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7 Clover Coffee Caravan

Rating 4.8 (4.8)

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Restoran 7 Clover Coffee Caravan merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang tepatnya di daerah Sleman

  •   Alamat : Jl. Perumnas No. 158, Kledokan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 06-Apr-2021
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Aneka Nasi, Coffee Shop, Pizza Pasta. yang sangat enak dinikmati bersama keluarga anda. Kamu bisa kok menikmati sajian makanan yang enak dengan harga terjangkau di restoran ini.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Minuman Espresso Based
 Coffee Signatures Chocolate Based
 Tea Signatures Non Coffee
 Smoothies Appetizers
 Main Courses Pizza Series
 Desserts Manual Brew Tea By Havilla
 Ramadan Special

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Minuman
Berikut harga dan menu Minuman yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Chocolate Chocolate
Minuman Dengan Paduan 3 Jenis Coklat
Rp. 25,000
Earl Grey Tea Earl Grey Tea
Tea Artisan
Rp. 20,000

Kategori Espresso Based
Berikut harga dan menu Espresso Based yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Affogato Affogato
Espresso Ice Cream Vanilla
Rp. 27,600
Americano Americano
Espresso And Mineral Water
Rp. 22,800
Cafe Latte Cafe Latte
Milk With Espresso
Rp. 30,000
Cappucino Cappucino
Milk With Espresso
Rp. 30,000
Rockcappucino Rockcappucino
Espresso Cube Brown Sugar
Rp. 33,600
Suntal Coffee Suntal Coffee
Condensed Milk With Espresso
Rp. 27,600
Caramel Machiato Caramel Machiato
Rp. 40,800

Kategori Coffee Signatures
Berikut harga dan menu Coffee Signatures dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Faith Faith
Signature Espresso And Secret Syrup
Rp. 38,400
Hope Hope
Chilled Manual Brew And Secret Recipes
Rp. 38,400
Love Love
Chilled Manual Brew And Secret Recipes
Rp. 38,400
Luck Luck
Signature Espresso And Herbs Recipes
Rp. 38,400

Kategori Chocolate Based
Berikut harga dan menu Chocolate Based dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Chocolate Chocolate
Chocholate Signature With Milk
Rp. 31,200
Guilty Guilty
Chocolate Condensed Milk Ice Cream And Espresso
Rp. 38,400
Caffe Mocha Caffe Mocha
Chocolate And Espresso
Rp. 33,600
Chocolate Flavoured Chocolate Flavoured
Almond And Hazelnut
Rp. 31,200
Banana Choco Banana Choco
Banana And Chocolate
Rp. 33,600
Banana Mocha Banana Mocha
Banana Chocolate And Espresso
Rp. 37,200

Kategori Tea Signatures
Berikut harga dan menu Tea Signatures dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Fruit Breeze Fruit Breeze
Tea Recipe With Secret Syrup
Rp. 37,200
Spice And Herbs Spice And Herbs
Herbs Recipe Mix Tonic Water
Rp. 27,600
Floral Breeze Floral Breeze
Tea Recipe Mix Secret Syrup
Rp. 32,400

Kategori Non Coffee
Berikut harga dan menu Non Coffee dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Sprinkle Fruit Sprinkle Fruit
Tonic Water Mix Secret Syrup
Rp. 30,000
Greentea Latte Greentea Latte
Greentea Flavour With Milk
Rp. 32,400
Vanilla Milkshake Vanilla Milkshake
Ice Cream Vanilla With Milk
Rp. 31,200
Green Tea Milshake Green Tea Milshake
Matcha With Ice Cream
Rp. 38,400
Tropical Breeze Tropical Breeze
Tonic Water Mix Secret Syrup
Rp. 34,800
After Grey After Grey
Tonic Water Mix Secret Syrup
Rp. 34,800
Evergreen Evergreen
Tonic Water Mix Secret Syrup
Rp. 34,800
The Fruit Purple The Fruit Purple
Rp. 36,000
Magic Lemonade Magic Lemonade
Rp. 40,800
Black Ocean Black Ocean
Rp. 40,800
Bloody Berry Bloody Berry
Rp. 32,400

