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Es-Deh, Pondok Gede

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Restoran Es-Deh, Pondok Gede merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang tepatnya di daerah Bekasi

  •   Alamat : Komplek Bank Indonesia Blok C No. 1, Jatayu, RT.003RW.004, Jatimakmur, Kec. Pd. Gede, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 04-Apr-2022
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Minuman, Fastfood, Coffee Shop. Harga yang ditawarkan pun juga lumayan terjangkau dan menu-menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup bervariasi sehingga cocok disantap dengan teman dan sahabat anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Es Teh (real Tea Leaves) Es Teh Rasa Buah
 Es Aneka Buah Segar Es Latte
 Es Kopi Mojito
 Boba Drinks Es Punch Aneka Buah
 Es Squash Es Buah Yakult
 Milkshake And Smoothies Milk Fruits
 Ice Herbal Coconut Fruit Iced Drinks

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Es Teh (real Tea Leaves)
Berikut harga dan menu Es Teh (real Tea Leaves) yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Es Teh Melati Es Teh Melati
Real Refreshing Ice Jasmine Tea
Rp. 8,000
Es Teh Hitam Es Teh Hitam
Refreshing Ice Oolong Tea
Rp. 8,000
Es Thai Tea Es Thai Tea
Fresh Sweet And Milky Thai Tea
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Hijau Es Teh Hijau
Soft And Refreshing Japanese Green Tea
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Susu Es Teh Susu
Refreshing Iced Tea With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 10,000

Kategori Es Teh Rasa Buah
Berikut harga dan menu Es Teh Rasa Buah dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Es Teh Kurma Es Teh Kurma
Refreshing Tea With Dates Fruit Flavour
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Jahe Sereh Es Teh Jahe Sereh
Refreshing And Healthy Tea With Ginger And Lemon Glass Flavour
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Jambu Es Teh Jambu
Refreshing Tea With Guava Fruit Flavour
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Madu Es Teh Madu
Refreshing And Healthy Tea With Honey Flavour
Rp. 8,000
Es Lemon Tea Es Lemon Tea
Refreshing Tea With Lemon Fruit Flavour
Rp. 10,000
Es Lychee Tea Es Lychee Tea
Refreshing Tea With Lychee Fruit Flavour
Rp. 8,000
Es Teh Mangga Es Teh Mangga
Refreshing Tea With Mango Fruit Flavour
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Melon Es Teh Melon
Refreshing Tea With Melon Fruit Flavour
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Markisa Es Teh Markisa
Refreshing Tea With Passion Fruit Flavour
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Delima Es Teh Delima
Refreshing Tea With Pomegranate Flavor
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Raspberry Es Teh Raspberry
Refreshing Tea With Raspberry Fruit Flavour
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Kiwi Es Teh Kiwi
Refreshing Kiwi Flavour Tea Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Blueberry Es Teh Blueberry
Refreshing Blueberry Flavour Tea Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Terong Belanda Es Teh Terong Belanda
Refreshing Iced Tea With Tamarillo Flavor Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Strawberry Es Teh Strawberry
Refreshing Iced Tea With Strawberry Flavor Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Teh Anggur Es Teh Anggur
Refreshing Iced Tea With Grape Flavor Drink
Rp. 10,000

