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Stasiun Kopi Purwakarta

Rating 4.7 (4.7)

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Restoran Stasiun Kopi Purwakarta merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang tepatnya di daerah PURWAKARTA

  •   Alamat : Jl. KK Singawinata No. 15, Purwakarta Kota, Purwakarta
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 26-Aug-2017
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Coffee Shop, Minuman yang cocok disantap dengan teman atau sahabat anda. Tempat makan ini menawarkan berbagai menu masakan yang enak dan lezat. Harganya pun masih bisa dijangkau oleh kantong anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Berbasis Espresso Seduh Manual
 Stasiun Frappe Chocolate Based
 Susu Segar Milk Shake
 Aneka Teh Minuman Segar
 Cake Roti ( Pastry )
 Makanan Ringan Makanan Pembuka
 Makanan Utama Steak
 Pasta Pizza
 Fish Day Bites Mie
 Kwetiaw Dan Capcay Makanan Penutup
 New Arrival

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Berbasis Espresso
Berikut harga dan menu Berbasis Espresso dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Es Kopi Susu 1Ltr Es Kopi Susu 1Ltr
Rp. 156,000
Double Espresso Double Espresso
Sari Kopi Murni 60ml
Rp. 29,660
Machiato Machiato
Sari Kopi Murni 30ml Ditambah Busa Susu
Rp. 29,660
Kopi Tubruk Kopi Tubruk
Kopi Pahit Khas Indonesia Dengan Ampas
Rp. 29,660
Americano Hot Americano Hot
Sari Kopi Murni 60ml Ditambah Air
Rp. 29,660
Americano Ice Americano Ice
Sari Kopi Murni 60ml Ditambah Air Dan Es
Rp. 35,310
Picolo Picolo
Cappucino Ukuran Mini
Rp. 28,248
Affogato Coffee Jelly Affogato Coffee Jelly
Vanilla Ice Cream Single Espresso Dan Coffee Jelly
Rp. 35,310
Cappucino Hot Cappucino Hot
Sari Kopi Murni 30ml Ditambah Susu Segar (Gula Terpisah)
Rp. 35,310
Cappucino Ice Cappucino Ice
Sari Kopi Murni 60ml Ditambah Susu Segar Dan Es (Gula Terpisah)
Rp. 43,784
Caffe Latte Hot Caffe Latte Hot
Sari Kopi Murni Ditambah Susu Segar (Gula Terpisah)
Rp. 38,134
Caffe Latte Ice Caffe Latte Ice
Sari Kopi Murni Ditambah Susu Segar Dan Es (Gula Terpisah)
Rp. 43,784
Caffe Mocha Hot Caffe Mocha Hot
Sari Kopi Murni Ditambah Susu Segar Dan Coklat
Rp. 38,134
Caffe Mocha Ice Caffe Mocha Ice
Sari Kopi Murni Ditambah Susu Segar Coklat Dan Es
Rp. 43,784
Strong Cappucino Hot Strong Cappucino Hot
Sari Kopi Murni 60ml Ditambah Susu Segar (Gula Terpisah)
Rp. 38,134
Rasberry Mocha Latte Hot Rasberry Mocha Latte Hot
Single Espresso Fresh Milk Raspberry Powder Dan Coklat
Rp. 35,310
Rasberry Mocha Latte Ice Rasberry Mocha Latte Ice
Single Espresso Fresh Milk Raspberry Powder Coklat Dan Es
Rp. 43,784
Taro Latte Hot Taro Latte Hot
Espresso Taro Dan Fresh Milk
Rp. 40,959
Taro Latte Ice Taro Latte Ice
Espresso Taro Vanilla Ice Cream Dan Fresh Milk
Rp. 46,609
Hazelnut Latte Hot Hazelnut Latte Hot
Single Espresso Hazelnut Syrup Dan Fresh Milk
Rp. 40,959
Hazelnut Latte Ice Hazelnut Latte Ice
Single Espresso Hazelnut Syrup Fresh Milk Dan Es
Rp. 46,609
Caramel Latte Hot Caramel Latte Hot
Single Espresso Caramel Syrup Dan Fresh Milk
Rp. 40,959
Caramel Latte Ice Caramel Latte Ice
Single Espressp Caramel Syrup Fresh Milk Dan Es
Rp. 46,609
Vanilla Latte Hot Vanilla Latte Hot
Single Espresso Vanilla Syrup Dan Fresh Milk
Rp. 40,959
Vanilla Latte Ice Vanilla Latte Ice
Single Espresso Vanilla Syrup Fresh Milk Dan Es
Rp. 46,609
Machiato Gula Merah Hot Machiato Gula Merah Hot
Single Espresso Fresh Milk Dan Gula Merah
Rp. 40,959
Machiato Gula Merah Ice Machiato Gula Merah Ice
Single Espresso Fresh Milk Gula Merah Dan Es
Rp. 46,609
Cream Brulle Hot Cream Brulle Hot
Espresso Fresh Milk Brule Syrup
Rp. 46,609
Caramel Machiato Hot Caramel Machiato Hot
Single Espresso Vanilla Caramel Sauce Dan Fresh Milk
Rp. 46,609
Caramel Machiato Ice Caramel Machiato Ice
Single Espresso Vanilla Caramel Sauce Fresh Milk Dan Es
Rp. 52,258
Thailand Ice Coffe Thailand Ice Coffe
Es Kopi Susu Khas Thailand
Rp. 46,609
Caramel Coffe Jelly Caramel Coffe Jelly
Single Espresso Caramel Syrup Fresh Milk Dan Coffee Jelly
Rp. 46,609
Kopi Duren Kopi Duren
Single Espresso Fresh Milk Vanilla Dan Durian
Rp. 43,784
Es Kopi Susuu Es Kopi Susuu
Sari Kopi Murni Fresh Milk SKM Gula Aren Dan Whipped Cream (Disajikan Dingin)
Rp. 46,609
Espresso Espresso
Sari Kopi Murni 30ml
Rp. 38,100
Kopi Kolaa Kopi Kolaa
Cold Brew Dan Coca Cola
Rp. 49,434
Banana Latte Ice Banana Latte Ice
Rp. 40,200
Es Kopi Susu 110ml Es Kopi Susu 110ml
Rp. 18,361

