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Re.Juve, Cipete

Rating 4.7 (4.7)

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Restoran Re.Juve, Cipete merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jakarta yang tepatnya di daerah Jakarta

  •   Alamat : Plaza Mebel Fatmawati, Lobby Utama, Jl. RS Fatmawati Kav 5, Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 12-May-2020
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Minuman, Sweets Desserts, Snacks Jajanan, Coffee Shop dengan rasa yang sangat enak dan harga terjangkau yang bisa anda nikmati bersama-sama dengan keluarga. Anda bisa mencoba semua menu yang disediakan dan siap memanjakan lidah Anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 New Variants Coco Kopyor & Guava Line Cold-Pressed Plain Almond Milk
 Cold-Pressed Oatmilk Line Perfect For Sharing 1.350ml
 Cold-Pressed Indonesian Heritage Cold-Pressed Shot
 Classic Line Nut Milk
 Smoothies Hydrating Elixirs
 Signature Line Cold-Pressed Coffee
 Food Others

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori New Variants Coco Kopyor & Guava Line
Berikut harga dan menu New Variants Coco Kopyor & Guava Line dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Beat Guava - 250 ml Beat Guava - 250 ml
Crystal Guava Pineapple Organic Beet
Rp. 45,000
Coco Kopyor - 250 ml Coco Kopyor - 250 ml
Pandan Wangi Coconut Kopyor Coconut Lemon
Rp. 51,000
Green Guava - 250 ml Green Guava - 250 ml
Crystal Guava Pineapple Organic Spinach
Rp. 45,000

Kategori Cold-Pressed Plain Almond Milk
Berikut harga dan menu Cold-Pressed Plain Almond Milk dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Plain Almond Milk 1,350 ml Plain Almond Milk 1,350 ml
Almond RO Water A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 170,000
Plain Almond Milk Plain Almond Milk
Almond RO Water A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 45,000

Kategori Cold-Pressed Oatmilk Line
Berikut harga dan menu Cold-Pressed Oatmilk Line dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Oatmilk - 250 ml Oatmilk - 250 ml
RO Water Rolled Oat Organic Coconut Sugar A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 39,000
Choco Oatmilk - 250 ml Choco Oatmilk - 250 ml
RO Water Rolled Oat Organic Coconut Sugar Cacao Powder A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 41,000
Oatmilk Unsweetened - 1,350 ml Oatmilk Unsweetened - 1,350 ml
RO Water Rolled Oat Fresh Lemon A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 137,000
Oatmilk Unsweetened - 250 ml Oatmilk Unsweetened - 250 ml
RO Water Rolled Oat Fresh Lemon A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 38,000

Kategori Perfect for Sharing 1.350ml
Berikut harga dan menu Perfect for Sharing 1.350ml dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
i. Glow i. Glow
Organic Carrot Apple Pineapple
Rp. 166,000
u. Glow u. Glow
Organic Carrot Orange Pineapple
Rp. 166,000
Glowing Calamansi Glowing Calamansi
Pineapple Organic Carrot Calamansi
Rp. 165,000
Glowing Apple Glowing Apple
Green Apple Organic Carrot Pineapple
Rp. 165,000
Crush Watermelon - 1,350 ml Crush Watermelon - 1,350 ml
Watermelon Lemon Pineapple
Rp. 145,000
Copacabana - 1,350 ml Copacabana - 1,350 ml
Coconut Water Pineapple A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 150,000
Tropic Golden - 1,350 ml Tropic Golden - 1,350 ml
Organic Carrot Pineapple Orange Turmeric
Rp. 165,000
Green Glory - 1,350 ml Green Glory - 1,350 ml
Organic Spinach Organic Celery Stick Pineapple Orange
Rp. 176,000
Asian Green Asian Green
Organic Spinach Organic Cucumber Pineapple Apple
Rp. 160,000
Beat That Beat That
Organic Beet Organic Cucumber Apple Pineapple
Rp. 160,000