Kategori Smoothies
Berikut harga dan menu Smoothies dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Rainbow Splash Rainbow Splash
Banana Secret Syrup
Rp. 31,200
3 Varian Smoothies 3 Varian Smoothies
Berry Smoothies Lychee Smoothies Banana Berry Smoothies
Rp. 38,400

Kategori Appetizers
Berikut harga dan menu Appetizers dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Kebab Veggie Kebab Veggie
Grilled Kebab With Sauted Vegetable
Rp. 22,800
Chicken Cone Salad Chicken Cone Salad
Chicken With Vegetable Salad Served With Cone
Rp. 24,000
Cheesy Bitterballen Cheesy Bitterballen
Chicken Ball With Mozarella Cheese ( Isi 6 )
Rp. 33,600
Seven Platter Seven Platter
Onion Samosa And Sweet Lumpia
Rp. 30,000
French Fries French Fries
Kentang Di Goreng
Rp. 22,800
Seven Nachos Seven Nachos
Rp. 26,400

Kategori Main Courses
Berikut harga dan menu Main Courses dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Curry Fried Rice Curry Fried Rice
Fried Rice With Curry Seasoning
Rp. 32,400
Spaghetti Chicken Curry Spaghetti Chicken Curry
Pasta With Curry Seasoning And Vegetable
Rp. 32,400
Veggie Aglio Pasta Veggie Aglio Pasta
Pasta With Vegetables
Rp. 28,800
Beef Soup Beef Soup
Soup Beef With Rice
Rp. 42,000
Beef Burger Beef Burger
Burger With Slice Of Meat And Special Sauce
Rp. 46,800
Chicken Sandwich Chicken Sandwich
Toast Bread With Grilled Chicken
Rp. 33,600
Chicken Rujak Seasoned Chicken Rujak Seasoned
Grilled Chicken With Traditional Sauce
Rp. 32,400
Beef Stir-fry Soup Beef Stir-fry Soup
Soup With Sauted Stir Fry Beef
Rp. 42,000
Spaghetti Tofu Red Sauced Spaghetti Tofu Red Sauced
Pasta With Red Sauce And Crispy Tofu Topping
Rp. 28,800
Wonton Soup Wonton Soup
Vegetable Soup With Crispy Wonton With Rice
Rp. 33,600
Spaghetti Tofu Curry Spaghetti Tofu Curry
Pasta With Curry Sauced
Rp. 31,200
Club Sandwich Club Sandwich
Toast Bread With Grilled Beef And Veggie
Rp. 44,000
French Toast French Toast
Bread Toast With Cinammon Taste
Rp. 30,000
Herbs Chicken Soup Herbs Chicken Soup
Rp. 31,200
Spaghetti Herbs Chicken Spaghetti Herbs Chicken
Rp. 32,400
Summer Chicken Breast Summer Chicken Breast
Rp. 32,400
Herbs And Spicy Chicken Herbs And Spicy Chicken
Rp. 32,400
Cornet Beef Toast Cornet Beef Toast
Roti Panggang Dengan Cornet Beef Dan Mozarella
Rp. 33,600

Kategori Pizza Series
Berikut harga dan menu Pizza Series dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Beef Pizza Beef Pizza
Pizza With Slice Beef Cheese
Rp. 52,800
Chicken Pizza Chicken Pizza
Pizza With Souted Chicken
Rp. 44,400

Kategori Desserts
Berikut harga dan menu Desserts dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Fruit Cone Bowl Fruit Cone Bowl
Slice Fruits With Ice Cream
Rp. 24,000
Fruit Waffle Fruit Waffle
Waffle With Slice Fruits And Maple Syrup
Rp. 28,800
Mapple Waffle Mapple Waffle
Waffle With Mapple Syrup
Rp. 22,800
Fruit Chocolate Ice Cream Waffle Fruit Chocolate Ice Cream Waffle
Chocolate Waffle With Fruit And Ice Cream Topping
Rp. 31,200

