Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 |
Sweet | Classic |
Additional Topping |
Kategori Sweet Berikut harga dan menu Sweet dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Crunchy Ovo Classic Grilled Cheese With A Twist Of Ovomaltine | Rp. 35,000 | |
Going Nuts Our Chef Special Recipe Of Sweet Grilled Cheese | Rp. 35,000 | |
Marshmallow and Chocolate Melted Marshmallow And Chocolate Inside Your Bread | Rp. 30,000 | |
Nana Tella Classic Grilled Cheese With A Twist Of Nutella Jam & Banana | Rp. 35,000 | |
Kategori Classic Berikut harga dan menu Classic yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Spicy Tuna Special Bread Filled With 4 Kinds Of Cheese Onions Chives Chopped Tomatoes And Spicy Tuna Chunks | Rp. 40,000 | |
Ham Special Bread Filled With 4 Kinds Of Cheese Onions Chives Chopped Tomatoes And Sliced Beef Ham | Rp. 40,000 | |
Bacon Special Bread Filled With 4 Kinds Of Cheese Onions Chives Chopped Tomatoes And Pan Fried Bacon | Rp. 40,000 | |
Mushroom Special Bread Filled With 4 Kinds Of Cheese Onions And Saut Ed Mushrooms | Rp. 35,000 | |
Kategori Additional Topping Berikut harga dan menu Additional Topping dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Cheese - | Rp. 10,000 | |
Bacon - | Rp. 10,000 | |
Ham - | Rp. 10,000 | |
Extra Egg - | Rp. 5,000 | |
Extra Cheese - | Rp. 10,000 | |
Marshmallow - | Rp. 3,000 | |
Banana - | Rp. 3,000 |
Senin | 19:00-23:59 |
Selasa | 19:00-23:59 |
Rabu | 19:00-23:59 |
Jumat | 00:00-01:00 |
Jumat | 19:00-23:59 |
Sabtu | 00:00-01:00 |
Sabtu | 19:00-23:59 |
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