Kategori Cold-Pressed Indonesian Heritage
Berikut harga dan menu Cold-Pressed Indonesian Heritage yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Almond Bandrek 250ml Almond Bandrek 250ml
Almond RO Water Ginger Lemongrass Organic Coconut Sugar A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 41,000
Tropic Sereh 250ml Tropic Sereh 250ml
Coconut Water Pineapple Lemongrass Lemon
Rp. 37,000

Kategori Cold-Pressed Shot
Berikut harga dan menu Cold-Pressed Shot yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Turmeric Ginger 50 ml Turmeric Ginger 50 ml
Ginger Turmeric Green Apple Lemon
Rp. 23,000
Curcuma Ginger 50 ml Curcuma Ginger 50 ml
Ginger Curcuma Green Apple Lemon
Rp. 23,000
Galanga Ginger 50 ml Galanga Ginger 50 ml
Ginger Galanga Green Apple Lemon
Rp. 24,000
Celery Ginger 50 ml Celery Ginger 50 ml
Organic Celery Ginger Lemon
Rp. 25,000

Kategori Classic Line
Berikut harga dan menu Classic Line dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
U.Glow (435 ml) U.Glow (435 ml)
Organic Carrot Orange Pineapple
Rp. 65,000
I.Glow (250 ml) I.Glow (250 ml)
Organic Carrot Apple Pineapple
Rp. 43,000
I.Glow (435 ml) I.Glow (435 ml)
Organic Carrot Apple Pineapple
Rp. 65,000
Asian Green (250 ml) Asian Green (250 ml)
Spinach Cucumber Pineapple Apple
Rp. 42,000
Asian Green (435 ml) Asian Green (435 ml)
Spinach Cucumber Pineapple Apple
Rp. 63,000
Beat That (250 ml) Beat That (250 ml)
Organic Beet Organic Cucumber Apple Pineapple
Rp. 42,000
Beat That (435 ml) Beat That (435 ml)
Organic Beet Organic Cucumber Apple Pineapple
Rp. 63,000
Green Glory (250 ml) Green Glory (250 ml)
Organic Spinach Organic Celery Stick Pineapple Orange
Rp. 46,000
Glowing Calamansi (435 ml) Glowing Calamansi (435 ml)
Pineapple Organic Carrot Calamansi
Rp. 63,000
Firey Beat (250 ml) Firey Beat (250 ml)
Organic Beet Organic Cucumber Apple Pineapple Ginger
Rp. 42,000
Firey Beat (435 ml) Firey Beat (435 ml)
Organic Spinach Organic Cucumber Mint Pineapple
Rp. 63,000
Classic Green (250 ml) Classic Green (250 ml)
Organic Spinach Organic Cucumber Mint Pineapple
Rp. 40,000
Classic Green (435 ml) Classic Green (435 ml)
Organic Spinach Organic Cucumber Mint Pineapple
Rp. 58,000
Crush Watermelon (250 ml) Crush Watermelon (250 ml)
Watermelon Pineapple Lemon
Rp. 39,000
Crush Watermelon (435 ml) Crush Watermelon (435 ml)
Watermelon Pineapple Lemon
Rp. 57,000
Golden Apple (250 ml) Golden Apple (250 ml)
Apple A Drizzle Of Pineapple
Rp. 50,000
Golden Apple (435 ml) Golden Apple (435 ml)
Apple A Drizzle Of Pineapple
Rp. 74,000
Golden Orange (250 ml) Golden Orange (250 ml)
Orange A Drizzle Of Pineapple
Rp. 51,000
Golden Orange (435 ml) Golden Orange (435 ml)
Orange A Drizzle Of Pineapple
Rp. 74,000
Glowing Golden (250 ml) Glowing Golden (250 ml)
Organic Carrot Apple Pineapple Turmeric
Rp. 44,000
Glowing Golden (435 ml) Glowing Golden (435 ml)
Organic Carrot Apple Pineapple Turmeric
Rp. 64,000
Glowing Apple (250 ml) Glowing Apple (250 ml)
Apple Organic Carrot Pineapple
Rp. 44,000
Glowing Apple (435 ml) Glowing Apple (435 ml)
Apple Organic Carrot Pineapple
Rp. 63,000
Tropic Golden (435 ml) Tropic Golden (435 ml)
Organic Carrot Pineapple Orange Turmeric
Rp. 63,000
Firey Apple - 250 ml Firey Apple - 250 ml
Green Apple Organic Carrot Pineapple Ginger
Rp. 44,000
Firey Apple - 435 ml Firey Apple - 435 ml
Green Apple Organic Carrot Pineapple Ginger
Rp. 65,000
Firey Green - 250 ml Firey Green - 250 ml
Organic Spinach Pineapple Orange Ginger
Rp. 43,000
Firey Green - 435 ml Firey Green - 435 ml
Organic Spinach Pineapple Orange Ginger
Rp. 64,000
U.Glow (250 ml) U.Glow (250 ml)
Organic Carrot Orange Pineapple
Rp. 43,000
Green Glory (435 ml) Green Glory (435 ml)
Organic Spinach Organic Celery Stick Pineapple Orange
Rp. 69,000
Glowing Calamansi (250 ml) Glowing Calamansi (250 ml)
Pineapple Organic Carrot Calamansi
Rp. 43,000
Tropic Golden Tropic Golden
Organic Carrot Pineapple Orange Turmeric
Rp. 43,000