Kategori Seduh Manual
Berikut harga dan menu Seduh Manual dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
V60 V60
Rp. 50,846
French Press French Press
Rp. 50,846
Aero Press Aero Press
Rp. 50,846
Vietnam Hot Vietnam Hot
Rp. 43,784
Vietnam Ice Vietnam Ice
Rp. 46,609
Japanese Ice Coffee Japanese Ice Coffee
Rp. 50,846
Cold Brew Ice Coffee Cold Brew Ice Coffee
Rp. 43,784
Syphon Syphon
Rp. 50,846
Chemex Chemex
Rp. 50,846

Kategori Stasiun Frappe
Berikut harga dan menu Stasiun Frappe yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Hazelnut Cookies Hazelnut Cookies
Blend Susu Vanilla Syrup Hazelnut Ditambah Cookies Dan Cream
Rp. 49,400
Cookies & Cream Cookies & Cream
Blend Sari Kopi Murni Ditambah Susu Segar Vanilla Cookies Dan Cream
Rp. 49,400
Caramel Coffee Blend Caramel Coffee Blend
Blend Sari Kopi Murni Susu Segar Caramel Syrup Vanilla Es Cream
Rp. 49,400
Mint Seduction Mint Seduction
Blend Sari Kopi Murni Susu Segar Vanilla Flavoured Mint Es Cream
Rp. 49,400
Cream Brulee Blend Cream Brulee Blend
Blend Sari Kopi Murni Susu Segar Syrup Cream Brulee Es Cream
Rp. 49,400
Mocha Coffee Blend Mocha Coffee Blend
Blend Sari Kopi Murni Sus Segar Ditambah Coklat Dan Cream
Rp. 49,400
Irish Coffee Blend Irish Coffee Blend
Blend Sari Kopi Murni Susu Segar Syrup Iris Vanill Kopi Jelly Es Cream
Rp. 49,400
Avocado Coffee Blend Avocado Coffee Blend
Blend Sari Kopi Murni Susu Segar Powder Alpukat Susu Scoop Es Cream
Rp. 49,400
Smoothies Strawberry Smoothies Strawberry
Blend Strawberry Ditambah Susu Segar Vanilla Dan Cream
Rp. 49,400
Taro Milk Delight Ice Taro Milk Delight Ice
Rp. 49,400

Kategori Chocolate Based
Berikut harga dan menu Chocolate Based dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate
Rp. 29,660
Ice Chocolate Ice Chocolate
Rp. 35,310
Chocolate Blend Chocolate Blend
Rp. 38,134
Iced Chocolate Oreo Iced Chocolate Oreo
Rp. 43,784
Chocolate Oreo Blend Chocolate Oreo Blend
Rp. 49,434
Iced Chocolate Banana Iced Chocolate Banana
Rp. 43,784
Iced Chocolate Mint Iced Chocolate Mint
Rp. 43,784
Chocolate Mint Blend Chocolate Mint Blend
Rp. 49,434
Hot Chocolate Irish Hot Chocolate Irish
Rp. 35,310
Iced Chocolate Irish Iced Chocolate Irish
Rp. 43,784
Chocolate Irish Blend Chocolate Irish Blend
Rp. 49,434
Hot Chocolate Hazelnut Hot Chocolate Hazelnut
Rp. 35,310
Iced Chocolate Hazelnut Iced Chocolate Hazelnut
Rp. 43,784
Chocolate Hazelnut Blend Chocolate Hazelnut Blend
Rp. 49,434
Iced Coklat Durian Iced Coklat Durian
Rp. 43,784

