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factor X coffee, Cinere, Gandul, Depok

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>> Daftar dan dapatkan cuan berkali lipat <<

Restoran factor X coffee, Cinere, Gandul, Depok merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang tepatnya di daerah Depok

  •   Alamat : Jl Raya Gandul No 14 Cinere, Depok
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 05-Jul-2022
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Coffee Shop. yang sangat enak dinikmati bersama keluarga anda. Kamu bisa kok menikmati sajian makanan yang enak dengan harga terjangkau di restoran ini.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Coffee Non Coffee
 Frappe Snack
 Manual Brew Rice Bowl

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Coffee
Berikut harga dan menu Coffee dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Kopi Gula Aren Kopi Gula Aren
Flat White Serve With Aren Sugar
Rp. 36,000
Espresso Single Espresso Single
Extract Fresh Grind Coffee
Rp. 22,000
Espresso Double Espresso Double
Double Extraction Grind Coffee
Rp. 26,400
Espresso Machiato Espresso Machiato
Espresso With Milk Foam
Rp. 30,000
Americano Hot Americano Hot
Espresso With Hot Water
Rp. 30,000
Americano Ice Americano Ice
Espresso Water Add Ice
Rp. 32,400
Long Black Long Black
Water Add Espresso
Rp. 30,000
Long Black Ice Long Black Ice
Water Espresso Add Ice
Rp. 32,400
Cappuccino Hot Cappuccino Hot
Espresso Milk And Foam
Rp. 33,600
Cappuccino Ice Cappuccino Ice
Cappuccino With Ice
Rp. 36,000
Latte Hot Latte Hot
Espresso Milk And Thin Foam
Rp. 33,600
Latte Ice Latte Ice
Latte With Ice
Rp. 36,000
Flat White Hot Flat White Hot
Espresso With Fresh Hot Milk
Rp. 33,600
Flat White Ice Flat White Ice
Espresso With Freshmilk Add Ice
Rp. 36,000
Mocha Hot Mocha Hot
Espresso Chocolate And Freshmilk
Rp. 36,000
Mocha Ice Mocha Ice
Espresso Chocolate Freshmilk Add Ice
Rp. 38,400

Kategori Non Coffee
Berikut harga dan menu Non Coffee dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Hot Tea Hot Tea
Rp. 12,000
Ice Tea Ice Tea
Tea With Ice
Rp. 14,400
Lemon Tea Hot Lemon Tea Hot
Tea With Lemon Flavor
Rp. 18,000
Ice Lemon Tea Ice Lemon Tea
Tea With Lemon Flavor Add Ice
Rp. 20,400
Teh Tarik Teh Tarik
Tea With Milk
Rp. 18,000
Teh Tarik Ice Teh Tarik Ice
Tea Milk Add Ice
Rp. 20,400
Lychee Tea Lychee Tea
Tea With Lychee Flavor Add Ice
Rp. 26,400
Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate
Chocolate With Freshmilk
Rp. 33,600
Ice Chocolate Ice Chocolate
Chocolate With Freshmilk Add Ice
Rp. 36,000
Hot Greentea Latte Hot Greentea Latte
Greentea With Freshmilk
Rp. 33,600
Ice Greentea Latte Ice Greentea Latte
Greentea With Freshmilk Add Ice
Rp. 36,000
Hot Redvelvet Hot Redvelvet
Redvelvet With Freshmilk
Rp. 33,600
Ice Redvelvet Ice Redvelvet
Redvelvet With Freshmilk Add Ice
Rp. 36,000
Hot Charcoal Hot Charcoal
Charcoal With Freshmilk
Rp. 33,600
Ice Chorcoal Ice Chorcoal
Charcoal With Freshmilk Add Ice
Rp. 36,000
Hot Chocolate Mint Hot Chocolate Mint
Chocolate Freshmilk Add Mint Syrup
Rp. 36,000
Ice Chocolate Mint Ice Chocolate Mint
Chocolate Freshmilk Mint Syrup Add Ice
Rp. 38,400