Kategori Es Aneka Buah Segar
Berikut harga dan menu Es Aneka Buah Segar yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Es Semangka Es Semangka
Refreshing Iced Watermelon Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Terong Belanda Es Terong Belanda
Refreshing Iced Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Fruits Drinks
Rp. 8,000
Es Kiwi Es Kiwi
Refreshing Iced Kiwi Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Sirsak Es Sirsak
Refreshing Iced Soursop Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Raspberry Es Raspberry
Refreshing Iced Raspberry Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Delima Es Delima
Refreshing Iced Pomegranate Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Markisa Es Markisa
Refreshing Iced Passion Fruit Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Jeruk Es Jeruk
Refreshing Iced Orange Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Melon Es Melon
Refreshing Iced Melon Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Manggis Es Manggis
Refreshing Iced Mangosteen Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Nanas Es Nanas
Refreshing Iced Pineapple Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Lychee Es Lychee
Refreshing Iced Lychee Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Mangga Es Mangga
Refreshing Iced Mango Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Jambu Es Jambu
Refreshing Iced Guava Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Lemon Es Lemon
Refreshing Iced Lemon Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Kedondong Es Kedondong
Refreshing Iced Kedondong Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Kurma Es Kurma
Refreshing Iced Dates Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Blueberry Es Blueberry
Refreshing Iced Blueberry Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Anggur Es Anggur
Refreshing Iced Grape Flavor Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Strawberry Es Strawberry
Refreshing Iced Strawberry Flavor Drink
Rp. 8,000

Kategori Es Latte
Berikut harga dan menu Es Latte dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Es Cappucino Latte Es Cappucino Latte
Refreshing Cold Cappuccino Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Chocolate Latte Es Chocolate Latte
Refreshing Cold Chocolate Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Mangga Latte Es Mangga Latte
Refreshing Cold Mango Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Matcha Latte Es Matcha Latte
Refreshing Cold Matcha Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Mochachino Latte Es Mochachino Latte
Refreshing Cold Mochachino Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Hazelnut Latte Es Hazelnut Latte
Refreshing Cold Hazelnut Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Red Velvet Latte Es Red Velvet Latte
Refreshing Cold Red Velvet Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Taro Latte Es Taro Latte
Refreshing Cold Taro Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Tiramisu Latte Es Tiramisu Latte
Refreshing Cold Tiramisu Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000
Es Vanilla Latte Es Vanilla Latte
Refreshing Cold Vanila Latte Drink
Rp. 8,000

Kategori Es Kopi
Berikut harga dan menu Es Kopi dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Es Kopi Kampung (tubruk SKM) Es Kopi Kampung (tubruk SKM)
Refreshing Iced Coffee Tubruk Dengan SKM Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Red Velvet Es Kopi Red Velvet
Refreshing Iced Coffee Red Velvet Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Vanilla Es Kopi Vanilla
Refreshing Iced Coffee Vanilla Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Aren Es Kopi Aren
Refreshing Iced Coffee Aren Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Mocca Es Kopi Mocca
Refreshing Iced Coffee Mocca Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Mango Es Kopi Mango
Refreshing Iced Coffee Mango Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Hazelnut Es Kopi Hazelnut
Refreshing Iced Coffee Hazelnut Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Cappucino Es Kopi Cappucino
Refreshing Iced Coffee Cappucino Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Caramel Es Kopi Caramel
Refreshing Iced Coffee Caramel Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Americano Es Kopi Americano
Refreshing Iced Americano Coffee Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Avogado Es Kopi Avogado
Refreshing Iced Coffee Avogado Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Matcha Es Kopi Matcha
Refreshing Iced Coffee Matcha Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Susu Segar Es Kopi Susu Segar
Refreshing Iced Coffee Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Kopi Irlandia Es Kopi Irlandia
Refreshing Irish Coffe Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Chocolate Irish Es Chocolate Irish
Refreshing Ice Chocolate Irish Drink
Rp. 12,000