Kategori Susu Segar
Berikut harga dan menu Susu Segar dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Iced Fresh Mint Milk Iced Fresh Mint Milk
Susu Segar Ditambah Flavoured Mint Vanilla Dan Hazelnut Syrup
Rp. 43,784
Iced Fresh Milk Iced Fresh Milk
Rp. 35,300
Hot Fresh Milk Hot Fresh Milk
Rp. 35,300

Kategori Milk Shake
Berikut harga dan menu Milk Shake yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Vanilla Milkshake Vanilla Milkshake
Rp. 43,784
Strawberry Milkshake Strawberry Milkshake
Rp. 43,784
Matcha Green Tea Milkshake Matcha Green Tea Milkshake
Rp. 49,434
Coffe Milkshake Coffe Milkshake
Rp. 49,434
Coffe Mocha Milkshake Coffe Mocha Milkshake
Rp. 49,434
Milkshake Durian Milkshake Durian
Rp. 48,500
Banana Milk Shake Banana Milk Shake
Rp. 43,784
Avocado Coffee Milk Shake Avocado Coffee Milk Shake
Rp. 43,784
Avocado Milk Shake W / Cofffee Jelly Avocado Milk Shake W / Cofffee Jelly
Rp. 49,434

Kategori Aneka Teh
Berikut harga dan menu Aneka Teh dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Iced Tea Iced Tea
Rp. 21,186
Dilmah Tea Hot Dilmah Tea Hot
English Breakfast Chamomile Greentea Peach Blackcurent Pepermint
Rp. 21,186
Blackcurrant Tea Ice Blackcurrant Tea Ice
Rp. 40,959
Lemon Tea Hot Lemon Tea Hot
Rp. 26,835
Iced Lemon Tea Iced Lemon Tea
Rp. 29,660
Milk Tea Hot Milk Tea Hot
Rp. 26,835
Milk Tea Ice Milk Tea Ice
Rp. 29,660
Thai Tea Ice Thai Tea Ice
Rp. 40,959
Thai Tea Hot Thai Tea Hot
Rp. 32,485
Green Tea Thai Hot Green Tea Thai Hot
Rp. 32,485
Green Tea Thai Ice Green Tea Thai Ice
Rp. 40,959
Banana Thai Tea Ice Banana Thai Tea Ice
Rp. 40,959
Green Tea Latte Hot Green Tea Latte Hot
Rp. 35,310
Green Tea Latte Ice Green Tea Latte Ice
Rp. 42,372
Green Tea Latte Blend Green Tea Latte Blend
Rp. 46,609
Wedang Jahe Hot Wedang Jahe Hot
Rp. 26,835
Wedang Jahe Iced Wedang Jahe Iced
Rp. 32,485
Stasiun Herbal Tea Stasiun Herbal Tea
Rp. 40,959
Iced Lithi Tea Iced Lithi Tea
Rp. 40,959
Iced Mango Tea Iced Mango Tea
Rp. 40,200
Peach Tea Ice Peach Tea Ice
Rp. 40,959
Iced Lithi Passion Iced Lithi Passion
Rp. 40,959
Iced Mango Passion Iced Mango Passion
Rp. 40,959
Iced Strawberry Passion Iced Strawberry Passion
Rp. 40,959
Iced Passion Tea Iced Passion Tea
Rp. 40,959

Kategori Minuman Segar
Berikut harga dan menu Minuman Segar dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Mojito Litchi Mojito Litchi
Rp. 43,784
Mojito Kiwi Mojito Kiwi
Rp. 43,784
Mojito Strawberry Mojito Strawberry
Rp. 43,784
Passion Fruit Passion Fruit
Rp. 43,784
Litchi Temptation Litchi Temptation
Rp. 43,784
Strawberry Temptation Strawberry Temptation
Rp. 43,784
Mango Temptation Mango Temptation
Rp. 43,784
Melon Juice Melon Juice
Rp. 46,609
Fresh Orange Juice Fresh Orange Juice
Rp. 46,609
Strawberry Juice Strawberry Juice
Rp. 46,609
Stasiun Mango Thai Stasiun Mango Thai
Rp. 49,434
Lemon Juice Lemon Juice
Rp. 38,134
Nata Orange W/Soda Water Nata Orange W/Soda Water
Rp. 46,610
Nata Orange W/Coconut Water Nata Orange W/Coconut Water
Rp. 46,610
Wortel Orange Madu Wortel Orange Madu
Rp. 46,610
Stasiun Orange Thai Stasiun Orange Thai
Rp. 49,434
Mojito Peach Mojito Peach
Rp. 43,784
Fresh Kiwi Juice Fresh Kiwi Juice
Rp. 46,609
Pakcoy Nanas Madu Pakcoy Nanas Madu
Rp. 46,610

