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Rayy i_coffee

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Restoran Rayy i_coffee merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang tepatnya di daerah Tasikmalaya

  •   Alamat : JL RAYA BARAT CIMERAH RT001 RW001
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 09-Feb-2021
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Minuman, Coffee Shop, Snacks Jajanan dengan harga yang terjangkau. Menu yang disediakan pun bermacam-macam dan anda bisa mencoba nya untuk dinikmati dengan keluarga atau saudara anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Coffee Beans (Hot/Cold) Non Coffee (Hot/Cold)

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Coffee Beans (Hot/Cold)
Berikut harga dan menu Coffee Beans (Hot/Cold) dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Espresso Fresh Milk Gula Aren Berkualitas
Rp. 20,000
Vietnam Drip (Hot Only) Vietnam Drip (Hot Only)
Robusta Single Origin Grade 1 Susu Kental Manis
Rp. 15,000
Kopi Mint (Cold Only) Kopi Mint (Cold Only)
Espresso Fresh Milk Sirop Mint Premium
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Keju Kopi Keju
Espresso Fresh Milk Premium Cheese Cream
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Matcha Kopi Matcha
Espresso Fresh Milk Bubuk Matcha Premium
Rp. 23,000
Affogato Affogato
Espresso Soft Ice Cream Rayy Vanilla
Rp. 20,000
V60(Hot)/Jap V60(Cold) V60(Hot)/Jap V60(Cold)
Biji Kopi Arabica Single Origin (Gayo Wine Java Preanger Parentas Taraju)
Rp. 20,000
Kopi Tubruk (Hot Only) Kopi Tubruk (Hot Only)
Biji Kopi Arabica Single Origin (Gayo Wine Java Preanger)
Rp. 13,000
Capucino Capucino
Espresso Fresh Milk
Rp. 20,000
Americano Americano
Espresso Air Mineral
Rp. 15,000
Kopi Latte Kopi Latte
Espresso Fresh Milk
Rp. 20,000
Kopi Soda (Cold Only) Kopi Soda (Cold Only)
Espresso Soda
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Soda Aren (Cold Only) Kopi Soda Aren (Cold Only)
Espresso Soda Gula Aren Cair
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Soda Susu (Cold Only) Kopi Soda Susu (Cold Only)
Espresso Soda Susu Kental Manis
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Lemon Kopi Lemon
Espresso Air Mineral Sirop Lemon Premium
Rp. 20,000
Kopi Caramel Kopi Caramel
Espresso Fresh Milk Sirop Caramel Premium
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Vanila Kopi Vanila
Espresso Fresh Milk Sirop Vanila Premium
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Soklat Kopi Soklat
Espresso Fresh Milk Bubuk Coklat Premium
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Lemon Soda (Cold Only) Kopi Lemon Soda (Cold Only)
Espresso Soda Sirop Lemon Premium
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Avocado Kopi Avocado
Espresso Fresh Milk Bubuk Avocado Premium
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Susu Regal Kopi Susu Regal
Espresso Fresh Milk Biskuit Marie Regal
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Blue (Cold Only) Kopi Blue (Cold Only)
Espresso Soda Sirop Blue Ocean
Rp. 23,000
Espresso (Hot Only) Espresso (Hot Only)
Espresso (Biji Kopi Premium Grade 1)
Rp. 10,000
Sanger Espresso (Hot Only) Sanger Espresso (Hot Only)
Espresso Susu Kental
Rp. 13,000
Kopi Suren Botol 250 Kopi Suren Botol 250
Espresso Susu Full Cream Gula Aren Berkualitas
Rp. 25,000
Kopi Vanila Botol 250 Kopi Vanila Botol 250
Espresso Susu Full Cream Sirop Vanila Premium
Rp. 27,000
Kopi Caramel Botol 250 Kopi Caramel Botol 250
Espresso Susu Full Cream Sirop Caramel Premium
Rp. 27,000
Kopi Mint Botol 250 Kopi Mint Botol 250
Espresso Susu Full Cream Sirop Mint Premium
Rp. 27,000
Kopi Blue Milky Kopi Blue Milky
Espresso Fresh Milk Sirop Blue Ocean
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Berry Kopi Berry
Espresso Fresh Milk Sirop Strawberry
Rp. 23,000
Kopi Soda Berry (Cold Only) Kopi Soda Berry (Cold Only)
Espresso Soda Sirop Strawberry
Rp. 23,000
Es Kopi Rayy (The Best Seller) Cold Only Es Kopi Rayy (The Best Seller) Cold Only
Espresso Susu Full Cream Gula Aren
Rp. 23,000