Kategori Mojito
Berikut harga dan menu Mojito yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Blueberry Mojito Blueberry Mojito
Refreshing Iced Blueberry Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Classic Mojito Classic Mojito
Refreshing Classic Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Dates (kurma) Mojito Dates (kurma) Mojito
Refreshing Iced Dates Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Kedondong Mojito Kedondong Mojito
Refreshing Iced Kedondong Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Kiwi Mojito Kiwi Mojito
Refreshing Kiwi Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Lychee Mojito Lychee Mojito
Refreshing Lychee Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Mango Mojito Mango Mojito
Refreshing Mango Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Mangosteen (manggis) Mojito Mangosteen (manggis) Mojito
Refreshing Iced Mangosteen Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Melon Mojito Melon Mojito
Refreshing Iced Melon Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Orange Mojito Orange Mojito
Refreshing Orange Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Passion Fruit Mojito Passion Fruit Mojito
Refreshing Passion Fruit Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Pineapple Mojito Pineapple Mojito
Refreshing Iced Pineapple Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Pome (delima) Mojito Pome (delima) Mojito
Refreshing Iced Pomegranate Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Raspberry Mojito Raspberry Mojito
Refreshing Iced Raspberry Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Watermelon Mojito Watermelon Mojito
Refreshing Watermelon Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Strawberry Mojito Strawberry Mojito
Refreshing Iced Strawberry Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Grape Mojito Grape Mojito
Refreshing Grape Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000
Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Mojito Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Mojito
Refreshing Iced Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Mojito Drink
Rp. 10,000

Kategori Boba Drinks
Berikut harga dan menu Boba Drinks dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Ice Avogado Boba Ice Avogado Boba
Refreshing Cold Avogado Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Cappucino Boba Ice Cappucino Boba
Refreshing Cold Cappuccino Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Chocolate Boba Ice Chocolate Boba
Refreshing Cold Chocolate Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Hazelnut Boba Ice Hazelnut Boba
Refreshing Cold Hazelnut Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Mango Boba Ice Mango Boba
Refreshing Cold Mango Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Matcha Boba Ice Matcha Boba
Refreshing Cold Matcha Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Mochachino Boba Ice Mochachino Boba
Refreshing Cold Mochachino Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Red Velvet Boba Ice Red Velvet Boba
Refreshing Cold Red Velvet Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Taro Boba Ice Taro Boba
Refreshing Cold Taro Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Tiramisu Boba Ice Tiramisu Boba
Refreshing Cold Tiramisu Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Vanilla Boba Ice Vanilla Boba
Refreshing Cold Vanilla Flavour With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Boba Ice Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Boba
Refreshing Cold Tamarillo Flavor With Fresh Biba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Grape Boba Ice Grape Boba
Refreshing Cold Grape Flavour With Frsh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000
Ice Strawberry Boba Ice Strawberry Boba
Refreshing Cold Strawberry With Fresh Boba Drink
Rp. 9,000

Kategori Es Punch Aneka Buah
Berikut harga dan menu Es Punch Aneka Buah dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Es Sirsak Punch Es Sirsak Punch
Refreshing Iced Soursop Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Delima Punch Es Delima Punch
Refreshing Iced Pomegranate Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Lychee Punch Es Lychee Punch
Refreshing Iced Lychee Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Raspberry Punch Es Raspberry Punch
Refreshing Iced Raspberry Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Markisa Punch Es Markisa Punch
Refreshing Iced Passion Fruit Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Melon Punch Es Melon Punch
Refreshing Iced Melon Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Lemon Punch Es Lemon Punch
Refreshing Iced Lemon Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Jambu Punch Es Jambu Punch
Refreshing Iced Guava Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Manga Punch Es Manga Punch
Refreshing Iced Mango Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Semangka Punch Es Semangka Punch
Refreshing Watermelon Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Kiwi Punch Es Kiwi Punch
Refreshing Kiwi Punch Drink
Rp. 12,000
Es Blueberry Punch Es Blueberry Punch
Refreshing Iced Blueberry Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Terong Belanda Punch Es Terong Belanda Punch
Refreshing Iced Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Anggur Punch Es Anggur Punch
Refreshing Iced Grape Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Kedondong Punch Es Kedondong Punch
Refreshing Iced Kedondong Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Strawberry Punch Es Strawberry Punch
Refreshing Iced Strawberry Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Kurma Punch Es Kurma Punch
Refreshing Iced Kurma Punch Drink
Rp. 10,000