Kategori Cake
Berikut harga dan menu Cake dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Japanesse Baked Chesse Cake Japanesse Baked Chesse Cake
Home Made Cheese Cake Topped With 1 Scoop Vanilla Ice Cream
Rp. 46,609
Green Tea Chesse Cake Green Tea Chesse Cake
Home Made Green Tea Cheese Cake Topped With 1 Scoop Ice Cream
Rp. 46,609
Brownies With Ice Cream Brownies With Ice Cream
Home Made Brownies Cake Topped With 1 Scoop Vanilla Ice Cream
Rp. 40,959
Banana Cake With Ice Cream Banana Cake With Ice Cream
Home Made Banana Cake Topped With 1 Scoop Vanilla Ice Cream
Rp. 40,959
Red Velvet Cake Red Velvet Cake
Rp. 40,960
Red Velvet W/Ice Cream Red Velvet W/Ice Cream
Rp. 49,434

Kategori Roti ( Pastry )
Berikut harga dan menu Roti ( Pastry ) yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Croissant Beef Croissant Beef
French Style Bread Fill In Beef
Rp. 41,000
Croissant Almond Croissant Almond
French Style Bread Fill In Almond
Rp. 41,000
Croissant Chocolate Croissant Chocolate
French Style Bread Fill In Chocolate
Rp. 41,000
Croissant Chesse Croissant Chesse
French Style Bread Fill In Cheese
Rp. 41,000
Roti Panggang Roti Panggang
2 Pcs Of Toast Bread Fill In With Choise Of Flavors : Chocolate Cheese Peanuts Strawberry Pineapple Jam Or Milk Cream
Rp. 29,700
Bolognaise Sandwich Bolognaise Sandwich
Rp. 35,300
Bolognaise Sandwich W / Wedges Bolognaise Sandwich W / Wedges
Rp. 49,434
Club Sandwich Chicken Club Sandwich Chicken
Rp. 55,083
Club Sandwich Chicken W / Wedges Club Sandwich Chicken W / Wedges
Rp. 69,207
Club Sandwich Beef Club Sandwich Beef
Rp. 55,083
Club Sandwich Beef W/Wedges Club Sandwich Beef W/Wedges
Rp. 69,207

Kategori Makanan Ringan
Berikut harga dan menu Makanan Ringan dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Jamur Enoki Goreng Jamur Enoki Goreng
Deep Fried Flour Enoki Mushroom Served With Chilli Sc
Rp. 29,660
Colenak Colenak
Rp. 26,836
Tape Bakar W/Topping Tape Bakar W/Topping
Pilihan Topping (Coklat Keju Kacang Susu)
Rp. 35,310
French Fries French Fries
Deep Fried Straight Cut Potatoes Served With Chilli Sc
Rp. 41,000
Chicken Wings Chicken Wings
Deep Fried 5 6 Pcs Marinated Chicken Wings Served With BBQ Sc
Rp. 41,000
Tape Bakar Tape Bakar
Tanpa Topping
Rp. 29,660
Bitter Ballen Bitter Ballen
1Porsi Isi 5Pcs
Rp. 35,310
Chicken Wings & Wedges Chicken Wings & Wedges
Deep Fried 3 Pcs Marinated Chicken Wings Accompanied With French Fries & Served With Chilli Sc
Rp. 52,258
Sosis Panggang Sosis Panggang
Grilled 2 Pcs Beef Sausages Served With Chilli Sc
Rp. 41,000
Rujak Cireng Rujak Cireng
Rp. 29,660
Tape Goreng W/Topping Tape Goreng W/Topping
Pilihan Topping (Coklat Keju Susu Kacang)
Rp. 32,485
Sosis Panggang Mozarella Sosis Panggang Mozarella
Grilled 2 Pcs Beef Sausages Topped With Moza Cheese Served With Chilli Sc
Rp. 49,400
Sosis & Wedges Sosis & Wedges
Grilled 3 Cuted Beef Sausages Accompanied With French Fries & Served With Chilli Sc
Rp. 46,609
Pisang Bakar Coklat Keju Pisang Bakar Coklat Keju
Rp. 32,485
Tahu Lada Garam Tahu Lada Garam
Rp. 29,660
Pisang Bakar Keju Caramel Pisang Bakar Keju Caramel
Rp. 32,485
Pisang Bakar Matcha Green Tea Pisang Bakar Matcha Green Tea
Rp. 32,485
Siomay Goreng Siomay Goreng
9 Pcs Traditional Dim Sum Fried Served W Peanut & Chilli Sauces
Rp. 41,000
Otak Otak Goreng Otak Otak Goreng
Rp. 38,100
Finger Fish Finger Fish
Deep Fried Flour Dory Fingers Style Served With Tartar & Chilli Sauces
Rp. 46,600
Finger Fish With French Fries Finger Fish With French Fries
Deep Fried Flour Dory Fingers Style Accompanied With French Fries And Served With Tartar & Chilli Sauces
Rp. 53,000
Singkong Thailand Singkong Thailand
Steamed Cassave Topping W Sweet Coconut Sc
Rp. 38,134
Singkong Kukus Keju Singkong Kukus Keju
Steamed Cassave Topping W Caramel Sc & Cheese
Rp. 32,485
Singkong Goreng With Chesse Singkong Goreng With Chesse
Deep Fried Cassava Topping With Caramel Sc & Cheese
Rp. 32,485
Singkong Crispy Singkong Crispy
Deep Fried Cassava With Crispy Flour
Rp. 31,100
Potato Wedges Potato Wedges
Deep Fried Coated Potatoes Wedges Served With Chilli Sc
Rp. 55,100
Potato Wedges W/Mozarella Chessee Potato Wedges W/Mozarella Chessee
Deep Fried Coated Potatoes Wedges Topped With Mozarella Chessee Served With Chilli Sc
Rp. 69,200
Snack Platters Snack Platters
French Fries Potato Wedges Sosis Chicken Wings Lumpia Dan Siomay
Rp. 69,200
Spicy Chicken Wings Spicy Chicken Wings
Rp. 40,959
Finger Chicken Finger Chicken
Daging Ayam Dilapisi Tepung Crispy
Rp. 46,600
Finger Chicken W/Fries Finger Chicken W/Fries
Rp. 52,300
Lumpia Semarang Lumpia Semarang
Rp. 26,835
Fried Calamary Fried Calamary
Rp. 55,083
Mix Snack Platter Mix Snack Platter
Chicken Wings Lumpia Semarang Wedges Sosis Otak Otak
Rp. 58,800
Dimsum Stasiun Dimsum Stasiun
1Porsi 5Pcs
Rp. 30,000