Kategori Nut Milk
Berikut harga dan menu Nut Milk dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Almond Milk (250 ml) Almond Milk (250 ml)
Almond Organic Coconut Sugar Filtered Water A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 45,000
Almond Milk (435 ml) Almond Milk (435 ml)
Almond Organic Coconut Sugar Filtered Water A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 66,000
Violet Almond Milk (250 ml) Violet Almond Milk (250 ml)
Organic Beet Almond Organic Coconut Sugar RO Water A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 45,000
Violet Almond Milk (435 ml) Violet Almond Milk (435 ml)
Organic Beet Almond Organic Coconut Sugar RO Water A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 66,000
Green Almond Milk - 250 ml Green Almond Milk - 250 ml
Spinach Almond Organic Coconut Sugar RO Water A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 45,000
Green Almond Milk - 435 ml Green Almond Milk - 435 ml
Spinach Almond Organic Coconut Sugar RO Water A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 66,000

Kategori Smoothies
Berikut harga dan menu Smoothies dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Chocolate High (435 ml) Chocolate High (435 ml)
Banana Oatmeal Natural Peanut Butter Protein Chocolate Non Fat Milk
Rp. 63,000
Chocolate High with Almond Milk (250 ml) Chocolate High with Almond Milk (250 ml)
Banana Oatmeal Natural Peanut Butter Protein Chocolate Almond Milk
Rp. 49,000
Chocolate High with Almond Milk (435 ml) Chocolate High with Almond Milk (435 ml)
Banana Oatmeal Natural Peanut Butter Protein Chocolate Almond Milk
Rp. 71,000
Avocacao High (435 ml) Avocacao High (435 ml)
Avocado Whey Protein Chocolate Cacao Powder Organic Coconut Sugar Fresh Milk RO Water
Rp. 66,000
Chocolate High (250 ml) Chocolate High (250 ml)
Banana Oatmeal Natural Peanut Butter Protein Chocolate Non Fat Milk
Rp. 44,000
Avocacao High (250 ml) Avocacao High (250 ml)
Avocado Whey Protein Chocolate Cacao Powder Organic Coconut Sugar Fresh Milk RO Water
Rp. 45,000

Kategori Hydrating Elixirs
Berikut harga dan menu Hydrating Elixirs dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Copacabana (250 ml) Copacabana (250 ml)
Coconut Water Pineapple A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 40,000
Tropic Chia (250 ml) Tropic Chia (250 ml)
Coconut Water Pineapple Lemon Chia Seeds
Rp. 42,000
Tropic Chia (435 ml) Tropic Chia (435 ml)
Coconut Water Pineapple Lemon Chia Seeds
Rp. 60,000
Copacabana (435 ml) Copacabana (435 ml)
Coconut Water Pineapple A Dash Of Sea Salt
Rp. 58,000