Kategori Es Squash
Berikut harga dan menu Es Squash yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Es Kurna Squash Es Kurna Squash
Refreshing Iced Dates Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Jambu Squash Es Jambu Squash
Refreshing Iced Guava Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Lemon Squash Es Lemon Squash
Refreshing Iced Lemon Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Lychee Squash Es Lychee Squash
Refreshing Iced Lychee Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Manga Squash Es Manga Squash
Refreshing Iced Mango Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Ice Melon Squash Ice Melon Squash
Refreshing Iced Melon Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Raspberry Squash Es Raspberry Squash
Refreshing Raspberry Fruit Squash Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Sirsak Squash Es Sirsak Squash
Refreshing Iced Soursop Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Nanas Squash Es Nanas Squash
Refreshing Iced Pineapple Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Delima Squash Es Delima Squash
Refreshing Iced Pomegranate Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Markisa Squash Es Markisa Squash
Refreshing Iced Passion Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Semangka Squash Es Semangka Squash
Refreshing Watermelon Squash Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Kiwi Squash Es Kiwi Squash
Refreshing Kiwi Squash Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Blueberry Squash Es Blueberry Squash
Refreshing Iced Blueberry Squash Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Anggur Squash Es Anggur Squash
Refreshing Iced Grape Fruit Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Strawberry Squash Es Strawberry Squash
Refreshing Iced Strawberry Squash Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Terong Belanda Squash Es Terong Belanda Squash
Refreshing Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Squash Drink
Rp. 10,000
Es Kedondong Squash Es Kedondong Squash
Refreshing Iced Kedondong Squash Drink
Rp. 10,000

Kategori Es Buah Yakult
Berikut harga dan menu Es Buah Yakult dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Ice Dates Yakult Ice Dates Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Dates Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Yakult Ice Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Iced Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Fruits Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Guava Yakult Ice Guava Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Guava Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Lemon Yakult Ice Lemon Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Lemon Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Lychee Yakult Ice Lychee Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Lychee Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Mango Yakult Ice Mango Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Mango Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Orange Yakult Ice Orange Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Orange Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Passion Fruit Yakult Ice Passion Fruit Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Passion Fruit Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Pineapple Yakult Ice Pineapple Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Pineapple Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Pome Yakult Ice Pome Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Pomegranate Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Raspberry Yakult Ice Raspberry Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Raspberry Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Strawberry Yakult Ice Strawberry Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Strawberry Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Watermelon Yakut Ice Watermelon Yakut
Refreshing Watermelon Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Kiwi Yakult Ice Kiwi Yakult
Refreshing Kiwi Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Blueberry Yakult Ice Blueberry Yakult
Refreshing Iced Blueberry Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Grape Yakult Ice Grape Yakult
Refreshing And Healthy Iced Grape Yakult Drink
Rp. 12,000

Kategori Milkshake and Smoothies
Berikut harga dan menu Milkshake and Smoothies yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Avogado Milkshake Avogado Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Avogado Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Blueberry Milkshake Blueberry Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Blueberry Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Cappucino Milkshake Cappucino Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Cappucino Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Caramel Milkshake Caramel Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Caramel Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Chocolate Milkshake Chocolate Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Chocolate Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Chocolate Hazelnut Milkshake Chocolate Hazelnut Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Chocolate Hazelnut Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Kurma Milkshake Kurma Milkshake
Refreshing Dates Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Hazelnut Milkshake Hazelnut Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Hazelnut Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Kiwi Milkshake Kiwi Milkshake
Refreshing Kiwi Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Lychee Milkshake Lychee Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Lychee Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Mochachino Milkshake Mochachino Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Mochachino Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Mangga Milkshake Mangga Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Mango Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Matcha Milkshake Matcha Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Matcha Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Orange Chocolate Milkshake Orange Chocolate Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Orange Chocolate Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Jeruk Nanas Milkshake Jeruk Nanas Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Orange Pineapple Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Markisa Milkshake Markisa Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Passion Fruit Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Delima Milkshake Delima Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Pomegranate Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Red Velvet Milkshake Red Velvet Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Red Velvet Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Raspberry Milkshake Raspberry Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Raspberry Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,008
Sirsak Milkshake Sirsak Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Soursop Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Taro Milkshake Taro Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Taro Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Tiramisu Milkshake Tiramisu Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Tiramisu Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Vanila Milkshake Vanila Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Vanila Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Semangka Milkshake Semangka Milkshake
Refreshing Watermelon Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Terong Belanda Milkshake Terong Belanda Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Anggur Milkshake Anggur Milkshake
Refreshing Ice Grape Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000
Strawberry Milkshake Strawberry Milkshake
Refreshing Iced Strawberry Milkshake Drink
Rp. 12,000