Kategori Makanan Pembuka
Berikut harga dan menu Makanan Pembuka dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Garlic Bread Garlic Bread
Baked Of 4 5 French Bread Spreaded By Garlic Butter
Rp. 18,361
Garlic Chesse Bread Garlic Chesse Bread
Baked Of 4 5 French Bread Spreaded By Garlic Butter & Topped With Cheese Sprinkle
Rp. 24,010
Garden Salad W / Grilled Tuna Garden Salad W / Grilled Tuna
Pilihan Dressing (Balsamic Garlic Honey Lemon)
Rp. 77,700
Garden Salad W / Grilled Chicken Garden Salad W / Grilled Chicken
Pilihan Dressing (Balsamic Garlic Honey Lemon)
Rp. 69,207
Cream Soupp Cream Soupp
Pilihan Topping Ikan Ayam Beef
Rp. 48,600
Mashed Potato Mashed Potato
Rp. 40,200
Garden Salad Grilled Chicken Garden Salad Grilled Chicken
Pilihan Dressing (Balsamic Garlic Honey Lemon)
Rp. 69,207

Kategori Makanan Utama
Berikut harga dan menu Makanan Utama dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Nasi Goreng Stasiun Nasi Goreng Stasiun
Home Made Fried Rice With Shrimp Paste Flavor Topped With Fried Egg & Shrimp Cracker
Rp. 46,609
Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin
Home Made Salted Fish Fried Rice Completed With Shrimp Cracker
Rp. 49,434
Nasi Goreng Seafood Nasi Goreng Seafood
Home Made Fried Rice Fill In With Shrimps And Squids Completed With Shrimp Cracker
Rp. 55,083
Nasi Goreng Tom Yam Nasi Goreng Tom Yam
Rp. 49,200
Nasi Goreng Sambal Matah Nasi Goreng Sambal Matah
Rp. 52,258
Rice Aglio Olio With Chicken Wings Rice Aglio Olio With Chicken Wings
Sauted Spicy Garlic Rice Fill In With Cubes Fish Completed With 2 Pcs Chicken Wings & Shrimp Cracker
Rp. 55,083
Rice Bowl Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl Chicken Teriyaki
Sauted Slices Of Chicken With Teriyaki Sauce Serve With Rice Mixed In A Bowl
Rp. 49,434
Rice Bowl Beef Teriyaki Rice Bowl Beef Teriyaki
Sauted Slices Of Beef With Teriyaki Sauce Serve With Rice Mixed In A Bowl
Rp. 55,083
Sapi Lada Hitam With Rice Sapi Lada Hitam With Rice
Sauted Slices Of Beef With Black Pepper Sauce Mixed With Onion And Green Red Peppers Serve With Rice
Rp. 69,207
Sapo Dori With Rice Sapo Dori With Rice
Stir Fry Dory Fish Tofu & Vegetables Serve With Rice *Choise Of Spicy Or Non Spicy
Rp. 55,083
Dori Jamur Enoki With Rice Dori Jamur Enoki With Rice
Stir Fry Dory Fish & Enoki Mushroom With Mushroom Soy Sauce Serve With Rice
Rp. 63,558
Soto Ayam Stasiun with Rice Soto Ayam Stasiun with Rice
Chicken Stock Fill In With Chicken Veggies Half Boiled Egg Glass Noodle Serve With Rice & Separate Sambal Chili Sauce *R
Rp. 46,609
Sop Iga With Rice Sop Iga With Rice
Soup Of Beef Ribs And Vegetables Tasty Serve With Rice & Separate Sambal Chili Sauce
Rp. 83,331
Sop Buntut With Rice Sop Buntut With Rice
Oxtail Soup With Vegetables Tasty Serve With Rice & Separate Sambal Chilli Sauce
Rp. 83,331
Chicken Crispy Spicy W / Rice Chicken Crispy Spicy W / Rice
