2022
A Wonderful Christmas Just Isnt Complete Without The Sweetness That Comes With It Arenga Chocolate 3 Bars: Chocolate Chilli Chocolate Creamy Coffee Chocolate Classics
Rp. 210,000

Kategori Vegan Gelato Friendly 200ml
Berikut harga dan menu Vegan Gelato Friendly 200ml yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegan Gelato Strawberry Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegan Gelato Strawberry Flavour 200ml
Soy Bean Based Gelato Vegan Friendly Using Homemade Soy Bean Made In Fresh Small Batches Benefits For Strawberry: Protect Heart Increase HDL (Good) Cholesterol Whitening Teeth Lower Blood Pressure Guard Againts Cancer
Rp. 60,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegan Gelato Vitamin C Booster 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegan Gelato Vitamin C Booster 200ml
Soy Bean Based Gelato Vegan Friendly Using Homemade Soy Bean Made In Fresh Small Batches Benefits Of Vitamin C Booster: May Reduce Risk Of Chronaic Disease May Help Manage High Blood Pressure May Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease
Rp. 60,000

Kategori Vegetarian Gelato Friendly 200ml
Berikut harga dan menu Vegetarian Gelato Friendly 200ml dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Vitamin C Booster 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Vitamin C Booster 200ml
Soy Bean Based Gelato Vegetarian Friendly Using Homemade Soy Bean Made In Fresh Small Batches Benefits Of Vitamin C Booster: May Reduce Risk Of Chronaic Disease May Help Manage High Blood Pressure May Lower The Risk Of Heart Disease
Rp. 60,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Strawberry Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Strawberry Flavour 200ml
Soy Bean Based Gelato Vegetarian Friendly Using Homemade Soy Bean Made In Fresh Small Batches Benefits For Strawberry: Protect Heart Increase Hdl (good) Cholesterol Whitening Teeth Lower Blood Pressure Guard Against Cancer
Rp. 60,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Rose Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Rose Flavour 200ml
Soy Bean Based Gelato Vegetarian Friendly Using Homemade Soy Bean Made In Fresh Small Batches Benefits For Rose: Detoxification Contain Anti Oxidants Which Protect Our Bodies Against Free Radicals Which Can Lead To Cancer And Other Illnesses
Rp. 60,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Vanilla Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Vanilla Flavour 200ml
Soy Bean Based Gelato Vegetarian Friendly Using Homemade Soy Bean Made In Fresh Small Batches Benefits For Vanilla: Vanilla Is Useful For Treating Intestinal Gas And Fever Increase Sexual Desire (as An Aphrodisiac)
Rp. 60,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Matcha Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Matcha Flavour 200ml
Soy Bean Based Gelato Vegetarian Friendly Using Homemade Soy Bean Made In Fresh Small Batches Benefits Of Matcha: High In Antioxidants Contains A Class Of Antioxidants Called Catechins Including The Powerful Egcg Boosts Metabolism
Rp. 60,000
Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Chocolate Flavour 200ml Ice Cream Es Krim Haru Vegetarian Gelato Chocolate Flavour 200ml
Soy Bean Based Gelato Vegetarian Friendly Using Homemade Soy Bean Made In Fresh Small Batches Benefits For Dark Chocolate: Very Nutritious Powerful Source Of Antioxidants May Improve Blood Flow And Lower Blood Pressure
Rp. 60,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 5,500 - Rp. 210,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Haru Gelato, Taman Sari/Taman Sari/Nissan secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


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