Kategori Milk Fruits
Berikut harga dan menu Milk Fruits yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Ice Blueberry Milk Ice Blueberry Milk
Refreshing Iced Blueberry With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Cappucino Milk Ice Cappucino Milk
Refreshing Iced Cappucino With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Coffee Milk Ice Coffee Milk
Refreshing Iced Coffee With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Chocolate Milk Ice Chocolate Milk
Refreshing Iced Chocolate With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Dates (kurma) Milk Ice Dates (kurma) Milk
Refreshing Iced Dates With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Guava Milk Ice Guava Milk
Refreshing Iced Guava With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Hazelnut Milk Ice Hazelnut Milk
Refreshing Iced Hazelnut With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Kedondong Milk Ice Kedondong Milk
Refreshing Iced Kedondong With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Kiwi Milk Ice Kiwi Milk
Refreshing Iced Kiwi With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Lemon Milk Ice Lemon Milk
Refreshing Iced Lemon With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Matcha Milk Ice Matcha Milk
Refreshing Iced Matcha With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Mangosteen (manggis) Milk Ice Mangosteen (manggis) Milk
Refreshing Iced Mangosteen With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Mango Milk Ice Mango Milk
Refreshing Iced Mango With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Melon Milk Ice Melon Milk
Refreshing Iced Melon With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Orange Milk Ice Orange Milk
Refreshing Iced Orange With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Pome Milk Ice Pome Milk
Refreshing Iced Pomegranate With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Passion Fruit Milk Ice Passion Fruit Milk
Refreshing Iced Passion Fruit With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Pineapple Milk Ice Pineapple Milk
Refreshing Iced Pineapple With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Raspberry Milk Ice Raspberry Milk
Refreshing Iced Raspberry With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Soursop Milk Ice Soursop Milk
Refreshing Iced Soursop With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Vanilla Milk Ice Vanilla Milk
Refreshing Iced Vanilla With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Watermelon Milk Ice Watermelon Milk
Refreshing Iced Watermelon With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Milk Ice Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Milk
Refreshing Iced Tamarillo (terong Belanda) With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Strawberry Milk Ice Strawberry Milk
Refreshing Iced Strawberry With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000
Ice Grape Milk Ice Grape Milk
Refreshing Ice Grape With Fresh Milk Drink
Rp. 12,000

Kategori Ice Herbal
Berikut harga dan menu Ice Herbal dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Ice Empon-empon Ice Empon-empon
Refreshing And Healthy Empon Empon Drink
Rp. 8,000
Ice Ginger Lemon grass Ice Ginger Lemon grass
Refreshing And Healthy Ginger And Lemon Grass Drink
Rp. 8,000
Ice Ginger Honey Lemon Ice Ginger Honey Lemon
Refreshing And Healthy Ginger Honey Lemon Drink
Rp. 8,000
Ice Tamarind (asam jawa) Ice Tamarind (asam jawa)
Refreshing And Healthy Tamarind Drink
Rp. 8,000

Kategori Coconut Fruit Iced Drinks
Berikut harga dan menu Coconut Fruit Iced Drinks dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Coco Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Coco Tamarillo (terong Belanda)
Refreshing Iced Coconut Mix Tamarillo (terong Belanda) Drink
Rp. 12,000
Coco Grape Coco Grape
Refreshing Ice Coconut Mix Grape Drink
Rp. 12,000
Coco Strawberry Coco Strawberry
Refreshing Ice Coconut Mix Strawberry Drink
Rp. 12,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 8,000 - Rp. 12,008.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Es-Deh, Pondok Gede secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.



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