Rp. 57,908
Chicken Crispy Spicy W / Frenchfries Chicken Crispy Spicy W / Frenchfries
Rp. 66,382
Chicken Crispy Spicy Mozarella W / Rice Chicken Crispy Spicy Mozarella W / Rice
Rp. 63,558
Chicken Crispy Spicy Mozarella W / French Fries Chicken Crispy Spicy Mozarella W / French Fries
Rp. 72,032
Rice Bowl Dory Matah Rice Bowl Dory Matah
Rp. 55,083
Chicken Blackpaper W/Rice Chicken Blackpaper W/Rice
Rp. 69,207
Chicken Blackpaper W/FF Chicken Blackpaper W/FF
Rp. 87,569
Tom Yum Soup Tom Yum Soup
Tofu Seafood (Cumi Udang Dory) Jamur
Rp. 49,434
Tom Yum Soup W/Rice Tom Yum Soup W/Rice
Tofu Seafood (Cumi Udang Dory) Jamur
Rp. 57,908
Nasi Goreng Tom Yum Nasi Goreng Tom Yum
Rp. 46,560
Nasi Goreng Soto Ayam Nasi Goreng Soto Ayam
Nasi Goreng Dipadukan Dengan Bumbu Soto Ayam
Rp. 49,434
Nasi Goreng Rawon Nasi Goreng Rawon
Nasi Goreng Dipadukan Dengan Bumbu Rawon Dan Daging Sapi
Rp. 55,084
Chicken Butter Rice Chicken Butter Rice
Rp. 83,332
Beef Butter Rice Beef Butter Rice
Rp. 83,331
Rawon With Rice Rawon With Rice
Black Kluwek Java Style Of Beef Stock Fill In With Cubes Beef Bean Sprout Serve With Rice & Salted Half Boiled Egg & Separate Sambal Chili Sauce
Rp. 69,207
Sop Kaki With Rice Sop Kaki With Rice
Soup Of Beef Foot And Vegetables Tasty Serve With Rice & Separate Sambal Chili Sauce
Rp. 63,558
Sop Iga Bakar Sop Iga Bakar
Rp. 97,455

Kategori Steak
Berikut harga dan menu Steak yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Sirloin Steak Lokal (BBQ, Mushroom, Blackpaper) Sirloin Steak Lokal (BBQ, Mushroom, Blackpaper)
Grill Of Sirloin Beef (120 G) Local Serve With Wedges & Mix Veggies Choice Of Sauce : BBQ Black Pepper Mushroom Brown Sauce Choice Of Dones : M MW W
Rp. 111,600
Tenderloin Steak Local ( BBQ/ Mushroom / Blackpaper) Tenderloin Steak Local ( BBQ/ Mushroom / Blackpaper)
Grill Of Tenderloin Beef (120 G) Local Serve With Wedges Mix Veggies Choice Of Sauce : BBQ Black Pepper Mushroom Brown Sauce Choice Of Dones : M MW WD
Rp. 125,700
Grilled Dory Matah With Rice Grilled Dory Matah With Rice
Grill Of Dory Fish (170g 200g) Topped With Sambal Matah (hot Sauce @ Bali Style) Completed By Mix Veggies And Serve With Rice
Rp. 69,200
Grilled Dory Matah With Wedges Grilled Dory Matah With Wedges
Rp. 77,700
Grilled Tuna Lada Hitam With Rice Grilled Tuna Lada Hitam With Rice
Rp. 69,200
Grilled Tuna Lada Hitam With Wedges Grilled Tuna Lada Hitam With Wedges
Rp. 77,700
Chicken Steak W/Rice Chicken Steak W/Rice
Bbq Sauce On Top
Rp. 69,200
Chicken Steak W/Wedges Chicken Steak W/Wedges
Bbq Sauce On Top
Rp. 77,700
Ayam Panggang Spicy W/ Rice Ayam Panggang Spicy W/ Rice
Rp. 69,207
Ayam Panggang Spicy W/Wedges Ayam Panggang Spicy W/Wedges
Rp. 77,682
Steak Maranggi With Rice Steak Maranggi With Rice
Rp. 103,900
Iga Bakar Stasiun With Rice Iga Bakar Stasiun With Rice
Rp. 105,930