Kategori Non Coffee (Hot/Cold)
Berikut harga dan menu Non Coffee (Hot/Cold) dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Fresh Milk Bubuk Green Tea Premium
Rp. 17,000
Soda Susu (Cold Only) Soda Susu (Cold Only)
Soda Susu Kental Manis
Rp. 15,000
Lemon Tea Lemon Tea
Bubuk Premium Lemon Tea Air Mineral
Rp. 15,000
Choco Lava Choco Lava
Bubuk Coklat Premium Fresh Milk Lava Coklat
Rp. 21,000
Taro Lava Taro Lava
Bubuk Taro Premium Fresh Milk Lava Taro
Rp. 21,000
Redvel Lava Redvel Lava
Bubuk Red Velvet Premium Fresh Milk Lava Redvel
Rp. 21,000
Taro Taro
Bubuk Taro Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Red Velvet Red Velvet
Bubuk Redvel Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Avocado Milk Avocado Milk
Bubuk Avocado Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Fresh Milk Aren Fresh Milk Aren
Fresh Milk Gula Aren Berkualitas
Rp. 17,000
Fresh Milk Keju Aren Fresh Milk Keju Aren
Fresh Milk Premium Cheese Cream Gula Aren Berkualitas
Rp. 21,000
Lemon Tea Milk Lemon Tea Milk
Bubuk Lemon Tea Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Fresh Milk Jahe (Hot Only) Fresh Milk Jahe (Hot Only)
Jahe Merah Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Choco Cha Choco Cha
Bubuk Coklat Premium Bubuk Matcha Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Vanila Milky Vanila Milky
Bubuk Vanila Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Coklat Silverqueen Coklat Silverqueen
Bubuk Silverqueen Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Coklat Caramel Coklat Caramel
Bubuk Caramel Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Coklat Milo Coklat Milo
Bubuk Milo Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Coklat Oreo Coklat Oreo
Bubuk Oreo Premium Fresh Milk
Rp. 17,000
Soklat Oreo Soklat Oreo
Bubuk Oreo Premium Fresh Milk Biskuit Oreo
Rp. 21,000
Cookies N Cream Cookies N Cream
Bubuk Vanila Premium Fresh Milk Biskuit Oreo
Rp. 21,000
Susu Regal Susu Regal
Fresh Milk Biskuit Marie Regal
Rp. 21,000
Choco Regal Choco Regal
Bubuk Coklat Premium Fresh Milk Biskuit Marie Regal
Rp. 21,000
Taro Boba Taro Boba
Bubuk Taro Premium Fresh Milk Premium Cheese Cream Boba
Rp. 21,000
Redvel Boba Redvel Boba
Bubuk Redvel Premium Fresh Milk Premium Cheese Cream Boba
Rp. 21,000
Matcha Boba Matcha Boba
Bubuk Matcha Premium Fresh Milk Premium Cheese Cream Boba
Rp. 21,000
Fresh Milk Boba Fresh Milk Boba
Fresh Milk Premium Cheese Cream Boba
Rp. 21,000
Blue Ocean (Cold Only) Blue Ocean (Cold Only)
Sirop Blue Ocean Premium Soda
Rp. 17,000
Avocado Milo Avocado Milo
Bubuk Premium Avocado Susu Full Cream Bubuk Milo
Rp. 17,000
Red Ocean (Cold Only) Red Ocean (Cold Only)
Sirop Strawberry Soda
Rp. 17,000
Ice Cream Rayy Jumbo Ice Cream Rayy Jumbo
Soft Ice Cream Vanila
Rp. 15,000
Es Coklat Roti (Cold Only) Es Coklat Roti (Cold Only)
Bubuk Coklat Silverqueen Premium Roti
Rp. 17,000
Soda Lemon (Cold Only) Soda Lemon (Cold Only)
Soda Lemon
Rp. 15,000

Kategori Makanan
Berikut harga dan menu Makanan yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Tahu Walik Tahu Walik
Tahu Adonan
Rp. 15,000
Cigo Chili Oil Cigo Chili Oil
Cireng Goreng Chili Oil
Rp. 15,000
Kereng Kereng
Kentang Goreng
Rp. 17,000
Kencheese Kencheese
Kentang Goreng Mozarella Bakar
Rp. 25,000
Mie Tektek Mie Tektek
Mie Telor Bumbu Racikan
Rp. 19,000
Nasgor Nasgor
Nasi Goreng Telor Bumbu Racikan
Rp. 19,000
Sosis Mozza Sosis Mozza
Sosis Mozarella
Rp. 15,000
Sokar Sokar
Sosis Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Pilosuke Pilosuke
Pisang Milo Susu Kental Keju
Rp. 15,000
Pisuju Pisuju
Pisang Susu Kental Keju
Rp. 15,000
Stik Mozza Stik Mozza
Mozarella Adonan
Rp. 15,000
Somay (Varian Kukus/Goreng/Kuah) Somay (Varian Kukus/Goreng/Kuah)
Daging Telur Tepung Bumbu
Rp. 19,000
Maccheese (Macroni Keju) Maccheese (Macroni Keju)
Makroni Keju Bumbu
Rp. 22,000
Spaghetty Spaghetty
Pasta Bumbu Spaghetty
Rp. 22,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 10,000 - Rp. 27,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Rayy i_coffee secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


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