Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 |
Single Macaron | Sampler Box |
Kategori Single Macaron Berikut harga dan menu Single Macaron yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Vanilla Forest Macaron With Vanilla Bean Mixed With Buttercream Filling | Rp. 29,000 | |
Lemon Tree Macaron With Lemon Juice And Lemon Zest Mixed With Buttercream Filling | Rp. 29,000 | |
Salted Caramel Macaron With Salted Caramel Mixed With Buttercream Filling | Rp. 28,000 | |
Cookies and Cream Macaron With Oreo Crumble Mixed With Buttercream Filling | Rp. 28,000 | |
Rosy Berry Macaron With Rose Buttercream And Raspberry Puree Filling | Rp. 31,000 | |
Milk Chocochip Macaron With Buttermilk And Chocochip Filling | Rp. 30,000 | |
Mint Chocochip Macaron With Mint Tea Mixed With Buttercream And Chocochip Filling | Rp. 30,000 | |
Royal Earl Grey Macaron With Buttercream Mixed With Real Earl Grey Tea Filling | Rp. 29,000 | |
Real Milk Macaron With Buttermilk Filling | Rp. 28,000 | |
Espresso Latte Macaron With Espresso Shot Mixed With Buttercream Filling | Rp. 28,000 | |
Kategori Sampler Box Berikut harga dan menu Sampler Box dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Sampler Box 8pcs Macarons With 8 Different Flavours In A Box | Rp. 200,000 |
Selasa | 09:00-17:00 |
Rabu | 09:00-17:00 |
Jumat | 09:00-17:00 |
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