Kategori Pasta
Berikut harga dan menu Pasta yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Aglio Olio Aglio Olio
Spaghetti With Sauted Garlic Olive Oil Garnished With 2 Garlic Bread Choice Of Spicy Or Non Spicy
Rp. 46,609
Aglio Olio With Fish Toping Aglio Olio With Fish Toping
Spaghetti With Sauted Garlic Olive Oil And Cubes Grill Fish Garnished With 2 Garlic Breads Choice Of Spicy Or Non Spicy
Rp. 55,083
Aglio Olio With Beef Toping Aglio Olio With Beef Toping
Spaghetti With Sauted Garlic Olive Oil Topped With Beef Slices & Garnished With 2 Garlic Bread Choice Of Spicy Or Non Spicy
Rp. 57,908
Fettucini Carbonara Fettucini Carbonara
Fettucini With Mixed Of Cream Mushroom Sauce Topped With Salami Beef & Shreaded Cheese
Rp. 55,083
Kids Fettucini Carbonara Kids Fettucini Carbonara
Fettucini With Mixed Of Cream Mushroom Sauce Topped With Salami Beef & Shreaded Cheese Kids Size
Rp. 46,609
Spagheti Bolognaise Spagheti Bolognaise
Spaghetti With Mixed Of Mince Beef And Tomato Pasta Topped With Shreaded Cheese
Rp. 52,258
Kids Spagheti Bolognaise Kids Spagheti Bolognaise
Spaghetti With Mixed Of Mince Beef And Tomato Pasta Topped With Shreaded Cheese Kids Size
Rp. 40,959
Aglio Olio W/Seafood Topping Aglio Olio W/Seafood Topping
Rp. 63,558
Aglio Olio Sambal Matah W/Tuna Topping Aglio Olio Sambal Matah W/Tuna Topping
Rp. 55,083

Kategori Pizza
Berikut harga dan menu Pizza yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Tuna Spicy Pizza Tuna Spicy Pizza
Rp. 49,434
Passion Pizza Passion Pizza
Rp. 34,700
Sweet Banana Pizza Sweet Banana Pizza
Rp. 40,200
Chicken Pizza Chicken Pizza
Rp. 43,784
Beef Pizza Beef Pizza
Rp. 49,434

Kategori Fish Day Bites
Berikut harga dan menu Fish Day Bites dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Fish And Mozarella Cheese Fish And Mozarella Cheese
Rp. 69,200
Fish & Chips Fish & Chips
Deep Fried Golden Brown Dory Patin Fillet Fish (170 200 Grm) Serve With French Fries & Tar Tar Sauce
Rp. 63,600
Fried Dory Sauce Thai With Wedges Fried Dory Sauce Thai With Wedges
Fried Dory Fish Topped With Sweet Spicy Sauce Serve With Rice Or Wedges
Rp. 69,200
Fish And Bolognaise Fish And Bolognaise
Rp. 69,207
Fish And Carbonara Fish And Carbonara
Rp. 69,200
Fried Dory Sauce Thai With Rice Fried Dory Sauce Thai With Rice
Rp. 67,900
Fish And Aglio Olio Fish And Aglio Olio
Rp. 69,207
Fish And Rice Aglio Olio Fish And Rice Aglio Olio
Rp. 69,207
Fish And Paella Rice Fish And Paella Rice
Rp. 69,207
Fish Platter Fish Platter
Rp. 168,075
Seafood Platter Seafood Platter
Rp. 168,075
Spicy Fish Platter Spicy Fish Platter
Rp. 168,075
Steam Dori W/Rice Steam Dori W/Rice
Rp. 55,083

Kategori Mie
Berikut harga dan menu Mie dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Mie Hokkian Ayam Mie Hokkian Ayam
Rp. 46,609
Mie Hokkian Sapi Mie Hokkian Sapi
Rp. 49,434
Mie Hokkian Seafood Mie Hokkian Seafood
Rp. 55,083
Mie Rebus Stasiun Ayam Mie Rebus Stasiun Ayam
Rp. 46,609
Mie Rebus Stasiun Sapi Mie Rebus Stasiun Sapi
Rp. 49,434
Mie Rebus Stasiun Seafood Mie Rebus Stasiun Seafood
Rp. 55,083
Mie Goreng Stasiun Ayam Mie Goreng Stasiun Ayam
Rp. 46,609
Mie Goreng Stasiun Sapi Mie Goreng Stasiun Sapi
Rp. 49,434
Mie Goreng Stasiun Seafood Mie Goreng Stasiun Seafood
Rp. 55,083
Mie Baso Stasiun Mie Baso Stasiun
Rp. 35,300
Mie Kocok Kikil Mie Kocok Kikil
Rp. 35,300

