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the coffee mine

Rating 4.9 (4.9)

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Restoran the coffee mine merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jakarta yang tepatnya di daerah Jakarta

  •   Alamat : Jl Pegangsaan Timur No 1a Cikini Raya Menteng
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 17-May-2021
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Coffee Shop, Minuman. Harga yang ditawarkan pun juga lumayan terjangkau dan menu-menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup bervariasi sehingga cocok disantap dengan teman dan sahabat anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Berikut harga dan menu HOT COFFEE dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Espresso Espresso
Coffee Beans Extract
Rp. 30,000
Hot Black Coal (Americano) Hot Black Coal (Americano)
Double Shot Espresso With Hot Water
Rp. 30,000
Macchiato Macchiato
One Shot Espresso With Milk Foam
Rp. 35,000
Piccolo Piccolo
Baby Cappuccino
Rp. 35,000
Flat White Flat White
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk
Rp. 35,000
Hot Cappuccino Hot Cappuccino
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk And 1 3 Foam
Rp. 35,000
Hot Caffe Latte Hot Caffe Latte
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk And 0 5cm Foam
Rp. 35,000
Hot Aren Latte Hot Aren Latte
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk And Palm Sugar
Rp. 30,000
Hot Banana Latte Hot Banana Latte
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk And Banana Flavour
Rp. 38,000
Hot Hazelnut Latte Hot Hazelnut Latte
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk And Hazelnut Flavour
Rp. 38,000
Hot Vanila Latte Hot Vanila Latte
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk And Vanilla Flavour
Rp. 38,000
Hot Salted Caramel Latte Hot Salted Caramel Latte
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk And Salted Caramel Flavour
Rp. 38,000
Hot Gold Macchiato Hot Gold Macchiato
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk Vanilla Flavour And Caramel Sauce
Rp. 38,000
Hot Moccacino Hot Moccacino
One Shot Espresso With Steamed Milk And Chocolate Flavour
Rp. 38,000

Berikut harga dan menu ICED COFFEE dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Espresso On The Rock Espresso On The Rock
Double Shot Espresso With Ice Cube
Rp. 32,000
Iced Black Coal Iced Black Coal
Double Shot Espresso With Cold Water
Rp. 32,000
Iced Cappuccino Iced Cappuccino
Arabica Coffee With Milk And Foam
Rp. 37,000
Iced Caffe Latte Iced Caffe Latte
Arabica Coffee With Milk
Rp. 37,000
Iced Aren Latte Iced Aren Latte
Robusta Coffee With Milk And Palm Sugar
Rp. 32,000
Iced Banana Latte Iced Banana Latte
Robusta Coffee With Milk And And Banana Flavour
Rp. 40,000
Iced Hazelnut Latte Iced Hazelnut Latte
Robusta Coffee With Milk And And Hazelnut Flavour
Rp. 40,000
Iced Vanilla Latte Iced Vanilla Latte
Robusta Coffee With Milk And And Vanilla Flavour
Rp. 40,000
Iced Salted Caramel Latte Iced Salted Caramel Latte
Robusta Coffee With Milk And And Salted Caramel Flavour
Rp. 40,000
Iced Gold Macchiato Iced Gold Macchiato
Robusta Coffee With Milk Vanilla Flavour And Drizzled Caramel Sauce
Rp. 40,000
Iced Moccacino Iced Moccacino
Robusta Coffee With Milk And And Chocolate Flavour
Rp. 40,000

Berikut harga dan menu HOT NON COFFEE dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Hot Milk Tea Hot Milk Tea
Rp. 38,000
Hot Thai Tea Hot Thai Tea
Rp. 38,000
Hot Choco Iron Hot Choco Iron
Steamed Milk With Premium Dark Chocolate Flavour
Rp. 38,000
Hot Pure Vanilla Hot Pure Vanilla
Steamed Milk With Vanilla Flavour
Rp. 38,000
Hot Green Tea Latte Hot Green Tea Latte
Steamed Milk With Premium Green Tea Flavour
Rp. 38,000

Berikut harga dan menu ICED NON COFFEE dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Iced Milk Tea Iced Milk Tea
Rp. 40,000
Iced Thai Tea Iced Thai Tea
Rp. 40,000
Iced Choco Iron Iced Choco Iron
Milk With Premium Dark Chocolate Flavour
Rp. 40,000
Iced Pure Vanilla Iced Pure Vanilla
Milk With Vanilla Flavour
Rp. 40,000
Iced Green Tea Latte Iced Green Tea Latte
Milk With Premium Green Tea Flavour
Rp. 40,000
Avocado Matcha Avocado Matcha
Milk Blended With Avocado Matcha Flavour
Rp. 43,000
Chocolate Chocochips Chocolate Chocochips
Milk Blended With Chocolate Flavour And Chocochips
Rp. 43,000
Black Forest Black Forest
Milk Blended With Chocolate Flavour Chocochips And Cherry
Rp. 43,000
Mine Cookies Oreo Mine Cookies Oreo
Milk Blended With Vanilla Flavour And Oreo
Rp. 43,000
Mine Shake Regal Mine Shake Regal
Milk Blended With Vanilla Flavour And Regal
Rp. 43,000

