Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 |
Best Coffee | Blend |
Based Tea | Based Coffee Muncar Hot / Ice |
Bento |
Kategori Best Coffee Berikut harga dan menu Best Coffee yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Ice Muncar Best Coffee Condensed Milk Fresh Milk Espresso | Rp. 26,000 | |
Kategori Blend Berikut harga dan menu Blend dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Cookies Chocolate Chocolate Flavor Fresh Milk Cookies | Rp. 30,000 | |
Cookies Vanilla Fresh Milk Vanilla Flavor Cookies | Rp. 30,000 | |
Cookies Hazelnut Fresh Milk Hazelnut Flavor Cookies | Rp. 30,000 | |
Cookies Caramel Fresh Milk Caramel Flavor Cookies | Rp. 30,000 | |
Cookies Red Velvet Fresh Milk Red Velvet Flavor Cookies | Rp. 33,750 | |
Cookies Green Tea Fresh Milk Green Tea Flavor Cookies | Rp. 33,750 | |
Kategori Based Tea Berikut harga dan menu Based Tea dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Ice/Hot Original Tea - | Rp. 10,000 | |
Ice/Hot Lime Tea - | Rp. 12,500 | |
Ice/Hot Lychee Tea - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Kategori Based Coffee Muncar Hot / Ice Berikut harga dan menu Based Coffee Muncar Hot / Ice dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Americano Ice/Hot Espresso Mineral Water | Rp. 22,500 | |
Cafe Latte Hot/Ice Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 26,250 | |
Cappucino Hot/Ice Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 26,250 | |
Mocha Latte Hot/Ice Chocolate Flavor Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 30,000 | |
Caramel Latte Hot/Ice Caramel Flavor Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 30,000 | |
Hazelnut Latte Hot/Ice Hazelnut Flavor Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 30,000 | |
Vanilla Latte Hot/Ice Vanilla Flavor Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 30,000 | |
Green Tea Latte Hot/Ice Green Tea Flavor Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 35,000 | |
Red Velvet Latte Hot/ice Red Velvet Flavor Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 35,000 | |
Ice Mocha Cookies Latte Chocolate Flavor Cookies Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 37,000 | |
Red Velvet Cookies Latte Red Velvet Flavor Cookies Espresso Fresh Milk | Rp. 37,000 | |
Cold Brew Muncar - | Rp. 22,500 | |
Kategori Bento Berikut harga dan menu Bento dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Ayam Taliwang Nasi Putih Ayam Bumbu Taliwang Tempe Goreng Sayur Lalapan | Rp. 37,500 | |
Daging Goreng Mentega Nasi Putih Daging Goreng Sc Mentega Sayur Lalapan Sambal | Rp. 43,750 | |
Ayam Geprek Sambal Mercon Nasi Putih Ayam Goreng Geprek Sambal Mercon Tempe Goreng Lalapan | Rp. 37,500 | |
Ayam Goreng Saus Bistik Nasi Putih Ayam Goreng Sc Bistik Telur Rebus Sayur Lalapan | Rp. 37,500 | |
Chicken Black papper Fried Rice Chicken Black Papper | Rp. 30,000 | |
Chicken Corden Blue Fried Rice With Chicken | Rp. 30,000 | |
Chicken Canton Fried Rice With Chicken | Rp. 30,000 | |
Chicken Katsu Fried Rice With Chicken | Rp. 30,000 | |
Chicken Teriyaki Fried Rice With Chicken | Rp. 30,000 | |
Chicken Rica Sauce Fried Rice With Chicken | Rp. 30,000 |
Senin | 10:00-21:00 |
Selasa | 10:00-21:00 |
Rabu | 10:00-21:00 |
Kamis | 10:00-21:00 |
Jumat | 10:00-21:00 |
Sabtu | 10:00-21:00 |
Minggu | 10:00-21:00 |
Sate Kelinci |
Jadah Tempe |
Sate Jaran |
Pepes Belut |
Sego Welut |
Ayam Goreng |
Kupat Gule |
Entok Slenget |
Saoto Bathok |
Salak Pondoh |