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Rating 4.1 (4.1)

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Restoran WARUNG MANTUL merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Banten yang tepatnya di daerah Tangerang Selatan

  •   Alamat : Jalan Wijaya Kusuma No 15 RT 002 RW 004 Lengkong Gudang, Serpong
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 05-Aug-2020
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Snacks Jajanan, Minuman, Sweets Desserts dengan rasa yang sangat enak dan harga terjangkau yang bisa anda nikmati bersama-sama dengan keluarga. Anda bisa mencoba semua menu yang disediakan dan siap memanjakan lidah Anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 All Juice Mantul Authentic Thai Tea
 Food Mantul Boba Cheese Tea
 Pop Ice Blend Bubble

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori All Juice
Berikut harga dan menu All Juice dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Jus Alpukat Jus Alpukat
Alpukat Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Pisang Jus Pisang
Pisang Sunpride Milk
Rp. 20,000
Jus Mangga Jus Mangga
Mangga Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Strawberry Jus Strawberry
Strawberry Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Terong Landa Jus Terong Landa
Terong Landa Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Jambu Jus Jambu
Guava Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Buah Naga Jus Buah Naga
Buah Naga Fresh Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Apel Jus Apel
Apel Fuji Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Nanas Jus Nanas
Nanas Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Tomat Jus Tomat
Tomato Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Wortel Jus Wortel
Wortel Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Pear Jus Pear
Pear Milk
Rp. 15,000
jus jeruk jus jeruk
Jeruk Milk
Rp. 15,000
jus pepaya jus pepaya
Pepaya Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Durian Jus Durian
Durian Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Sirsak Jus Sirsak
Sirsak Milk
Rp. 10,000
Jus Belimbing Jus Belimbing
Belimbing Milk
Rp. 15,000
Jus Kiwi Jus Kiwi
Kiwi Fresh Milk
Rp. 20,000
Jus Lemon Jus Lemon
Fresh Lemon Milk
Rp. 20,000

Kategori Mantul Authentic Thai Tea
Berikut harga dan menu Mantul Authentic Thai Tea dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Thai Tea M Thai Tea M
Tea Creamer Sugar
Rp. 15,000
Thai Tea XL Thai Tea XL
Tea Creamer Sugar
Rp. 20,000
Thai Tea HOT Thai Tea HOT
Tea Creamer Sugar
Rp. 14,000
Thai Green Tea M Thai Green Tea M
Greentea Creamer Sugar
Rp. 15,000
Thai Green Tea XL Thai Green Tea XL
Greentea Creamer Sugar
Rp. 20,000
Thai Greentea HOT Thai Greentea HOT
Tea Creamer Sugar
Rp. 14,000
Thai Coffee HOT Thai Coffee HOT
Coffee Creamer Sugar
Rp. 15,000
Thai Tea Milo M Thai Tea Milo M
Tea Creamer Sugar Milo
Rp. 19,000
Thai Tea Milo XL Thai Tea Milo XL
Tea Creamer Sugar Milo
Rp. 24,000
Thai Greentea Milo M Thai Greentea Milo M
Greentea Creamer Sugar Milo
Rp. 19,000
Thai Green Tea Milo XL Thai Green Tea Milo XL
Greentea Creamer Sugar Milo
Rp. 24,000
Thai Black Tea M Thai Black Tea M
Tea Sugar
Rp. 14,000
Thai Black Tea XL Thai Black Tea XL
Tea Sugar
Rp. 18,000
Thai black coffee M Thai black coffee M
Coffee Sugar
Rp. 15,000
Thai Lime tea M Thai Lime tea M
Tea Sugar Lime
Rp. 15,000
topping black bubble topping black bubble
Black Bubble
Rp. 2,000
topping silverqueen topping silverqueen
Coklat Silverqueen (tabur)
Rp. 5,000
topping oreo topping oreo
Oreo (tabur)
Rp. 2,000
topping grass jelly topping grass jelly
Jelly Hitam Tawar
Rp. 2,000
topping cream cheese topping cream cheese
Cream Cheese
Rp. 5,000
topping cincau topping cincau
Cincau Hitam
Rp. 2,000
Thai Coffee M Thai Coffee M
Coffee Creamer Sugar
Rp. 17,000
Thai Coffee XL Thai Coffee XL
Coffee Creamer Sugar
Rp. 22,000
Thai coffee milo M Thai coffee milo M
Coffee Creamer Sugar Milo
Rp. 20,000
Thai Coffee Milo XL Thai Coffee Milo XL
Coffee Creamer Sugar Milo
Rp. 25,000
Thai Black Coffee XL Thai Black Coffee XL
Coffee Sugar
Rp. 18,000
Thai Lime Tea XL Thai Lime Tea XL
Tea Sugar Lime
Rp. 20,000

Kategori Food
Berikut harga dan menu Food dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Sosis Large Sosis Large
Chicken Sapi
Rp. 15,000
Sosis Medium Sosis Medium
Ayam Dan Sapi
Rp. 8,000

Kategori Mantul Boba Cheese Tea
Berikut harga dan menu Mantul Boba Cheese Tea dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Red Velvet Cheese Red Velvet Cheese
Milk Cream Flavour Red Velvet Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000
Espresso Cheese Espresso Cheese
Milk Cream Flavour Espresso Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000
Taro Cheese Taro Cheese
Milk Cream Flavour Taro Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000
Dark Coco Cheese Dark Coco Cheese
Milk Cream Chocolato Cream Cheese Boba
Rp. 18,000

Kategori pop ice blend bubble
Berikut harga dan menu pop ice blend bubble dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Pop Ice Coklat bubble Pop Ice Coklat bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice durian bubble Pop ice durian bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice Lychee bubble Pop ice Lychee bubble
Pop Ic Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice melon bubble Pop ice melon bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice stroberry bubble Pop ice stroberry bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice Taro bubble Pop ice Taro bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice Guava bubble Pop ice Guava bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice grape bubble Pop ice grape bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice avocado bubble Pop ice avocado bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice blueberry bubble Pop ice blueberry bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice sirsak bubble Pop ice sirsak bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice mangga bubble Pop ice mangga bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice kacang hijau bubble Pop ice kacang hijau bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice permen karet bubble Pop ice permen karet bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice es doger bubble Pop ice es doger bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice es teler bubble Pop ice es teler bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice cream cheese bubble Pop ice cream cheese bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice yoghurt bubble Pop ice yoghurt bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice vanilla blue bubble Pop ice vanilla blue bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice vanilla latte bubble Pop ice vanilla latte bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice choco chream bubble Pop ice choco chream bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice choco cockies bubble Pop ice choco cockies bubble
Pop Ice Feee Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice coklat susu bubble Pop ice coklat susu bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice choco cheese bubble Pop ice choco cheese bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice Cappucino bubble Pop ice Cappucino bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice avocado cappucino bubble Pop ice avocado cappucino bubble
Pop Ic Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice moccacino bubble Pop ice moccacino bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice Whita coffee bube Pop ice Whita coffee bube
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice coffelatte bubble Pop ice coffelatte bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
Pop ice durian cappucino bubble Pop ice durian cappucino bubble
Pop Ice Free Topping Bubble
Rp. 8,000
All varian pop ice polos All varian pop ice polos
Pop Ice No Topping
Rp. 6,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 2,000 - Rp. 25,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran WARUNG MANTUL secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


 Lokasi Restoran

 Jam Operasional

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