Kategori Manual Brew Tea By Havilla
Berikut harga dan menu Manual Brew Tea By Havilla dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Classic Earl Grey Classic Earl Grey
300ml Of Special Earl Grey Tea By Havilla
Rp. 28,800
Chamomile Tea Chamomile Tea
300ml Of Chamomile Tea By Havilla
Rp. 28,800
Queensberry Voyage Tea Queensberry Voyage Tea
300ml Of Queensberry Voyage Tea By Havilla
Rp. 28,800

Kategori Ramadan Special
Berikut harga dan menu Ramadan Special dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Masala Tea Masala Tea
Rp. 22,000
Milky Jelly Milky Jelly
Rp. 22,000
Iftar Summer Drink Iftar Summer Drink
Rp. 22,000
Coconut Orange Splash Coconut Orange Splash
Rp. 22,000
7 Roll 7 Roll
Mixing Casava With Vanilla Taste
Rp. 13,000
Grilled Dumpling Grilled Dumpling
Chicken Dumpling With Chili Oil
Rp. 16,000
Fried Honey Yam Fried Honey Yam
Traditional Honey Yam With Vanilla
Rp. 13,000
Crispy Cassava Crispy Cassava
Traditional Casava With Vanilla
Rp. 13,000
Cupple Bowl Meal Cupple Bowl Meal
Boiled Noddles With Chicken Stock Served With Chicken Dumpling And Chili Oil
Rp. 37,000
Cupple Bowl Cupple Bowl
Boiled Noddles With Chicken Stock Served With Chicken Dumpling And Chili Oil
Rp. 25,000
Cupple Bowl Meal Ramadan Special Bev Cupple Bowl Meal Ramadan Special Bev
Rp. 59,000
Cupple Bowl Meal Signature Tea Cupple Bowl Meal Signature Tea
Rp. 43,000
7Cs Picks Meal 7Cs Picks Meal
Rp. 44,000
7Cs Pick Meal Signature Tea 7Cs Pick Meal Signature Tea
Rp. 50,000
7Cs Pick Meal Ramadan Special Bev 7Cs Pick Meal Ramadan Special Bev
Rp. 63,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 13,000 - Rp. 63,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran 7 Clover Coffee Caravan secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


1. Tika Candra (25/12/22 - 12:25:46)
Rating Review 5
 gak pernah kecewa sama rasa kopi dan makanannya, selalu enak dan porsinya pas 👌🖤

2. Tika Candra (04/12/22 - 11:54:14)
Rating Review 5
 baru tau tempat ini dr gofood.. iseng2 coba order dan ternyata enak kopi dan makanannya dengan harga yg cukup trjngkau.. jadi solusi pas pengen ngopi sekaligus makan karna pilihan menu cukup beragam..

3. Tika Candra (04/12/22 - 11:45:33)
Rating Review 5
 rasa,porsi, harga semua pas.. enakk 👌

4. Tika Candra (02/12/22 - 18:10:26)
Rating Review 5
 kopinya enak, makanan juga enak dengan porsi yg lumayan banyak 👌

5. San (28/03/22 - 10:29:39)
Rating Review 5
 nice coffee & snacks 👍

6. E** (17/02/22 - 11:14:37)
Rating Review 5
 Oke banget buat yg nyari makanan darrah jl prumnas

7. A** (16/01/22 - 12:19:51)
Rating Review 5
 smothiessnya segar pas ga terlalu manis, makananannya jg enak2, harga terjangkau

8. Rani Ariana (17/12/21 - 13:34:45)
Rating Review 5
 good food good price!

9. Rani Ariana (17/12/21 - 13:33:10)
Rating Review 5
 Americanonya juarak!

10. A*** (08/12/21 - 22:37:12)
Rating Review 5
 for me personally, this restaurant is a hidden gem. the foods are great and the coffes are ok too. this resto is very underrated, while they serve good food and drink. sukses terus ya!


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