Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 |
Drinks | Foods |
Snacks |
Kategori Drinks Berikut harga dan menu Drinks dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Thai Tea Latte Hot/iced - | Rp. 23,000 | |
Green Tea Latte Hot/ Iced - | Rp. 23,000 | |
Teh Tarik Hot/ Iced - | Rp. 26,000 | |
Americano - | Rp. 22,000 | |
Coffeé Latte Hot/ice - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Cappucinno Hot/ Iced - | Rp. 28,000 | |
Caramel Latte Hot/ Iced - | Rp. 27,000 | |
Hazelnut Latte Hot/ Iced - | Rp. 27,000 | |
Vanilla latte Hot/ Iced - | Rp. 27,000 | |
Hot/ Iced Chocolate - | Rp. 29,000 | |
Hot/ Iced Chocolate Hazelnut - | Rp. 31,000 | |
Hot/ Iced Chocolate Caramel - | Rp. 31,000 | |
Bajigur - | Rp. 23,000 | |
Carrot Juice - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Dragon Juice - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Mango Juice - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Orange Juice - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Sirsak Juice - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Tomato Juice - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Dalgona Coffee Ice - | Rp. 28,000 | |
Kopi Susu Gula Aren - | Rp. 28,000 | |
Dalgona Millo Ice - | Rp. 28,000 | |
Avocado Juice - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Kategori Foods Berikut harga dan menu Foods dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Nasi Goreng Spesial Nasi Goreng (Telor Ayam Suwir Sosis Bakso) Ayam Goreng Coslow | Rp. 32,500 | |
Nasi Goreng Ayam Nasi Goreng Isi Ayam Suwir Orak Arik Telor (Telur Ceplok Coslow) | Rp. 31,750 | |
Nasi Goreng Telur Asin Nasi Goreng Campur Telur Asin ( Telur Ceplok Coslow) | Rp. 32,500 | |
Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin Nasi Goreng Campur Potongan Ikan Asin Telur Ceplok Coslow | Rp. 34,000 | |
Nasi Goreng Granat (Lv 1,2,3) Nasi Goreng Campur Rawit Isi Sosis Bakso Telur Ceplok Coslow | Rp. 32,500 | |
Nasi Pecel Lele - | Rp. 27,500 | |
Nasi Lalapan Ikam Mas/ Nila Goreng - | Rp. 34,000 | |
Nasi Tutug Oncom Komplit - | Rp. 32,500 | |
Nasi Capcay - | Rp. 28,500 | |
Nasi Rawon - | Rp. 37,500 | |
Nasi Ayam Geprek - | Rp. 30,000 | |
Nasi Ayam Geprek Sambal Matah - | Rp. 32,500 | |
Nasi Ayam Geprek Telor Asin - | Rp. 32,500 | |
Nasi Ayam Penyet - | Rp. 30,000 | |
Nasi Ayam Kremes - | Rp. 30,000 | |
Nasi Ayam Kecap Mentega - | Rp. 32,500 | |
Nasi Ayam Cabe Bawang - | Rp. 32,500 | |
Nasi Ayam Goreng Sambal Matah - | Rp. 32,500 | |
Mie Goreng Spesial - | Rp. 30,000 | |
Mie Godog Kampung - | Rp. 27,500 | |
Ifumie - | Rp. 30,000 | |
Indomie Telor Sambal Matah - | Rp. 24,000 | |
Rice Bowl Chicken Salted Egg - | Rp. 34,500 | |
Rice Bowl Chicken Sambal Matah - | Rp. 34,500 | |
Rice Bowl Chicken Egg Mayo - | Rp. 34,500 | |
Rice Bowl Dori Salted Egg - | Rp. 34,500 | |
Rice Bowl Dori Sambal Matah - | Rp. 34,500 | |
Rice Bowl Dori Egg Mayo - | Rp. 34,500 | |
Indomie Goreng Telor Ceplok - | Rp. 20,000 | |
Indomie Goreng Ayam Goreng Sambal Matah - | Rp. 27,500 | |
Bihun Goreng Spesial Bihun Goreng Isi Sosis Bakso Ayam Suwir Telor Ceplok | Rp. 30,000 | |
Nasi Goreng Hongkong - | Rp. 31,750 | |
Nasi Gorng pete Nasi Goreng Isi Pete Telur Ceplok Coslow | Rp. 32,500 | |
Sego Paru Nasi Paru Goreng Sayur Santan Dan Kremes Serta Sambal | Rp. 31,500 | |
Nasi Balado Paru - | Rp. 32,500 | |
Kategori Snacks Berikut harga dan menu Snacks yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Tahu Cabe Garam - | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cireng Telor Asin - | Rp. 20,000 | |
Cireng Polos - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Waffel Chocolate - | Rp. 26,500 | |
Pisang Goreng Keju Coklat susu - | Rp. 26,500 | |
Kentang Goreng - | Rp. 26,500 | |
Waffel Original - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Singkong Goreng - | Rp. 22,000 | |
Siomay Goreng - | Rp. 28,750 | |
Pisang Nugget Coklat - | Rp. 27,000 | |
Pisang Nugget Coklat Keju - | Rp. 28,750 | |
Roti Bakar Coklat - | Rp. 20,000 | |
Roti Bakar Keju Susu - | Rp. 23,000 | |
Roti Bakar Keju, Coklat, Susu - | Rp. 25,000 | |
Roti Bakar Strowberry - | Rp. 20,000 | |
Chick And Chip - | Rp. 31,000 | |
Fish And Chip - | Rp. 31,000 | |
Tempe Goreng Mendoan - | Rp. 22,000 |
Rasa Enak | 26 Rating |
Segar | 23 Rating |
Porsi Pas | 23 Rating |
Senin | 13:00-22:00 |
Selasa | 13:00-22:00 |
Rabu | 13:00-22:00 |
Kamis | 13:00-22:00 |
Jumat | 13:00-22:00 |
Sabtu | 13:00-22:00 |
Minggu | 13:00-22:00 |
Roti Mantau |
Pisang Gapit |
Bubur Gunting |
Abon Kepiting |
Onde-onde Ubi Ungu |
Bingka Kentang |
Amplang |
Peyek Kepiting |
Nasi Bakar Seafood |
Keripik Iron |