Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 |
Roti Bakar Kadet Manis | Roti Kukus Kadet Manis |
Roti Bakar Kadet Asin | Soft Drink |
BasReng | Juice |
Additional Toping | Package |
Noodle Aka Mie |
Kategori Roti Bakar Kadet Manis Berikut harga dan menu Roti Bakar Kadet Manis dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Jadoel Toast Mentega Gula Pasir Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 9,000 | |
Jadoel Sprinkled With Bengbeng Toast Mentega Gula Pasir Ditaburin Drink Bengbeng Susu Bakar | Rp. 15,000 | |
Chocolate Toast Selai Coklat Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 9,000 | |
Double Chocolate With Bengbeng Toast - | Rp. 17,000 | |
Peanut Toast Selai Kacang Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 9,000 | |
Peanut Chocolate Toast Selai Kacang Cokelat Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 11,500 | |
Peanut With Bengbeng Toast Selai Kacang Ditaburi Bengbeng | Rp. 15,000 | |
Peanut With Matcha Latte Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Single Cheese Toast Keju Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 11,500 | |
Double Cheese Toast Keju Parut Melimpah | Rp. 15,000 | |
Cheese Chocolate Toast Selai Coklat Ditaburi Keju Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 13,000 | |
Cheese Nuts Toast Selai Kacang Keju Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 13,000 | |
Cheese Blueberry Toast - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Cheese Tiramisu Toast - | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheese Greentea Toast - | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheese With Bengbeng Toast Keju Parut Ditaburin Bengbeng Susu | Rp. 17,000 | |
Blueberry Toast - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Blueberry Nut Toast Selai Kacang Selai Blueberry Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 11,500 | |
Blueberry Chocolate Toast - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Blueberry Tiramisu Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Blueberry Greentea Toast - | Rp. 15,500 | |
Blueberry With Bengbeng Toast Selai Blueberry Taburan Drink Bengbeng Susu | Rp. 15,000 | |
Strawberry Toast - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Strawberry Nut Toast Selai Kacang Dan Selai Strawberry | Rp. 11,500 | |
Strawberry Chocolate Toast - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Strawberry Tiramisu Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Strawberry With Bengbeng Toast Strawberry Ditaburin Bengbeng Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 15,000 | |
Strawberry Greentea Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Durian Toast Selai Durian Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 10,500 | |
Durian Chocolate Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Durian Cheese Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Durian Greentea Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Durian Chocolate With Bengbeng Toast - | Rp. 17,000 | |
Tiramisu Toast - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Tiramisu Chocolate Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Tiramisu Durian Toast - | Rp. 18,500 | |
Tiramisu Greentea Toast Selai Tiramisu Dan Gteentea Susu Kental Manis | Rp. 15,000 | |
Greentea Toast - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Greentea Chocolate Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Nastar Toast Selai Nanas Kental Manis | Rp. 13,000 | |
Nastar Cheese Toast Selai Nastar Dan Keju Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 15,000 | |
Nastar Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast Selai Nanas Taburan Drink Bengbeng Dan Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 15,000 | |
Nastar Choco Toast Selai Nanas Coklat Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 15,000 | |
Chocholate With Bengbeng Toast Selai Cokelat Ditabur Bengbeng Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 15,000 | |