Berikut harga dan menu ADDITIONAL yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Extra Espresso Extra Espresso
Rp. 7,000
Extra Caramel Extra Caramel
Rp. 7,000

Kategori HOT TEA
Berikut harga dan menu HOT TEA dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
English Breakfast English Breakfast
Rp. 30,000
Earl Grey Earl Grey
Rp. 30,000
Genmatcha Genmatcha
Rp. 30,000
Chamomile Chamomile
Rp. 30,000
Peppermint Peppermint
Rp. 30,000
Hot Lemon Tea Hot Lemon Tea
Rp. 32,000
Hot Lychee Tea Hot Lychee Tea
Rp. 32,000
Hot Apple Tea Hot Apple Tea
Rp. 32,000
Hot Blackcurrant Tea Hot Blackcurrant Tea
Rp. 32,000

Kategori ICED TEA
Berikut harga dan menu ICED TEA dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Iced Tea Iced Tea
Rp. 19,000
Iced Lemon Tea Iced Lemon Tea
Rp. 34,000
Iced Lychee Tea Iced Lychee Tea
Rp. 34,000
Iced Apple Tea Iced Apple Tea
Rp. 34,000
Iced Blackcurrant Tea Iced Blackcurrant Tea
Rp. 34,000

Berikut harga dan menu REFRESHER dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Lychee Yakult Lychee Yakult
Yakult Shaked With Lychee Flavour And Lychee Fruit
Rp. 43,000
Yellow Mine Mojito Yellow Mine Mojito
Soda Water Mint Lime And Banana Flavour
Rp. 43,000
Green Mine Mojito Green Mine Mojito
Soda Water Mint Lime And Apple Flavour
Rp. 43,000
Cherry Mine Mojito Cherry Mine Mojito
Soda Water Mint Lime Cherry Extract And Crushed Cherry
Rp. 43,000
Lychee Mine Mojito Lychee Mine Mojito
Soda Water Mint Lime Lychee Flavour And 2pcs Of Lychee
Rp. 43,000

Kategori BOTTLED
Berikut harga dan menu BOTTLED yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Black Coal 1L Black Coal 1L
Rp. 79,000
Choco Iron 1L Choco Iron 1L
Rp. 109,000
Green Tea Latte 1L Green Tea Latte 1L
Rp. 109,000
Lychee Tea 1L Lychee Tea 1L
Rp. 79,000
Aren Latte 1L Aren Latte 1L
Rp. 89,000
Caffe Latte 1L Caffe Latte 1L
Rp. 99,000

Kategori PASTRY
Berikut harga dan menu PASTRY dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Almond Croissant Almond Croissant
Rp. 33,000
Butter Croissant Butter Croissant
Rp. 27,000
Cheese Cake Cheese Cake
Rp. 39,000
Chocolate Croissant Chocolate Croissant
Rp. 31,000
Chocolate Muffin Chocolate Muffin
Rp. 33,000
Cinnamon Roll Cinnamon Roll
Rp. 31,000
Spicy Chicken Spicy Chicken
Rp. 31,000
Tuna Cheddar Puff Tuna Cheddar Puff
Rp. 31,000

Kategori MEALS
Berikut harga dan menu MEALS yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Beef Rice Bowl Beef Rice Bowl
Rp. 49,000
Cireng Cireng
Bumbu Rujak
Rp. 25,000
French Fries French Fries
Rp. 25,000
Mexican Nachos Mexican Nachos
Rp. 35,000

Kategori OTHER
Berikut harga dan menu OTHER dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Mineral Water Mineral Water
Rp. 7,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 7,000 - Rp. 109,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran the coffee mine secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


1. D** Y**** (10/02/23 - 14:58:36)
Rating Review 5
 semua minumannya recomend 👍👍

2. A** (09/07/22 - 19:09:07)
Rating Review 5
 ini enak walo soal rasa emang soal selera. di intip ig nya ternyata cafenya bagus, barang2 yang dipakai juga kwalitas atas.. top2❤️👍👍

3. Melani Diandini (05/05/22 - 16:04:00)
Rating Review 5
 coffeenya enak. suami suka picky ama kopi tp dia suka bgt sama cappucino with extra shotnya. plus dicombine with the choco muffin 👍👍 compliment for the chocolate muffin - butternya berasa ampe dalem dan cukup gese porsinya. just a thought: mungkin boleh ditambah menu cheese muffin? dengan potongan cheese inside pls? id buy that a lot. cheesecakenya juga enak. kata misua kaya lemony rasanya. wish it is a bit bigger huhu TuT defo will repurchase saat kita mau snacking coffee and cakes 👍👍


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