Kategori Frappe
Berikut harga dan menu Frappe dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Rum Frappe Rum Frappe
Rum Syrup Espresso SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Caramel Frappe Caramel Frappe
Caramel Syrup Espresso SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Vanilla Frappe Vanilla Frappe
Vanilla Syrup Espresso SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Oreo Frappe Oreo Frappe
Vanilla Syrup Espresso SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice And Oreo
Rp. 42,000
Almond Frappe Almond Frappe
Almond Syrup Espresso SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Hazelnut Frappe Hazelnut Frappe
Hazelnut Syrup Espresso SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
White Choco Frappe White Choco Frappe
White Choco Syrup Espresso SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Mocca Frappe Mocca Frappe
Chocolate Espresso SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Chocolate Frappe Chocolate Frappe
Chocolate Freshmilk SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Redvelvet Frappe Redvelvet Frappe
Redvelvet Freshmilk SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Greentea Frappe Greentea Frappe
Greentea Freshmilk SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000
Charcoal Frappe Charcoal Frappe
Charcoal Freshmilk SKM Frappe Spc Blend With Ice
Rp. 42,000

Kategori Snack
Berikut harga dan menu Snack dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Edamame Edamame
Boiled Edamame
Rp. 18,000
Indomie Telur Rebus/Goreng Indomie Telur Rebus/Goreng
Indomie Egg Vegetable
Rp. 24,000
French Fries French Fries
Kentang Goreng
Rp. 30,000
Beef Sausages Beef Sausages
Sosis Serve With Fries
Rp. 30,000
Samosa Samosa
Samosa Serve With Fries
Rp. 30,000
Chicken Wings Chicken Wings
Chicken Wings Coating BBQ Sauce
Rp. 36,000
Beef Kebab Beef Kebab
Beef Kebab Serve With Fries
Rp. 36,000
Omelette/Scrambled Eggs Omelette/Scrambled Eggs
Eggs Cooking Serve With Toast
Rp. 36,000
Beef or Chicken Sandwich Beef or Chicken Sandwich
Selection Beef Or Chicken Sandwich Serve With Fries
Rp. 48,000

Kategori Manual Brew
Berikut harga dan menu Manual Brew dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
V 60 Hot V 60 Hot
Single Origin Selection Brewing With V60 Method
Rp. 30,000
V 60 Ice V 60 Ice
Single Origin Selection Brewing With V60 Method Add Ice
Rp. 32,400
Aeropress Aeropress
Single Origin Selection Brewing With Aeropress Method
Rp. 30,000
Aeropress Ice Aeropress Ice
Single Origin Selection Brewing With Aeropress Method Add Ice
Rp. 32,400
Vietnam Drip Hot Vietnam Drip Hot
Single Origin Selection Brewing With Vietnam Driper And SKM
Rp. 30,000
Vietnam Drip Ice Vietnam Drip Ice
Single Origin Selection Brewing With Driper SKM Add Ice
Rp. 32,400
French Press Hot French Press Hot
Single Origin Selection Brewing With French Press Method
Rp. 30,000
French Press Ice French Press Ice
Single Origin Selection Brewing With French Press Method Add Ice
Rp. 32,400

Kategori Rice Bowl
Berikut harga dan menu Rice Bowl dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Chicken Salted Egg Sauce Chicken Salted Egg Sauce
Rice Chicken Add Salted Egg Sauce Serve With Fried Egg
Rp. 42,000
Chicken Sweet Sour Sauce Chicken Sweet Sour Sauce
Rice Chicken Add Sweet And Sour Sauce Serve With Fried Egg
Rp. 42,000
Chicken Teriyaki Sauce Chicken Teriyaki Sauce
Rice Chicken Add Teriyaki Sauce Serve With Fried Egg
Rp. 42,000
Chicken Sambal Matah Chicken Sambal Matah
Rice Chicken Add Sambal Match Serve With Fried Egg
Rp. 42,000
Beef Salted Egg Sauce Beef Salted Egg Sauce
Rice Beef Add Salted Egg Sauce Serve With Fried Egg
Rp. 42,000
Beef Sweet Sour Sauce Beef Sweet Sour Sauce
Rice Beef Add Sweet Sour Sauce Serve With Fried Egg
Rp. 42,000
Beef Teriyaki Sauce Beef Teriyaki Sauce
Rice Beef Add Teriyaki Sauce Serve With Fried Egg
Rp. 42,000
Beef Sambal Matah Beef Sambal Matah
Rice Beef Add Sambal Matah Serve With Fried Egg
Rp. 42,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 12,000 - Rp. 48,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran factor X coffee, Cinere, Gandul, Depok secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


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