Choco Banana Sprinkled With Cheese Milk Toast Cokelat Pisang Ditaburi Keju | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheese Vanilla Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Vanilla Toast - | Rp. 11,000 | |
Vanilla Chocolate Toast - | Rp. 12,500 | |
Vanilla Greentea Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Nextar Brownies Choco Milk Toast Nextar Coklat Susu | Rp. 17,500 | |
Tiramisu Vanilla Toast - | Rp. 17,500 | |
Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Beng2 Toast Wafer Bengbeng Ditaburin Drink Bengbeng Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 17,500 | |
Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Tiramisu Cheese Toast Wafer Caramel Pakai Selai Tiramisu Dan Parutan Keju Serta Taburan Bengbeng Bubuk Kental Manis | Rp. 19,500 | |
Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Chocolate Toast - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Cheese Moza Milk Toast Keju Mozarela Susu Bakar | Rp. 15,000 | |
Cheese Moza Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast Keju Mozarela Ditaburi Serbuk Bengbeng | Rp. 18,500 | |
Cheese Moza With Vanilla Milk Toast Keju Mozarela Dan Vanila Kental Manis | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheese Moza With Greentea Milk Toast Keju Mozarela Dan Greentea Kental Manis | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheese Moza With Tiramisu Milk Toast Keju Mozarela Selai Tiramisu Kental Manis | Rp. 17,500 | |
Wafer Bengbeng With Cheese Moza Milk Toast Wafer Bengbeng Keju Moza Kental Manis | Rp. 21,000 | |
Taro Milk Toast Selai Taro Dan Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 11,500 | |
Taro Chocolate Toast Selau Taro Dan Coklat Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 15,000 | |
Taro Tiramisu Toast Selai Taro Dan Tiramisu Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 15,000 | |
Taro Vanila Toast Selai Taro Dan Vanila Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 15,000 | |
Taro Cheese Toast Selau Taro Dan Keju Parut Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 16,500 | |
Taro Banana Cheese Toast Pisang Dioles Selai Taro Dan Keju Parut Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 17,500 | |
Taro Wafer Caramel Bengbeng Toast Selai Taro Dan Wafer Karamel Bengbeng Kental Manis Bakar | Rp. 17,500 | |
Kategori Roti Kukus Kadet Manis Berikut harga dan menu Roti Kukus Kadet Manis dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Jadoel Steamed Mentega Gula Pasir Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 9,000 | |
Jadoel With Bengbeng Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Choco Milk Steamed - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Choco Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Selai Cokelat Ditaburin Drink Benbeng Susu Kukus | Rp. 15,000 | |
Peanut Butter Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Selai Kacang Ditaburin Drink Bengbeng Susu Kukus | Rp. 15,000 | |
Strawberry Milk Steamed - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Blueberry Milk Steamed - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Blueberry Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Cheese Milk Steamed - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Choco Chesee Milk Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Choco Blueberry Milk Steamed Selai Cokelat Dan Selai Blueberry | Rp. 11,500 | |
Peanut Butter Blueberry Milk Steamed Selai Kacang Dan Blueberry | Rp. 11,500 | |
Blueberry Mix Strawberry Milk Steamed Selai Blueberry Dan Selai Strawberry | Rp. 11,500 | |
Double Cheese Milk Steamed Keju Parut Melimpah Dan Kental Manis | Rp. 15,000 | |
Durian Milk Steamed Selai Durian Dna Kental Manis | Rp. 10,500 | |
Durian Cheese Milk Steamed - | Rp. 12,500 | |
Tiramisu Milk Steamed - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Tiramisu Mix Cheese Milk Steamed - | Rp. 17,500 | |
Tiramisu Mix Choco Mililk Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Tiramisu Mix Strawberry Milk Steamed - | Rp. 13,500 | |