Kategori Kwetiaw Dan Capcay
Berikut harga dan menu Kwetiaw Dan Capcay dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Kwetiaw Ayam Goreng Kwetiaw Ayam Goreng
Rp. 46,609
Kwetiaw Sapi Goreng Kwetiaw Sapi Goreng
Rp. 49,434
Kwetiaw Seafood Goreng Kwetiaw Seafood Goreng
Rp. 55,083
Kwetiaw Ayam Kuah Kwetiaw Ayam Kuah
Rp. 46,609
Kwetiaw Sapi Kuah Kwetiaw Sapi Kuah
Rp. 49,434
Kwetiaw Seafood Kuah Kwetiaw Seafood Kuah
Rp. 55,083
Capcay Ayam With Rice Capcay Ayam With Rice
Rp. 45,700
Capcay Sapi With Rice Capcay Sapi With Rice
Rp. 48,500
Capcay Seafood With Rice Capcay Seafood With Rice
Rp. 54,000
Capcay Ayam Capcay Ayam
Rp. 42,372
Capcay Sapi Capcay Sapi
Rp. 45,197
Capcay Seafood Capcay Seafood
Rp. 50,846

Kategori Makanan Penutup
Berikut harga dan menu Makanan Penutup dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Peach Melba Peach Melba
Rp. 35,310
Banana Split Banana Split
Rp. 49,434
Fruit Plater Fruit Plater
Rp. 29,660
Fruit Salad Fruit Salad
Rp. 38,134

Kategori New Arrival
Berikut harga dan menu New Arrival dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Chicken Ramen Chicken Ramen
Rp. 55,084
Beef Ramen Beef Ramen
Rp. 63,558

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 18,361 - Rp. 168,075.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Stasiun Kopi Purwakarta secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.

Logo Stasiun Kopi Purwakarta

 Lokasi Restoran

 Ulasan Rating
Rasa Enak Rasa Enak60 Rating
Segar Segar47 Rating
Kemasan Baik Kemasan Baik51 Rating

 Jam Operasional

 Kuliner Khas PURWAKARTA
Ayam Goreng Purwakarta
Sate Maranggi
Kerupuk Miskin
Mie Pelangi
Kerupuk Ro
Soto Sadang
Es Ciming
Peuyeum Bendul

 Restoran Sekitar Stasiun Kopi Purwakarta
Sate Kambing Muda GhonamSate Kambing Muda Ghonam
Rating 4.5
Rotio, Stasiun PurwakartaRotio, Stasiun Purwakarta
Rating 4.8
Saung Kalabar WiskulSaung Kalabar Wiskul
Rating 4.6
Jajanan Ngeunah Bandung, Stasiun PurwakartaJajanan Ngeunah Bandung, Stasiun Purwakarta
Rating 4.8
Seafood Brebes Berhias, Purwakarta KotaSeafood Brebes Berhias, Purwakarta Kota
Rating 4.5
Ayam Geprek Sambel Cenghar, Jalan TengahAyam Geprek Sambel Cenghar, Jalan Tengah
Rating 4.7
Kedai Ngupi Ngupi PurwakartaKedai Ngupi Ngupi Purwakarta
Rating 4.8
Inspired Cafe & LoungeInspired Cafe & Lounge
Rating 3.9
Warkop Idr, Purwakarta/nagri TengahWarkop Idr, Purwakarta/nagri Tengah
Rating 0
Bakmi Bakso KajojoBakmi Bakso Kajojo
Rating 0


1. C**** (10/06/23 - 17:43:50)
Rating Review 5
 Langganan bgt!🔥Semuanya enak, cuma kalau boleh saran buatkan khusus cup takeaway soalnya suka tumpah2 minumannya pas datang:(

2. Sulam Nurhalieza (26/10/22 - 14:42:58)
Rating Review 5
 singkong thailand terenakkkk

3. A**** (23/09/22 - 19:41:55)
Rating Review 4
 strawberry smootiesnya enakk, aglio olio pastanya juga enak, cuma yg chicken wings + friesnya polos banget gapake saos/mayonaise atau garnish pake selada gituu biar lebih rame isinya

4. Cevi Arya Maulana (29/07/22 - 16:12:16)
Rating Review 4
 rekomended bgt buat ngemil


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