Kategori Signature Line
Berikut harga dan menu Signature Line yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Red Rocket (250 ml) Red Rocket (250 ml)
Organic Beet Organic Carrot Organic Celery Stick Apple Lemon
Rp. 53,000
Red Rocket (435 ml) Red Rocket (435 ml)
Organic Beet Organic Carrot Organic Celery Stick Apple Lemon
Rp. 77,000
Super Green (435 ml) Super Green (435 ml)
Organic Spinach Organic Cucumber Organic Celery Stick Apple Orange
Rp. 74,000
Blazing Kale Blazing Kale
Organic Kale Organic Celery Stick Pineapple Orange
Rp. 83,000
Green Celery Green Celery
Green Apple Organic Celery Stick Pineapple Organic Kale
Rp. 59,000
Super Green (250 ml) Super Green (250 ml)
Organic Spinach Organic Cucumber Organic Celery Stick Apple Orange
Rp. 52,000
Dazzling Kale Dazzling Kale
Organic Kale Organic Cucumber Pineapple Apple
Rp. 59,000

Kategori Cold-Pressed Coffee
Berikut harga dan menu Cold-Pressed Coffee dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Café Latte (435 ml) Café Latte (435 ml)
Cold Pressed Coffee Fresh Milk Organic Coconut Sugar
Rp. 56,000
Mocha Latte (435 ml) Mocha Latte (435 ml)
Cold Pressed Coffee Fresh Milk Cacao Powder Organic Coconut Sugar
Rp. 61,000
Café Latte (250 ml) Café Latte (250 ml)
Cold Pressed Coffee Fresh Milk Organic Coconut Sugar
Rp. 40,000
Mocha Latte (250 ml) Mocha Latte (250 ml)
Cold Pressed Coffee Fresh Milk Cacao Powder Organic Coconut Sugar
Rp. 43,000

Kategori Food
Berikut harga dan menu Food dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Mix Munchies Mix Munchies
Dried Cranberry Almond Dried Apricot Pumpkin Seeds Cashew Golden Raisin Goji Berries Walnut
Rp. 73,000
Natural Peanut Butter – 250 g Natural Peanut Butter – 250 g
Peanut (99 5%) Sea Salt
Rp. 41,000
Natural Almond Butter – 250 g Natural Almond Butter – 250 g
Almond (99 65%) Sea Salt
Rp. 134,000
Mix Crunchies Mix Crunchies
Edamame Pumpkin Seeds Sunflower Seeds Dried Cranberry Almond A Dash Of Himalayan Salt
Rp. 73,000

Kategori Others
Berikut harga dan menu Others dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Shopping Bag Shopping Bag
Per Pc
Rp. 2,000
Re.juve Cooling Pack Set Re.juve Cooling Pack Set
(Untuk Menjaga Kualitas Product Saat Pengiriman) 1 Paper Bag 1 Alufo Bag Dan 3 Pcs Re Usable Thermafreeze
Rp. 5,500
Re-usable Cooler Bag Besar Re-usable Cooler Bag Besar
Re Usable Cooler Bag Besar Dan 3 Pcs Re Usable Thermafreeze
Rp. 56,000
Re-usable Cooler Bag Kecil Re-usable Cooler Bag Kecil
Re Usable Cooler Bag Kecil Dan 3 Pcs Re Usable Thermafreeze
Rp. 40,000
Shopping Box Set Shopping Box Set
1 Box Dengan Isi Maksimal 3 Botol Ukuran 1 350 Ml 8 Thermafreeze
Rp. 30,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 2,000 - Rp. 176,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Re.Juve, Cipete secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


1. Rosita Endra (06/12/21 - 15:52:30)
Rating Review 4
 harganya kurangin yaa


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