Tiramisu Mix Blueberry Milk Steamed - | Rp. 13,500 | |
Tiramisu Mix Durian Milk Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Greentea Milk Steamed - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Greentea Mix Cheese Milk Steamed - | Rp. 17,500 | |
Greentea Mix Choco Milk Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Greentea Mix Strawberry Milk Toast - | Rp. 13,500 | |
Greentea Mix Blueberry Milk Steamed - | Rp. 13,500 | |
Greentea Mix Durian Milk Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Tiramisu X Greentea Milk Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Greentea Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Selai Greentea Ditaburin Drink Bengbeng Susu Kukus | Rp. 15,000 | |
Double Cheese Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Cheese Nuts Steamed - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Nastar Steamed Selai Nanas Kukus | Rp. 13,000 | |
Nastar Cheese Steamed Selai Nanas Keju Kental Manis Kukus | Rp. 15,000 | |
Nastar Choco Steamed Selai Nana Coklat Kental Manis Kukus | Rp. 15,000 | |
Peanut Milk Steamed - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Peanut Choco Milk Steamed - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Cheese Milk Lumer Steamed - | Rp. 11,500 | |
Wafer Caramel Bengbeng Sprinkled Cheese Milk Steamed Wafer Bengbeng Ditaburin Keju Susu | Rp. 17,500 | |
Nextar Brownies Choco Milk Steamed Nextar Coklat Susu | Rp. 17,500 | |
Tiramisu Mix Vanilla Milk Steamed - | Rp. 17,500 | |
Greentea Mix Vanilla Milk Steamed - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Cheesy Mozarella Milk Steamed - | Rp. 11,000 | |
Vanila Milk Steamed Selai Vanila Susu Kukus | Rp. 11,500 | |
Vanilla Choco Milk Toast Selai Vanilla Cokelat Susu Kukus | Rp. 12,500 | |
Vanilla Blueberry Milk Steamed Selai Vanilla Blueberry Susu Kukus | Rp. 12,500 | |
Vanilla Strawberry Milk Steamed Selai Vanilla Strawbeery Susu Kukus | Rp. 12,500 | |
Wafer Caramel Tiramisu Cheese Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Wafer Bengbeng Pakai Selai Tiramisu Dan Parutan Keju Serta Taburan Bengbeng Bubuk Kental Manis | Rp. 19,500 | |
Kategori Roti Bakar Kadet Asin Berikut harga dan menu Roti Bakar Kadet Asin dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Egg With Chili Sauce Toast Telor Saos Sambel | Rp. 13,000 | |
Egg With Tomato Sauce Toast Telor Saos Tomat | Rp. 13,000 | |
Omlet Interju Isi 2 Porsi Roti Indomie Telor Pake Keju Bisa Pakai Sauce Sambel Tomat Atau Sambal Ulek | Rp. 35,000 | |
Egg Chili Sauce With Cheese toast Telor Keju Saos Sambel | Rp. 15,500 | |
Egg Tomato Sauce With Cheese Toast Telor Keju Saos Tomat | Rp. 15,500 | |
Egg Mayo Sauce With Cheese Toast - | Rp. 17,500 | |
Double Cheese With Chili Sauce Toast Toping Keju Melimpah Saos Cabe | Rp. 15,000 | |
Egg With Mayo Sauce My Taste Toast Roti Saos Mayo Dari My Taste | Rp. 15,500 | |
Egg With Bolognese Sauce My Taste Toast Telor Pakai Saos Bolognese | Rp. 15,500 | |
Egg With Sweet Sour Sauce My Taste Toast Telor Pakai Saos Asem Manis Dari My Taste | Rp. 15,500 | |
Egg With Thousand Island Sauce My Taste Toast Telor Pakai Saos Dari My Taste | Rp. 15,500 | |
Egg Bolognese Sauce With Cheese Toast - | Rp. 17,500 | |
Egg Sweet Sour Sauce With Cheese Toast Telor Pakai Keju Saos Asem Manis | Rp. 17,500 | |
Egg Thousand Island With Cheese Toast Telor Toping Keju Saos Thousand Island | Rp. 17,500 | |
Egg Mayo Sauce With Moza Cheese Toast Telor Toping Mozarela Saos Mayones | Rp. 21,000 | |
Egg Tomato Sauce With Moza Toast Telor Saos Tomat Dengan Mozarela | Rp. 21,000 | |
Egg Chili Sauce With Moza Cheese Toast Telor Saos Sambel Dengan Mozarela | Rp. 21,000 | |
Kategori Soft Drink Berikut harga dan menu Soft Drink dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Ice Tea Es Teh Manis | Rp. 7,000 | |
Iceblend Lemon Tea Max Tea Lemon Tea Pake Es Terus Di Blender Biar Segar Sentosa | Rp. 9,000 | |
Iceblend ChocoMilk - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Icebland Bengbeng Drink - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Icebland Dancow Vanilla - | Rp. 12,000 | |
Icebland Milo Drink - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Icebland Capuccino - | Rp. 9,000 | |
Mineral Water Air Mineral 1 5 L | Rp. 7,000 | |
Cold Sosro Tea 350ml Teh Botol Sosro Dingin 350ml | Rp. 7,500 | |
Cold Orange Water 500ml Orange Water You C Dingin 500ml | Rp. 11,000 | |
Chingku Water 350ml Air Chingku Dingin 350ml | Rp. 9,000 | |
Hot Red ginger Mixed Jahe Merah Panas | Rp. 13,000 | |
Hot/cold Beruang 189ml - | Rp. 15,000 | |
Kategori BasReng Berikut harga dan menu BasReng yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Basreng Barbeque Pedas Baso Goreng Bumbu Pedas Dan Barbeque | Rp. 11,000 | |
Basreng Keju Pedas - | Rp. 11,000 | |
Basreng Keju - | Rp. 11,000 | |
Basreng Barbeque - | Rp. 11,000 | |
Basreng Jagung Manis Pedas - | Rp. 11,000 | |
Basreng Jagung Manis - | Rp. 11,000 | |
Basreng Pedas Asin - | Rp. 11,000 | |
Kategori Juice Berikut harga dan menu Juice dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Banana Juice Jus Pisang | Rp. 11,000 | |
Banana Juice Special Jus Pisang Spesial Toping Pisang | Rp. 17,000 | |
Banana Mix Dragon Fruit Juice Jus Pisang Mix Jus Buah Naga | Rp. 15,000 | |
Banana Mix Dancow Iceblend Pisang Dan Susu Dancow Blender | Rp. 15,000 | |
Dragon Fruit Juice Jus Buah Naga | Rp. 13,000 | |
Dragon Fruit Juice Special Jus Buah Naga Toping Buah Naga | Rp. 17,000 | |
Dragon Fruit Mix Dancow Iceblend Buah Naga Dan Dancow Blender | Rp. 15,000 | |
Avocado Juice Jus Alpukat | Rp. 13,000 | |
Avocado Juice Special Jus Alpukat Toping Alpukat | Rp. 17,000 | |
Avocado Mix Dancow Ice Blend Buah Alpukat Dan Dancow Iceblend | Rp. 15,000 | |
Kategori Additional Toping Berikut harga dan menu Additional Toping yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Milo Untuk Tambahan Jus Dan Roti | Rp. 5,000 | |
Drink Bengbeng Untuk Tambahan Jus | Rp. 5,000 | |
Yakult Untuk Mix Jus | Rp. 5,000 | |
Kategori Package Berikut harga dan menu Package dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Choco Milk 1, Peanut Milk 1, Strawberry Milk 1 Toast 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 27,000 | |
Double Cheese Milk Toast 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 45,000 | |
Peanut Milk Toast 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 27,000 | |
Choco Milk Toast 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 27,000 | |
Double Cheese Milk 1, Peanut Milk 2 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 48,000 | |
Choco Cheese 2, Cheese Nut 1 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 39,000 | |
Tiramisu Cheese 1, Blueberry Tiramisu 1, Strawberry Tiramisu 1 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 47,500 | |
Peanut Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk 2 Pcs Bred | Rp. 30,000 | |
Cheese Tiramisu Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Toast 2 | Rp. 40,000 | |
Blueberry Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast 2 Pcs Bread | Rp. 30,000 | |
Tiramisu 1, Greentea 1, Taro 1 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 34,500 | |
Durian Milk 1, Choco Milk 1, Vanilla Milk 1 3 Pcs Bread | Rp. 30,500 | |
Kategori Noodle Aka Mie Berikut harga dan menu Noodle Aka Mie dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Fried Noodle Indomie Goreng Oseng Indomie Goreng Polos | Rp. 10,000 | |
Fried Noodle With Egg Indomie Goreng Dengan Toping Telur | Rp. 12,500 | |
Fried Noodle With Egg N Cheese Oseng Indomie Goreng Toping Telur Dan Keju | Rp. 15,000 | |
Fried Noodle Hype Abisss Oseng Indomie Ayam Geprek Polos | Rp. 10,000 | |
Fried Noodle Jeruk Limau Oseng Mie Sedap Polos | Rp. 10,000 |
Rasa Enak | 10 Rating |
Segar | 5 Rating |
Kemasan Baik | 6 Rating |
Senin | 00:00-23:59 |
Selasa | 00:00-23:59 |
Rabu | 00:00-23:59 |
Kamis | 00:00-23:59 |
Jumat | 00:00-23:59 |
Sabtu | 00:00-23:59 |
Minggu | 00:00-23:59 |
Mie Kocok |
Batagor |
Seblak |
Karedok |
Nasi Tutug Oncom |
Lotek |
Colenak |
Surabi |
Tahu Susu |
Pisang Bollen |