Last updated: May 7, 2023 |
Hot Drink | Main Course |
Minuman Boba | Snack |
Squash | Cold Coffee |
Cold Non Coffee | Drinks |
Indomie | Tambahan |
Paket | Additional |
Kategori Hot Drink Berikut harga dan menu Hot Drink yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Affogato Espresso With Vanilla Ice Cream | Rp. 20,400 | |
Americano Hot Esspresso | Rp. 16,800 | |
Cafe Latte Espresso Latte | Rp. 20,400 | |
Cappuccino Espresso With Steamed Fresh Milk | Rp. 21,600 | |
Doubel Espresso Coffee Bean Extract (double Shot) | Rp. 20,400 | |
Espresso Coffee Bean Extract (one Shot) | Rp. 16,800 | |
Hot Caramel Latte Espresso Caramel Latte | Rp. 25,200 | |
Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate Fresh Milk | Rp. 18,000 | |
Hot Coconut Latte Espresso Coconut Latte | Rp. 25,200 | |
Hot Coconut Sugar Latte Espresso Coconut Sugar Latte | Rp. 22,800 | |
Hot Green Matcha Hot Green Matcha Fresh Milk | Rp. 20,400 | |
Hot Hazelnut Latte Espresso Hazelnut Latte | Rp. 25,200 | |
Hot Pandan Latte Espresso Pandan Latte | Rp. 22,800 | |
Hot Red Velvet Hot Red Velvet Fresh Milk | Rp. 19,200 | |
Hot Sweety Americano Hot Espresso With Sugar | Rp. 18,000 | |
Hot Tiramisu Latte Espresso Tiramisu Latte | Rp. 22,800 | |
Hot Vanilla Latte Espresso Vanilla Latte | Rp. 25,200 | |
HOT ALMOND LATTE Espresso Almond Latte | Rp. 25,200 | |
Kategori Main Course Berikut harga dan menu Main Course dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Ayam Cabe Ijo - | Rp. 42,000 | |
Ayam Goreng Sambal Bawang - | Rp. 42,000 | |
Beef Bulgogi Rice Bowl Rice Sliced Beef Egg And Coleslaw | Rp. 42,000 | |
Chicken Karage Rice Bowl Rice Chicken Karage Egg And Coleslaw | Rp. 36,000 | |
Chicken Katsu Rice Chicken Katsu And Coleslaw | Rp. 42,000 | |
Chicken Teriyaki Rice Bowl Rice Chicken Teriyaki Egg And Coleslaw | Rp. 38,000 | |
Cordon Bleu Rice Cordon Bleu And Coleslaw | Rp. 45,600 | |
Crispy Calamari Rice Calamari Egg And Coleslaw | Rp. 48,000 | |
Kategori Minuman Boba Berikut harga dan menu Minuman Boba yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Black Tea Machiato Black Tea With Topping Machiato | Rp. 20,400 | |
Brown Sugar Boba Milk Brown Sugar Milk Boba Pearl With Topping Machiato | Rp. 24,000 | |
Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea Brown Sugar Milk Tea Boba Pearl With Topping Machiato | Rp. 24,000 | |
Green Tea Machiato Green Tea With Topping Machiato | Rp. 20,400 | |
Honey Earl Grey Machiato Earl Grey Tea Honey With Topping Machiato | Rp. 24,000 | |
Lychee Tea Machiato Lychee Syrup Tea Popping Boba Lychee With Topping Machiato | Rp. 26,400 | |
Orange Tea Machiato Orange Syrup Tea Popping Boba Orange With Topping Machiato | Rp. 26,400 | |
Salted caramel Boba Milk Salted Caramel Milk Boba Pearl With Topping Machiato | Rp. 26,400 | |
Strawberry Tea Machiato Strawberry Syrup Tea Popping Boba Strawberry With Topping Machiato | Rp. 26,400 | |
Kategori Snack Berikut harga dan menu Snack dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
BURGER - | Rp. 33,600 | |
CHICKEN BITES - | Rp. 26,400 | |
CHICKEN POP - | Rp. 26,400 | |
DIMSUM With Chilli Oil | Rp. 26,400 | |
ONION RING - | Rp. 26,400 | |
Spicy Chicken Wings - | Rp. 28,800 | |
SPICY CHICKEN WING - | Rp. 28,800 | |
FRENCH FRIES - | Rp. 21,600 | |
Kategori Squash Berikut harga dan menu Squash dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Cocopandan Squash Cocopandan Syrup Soda Basil And Lemon | Rp. 16,800 | |
Lychee Squash Lychee Syrup Soda Basil And Lemon | Rp. 16,800 | |
Melon Squash Melon Syrup Soda Basil And Lemon | Rp. 16,800 | |
Orange Squash Orange Soda Basil And Lemon | Rp. 16,800 | |
Strawberry Squash Strawberry Syrup Soda Basil And Lemon | Rp. 16,800 | |
Kategori Cold Coffee Berikut harga dan menu Cold Coffee yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Es Kopi Susu Espresso Brown Sugar Fresh Milk With Ice | Rp. 24,000 | |
Ice Americano Espresso With Ice | Rp. 20,400 | |
ICE BERRY COFFEE Espresso Brown Sugar Strawberry Fresh Milk | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Cafe Latte Espresso Fresh Milk With Ice | Rp. 21,600 | |
ICE CAPUCCINO Espresso Fresh Milk With Ice | Rp. 22,800 | |
Ice Caramel Latte Espresso Caramel Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Coconut Latte Espresso Coconut Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Coconut Sugar Latte Espresso Coconut Sugar Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Coffee Avocado Espresso Avocado Latte With Ice | Rp. 30,000 | |
Ice Hazelnut Latte Espresso Hazelnut Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Mocchaccino Espresso Chocolate Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Pandan Latte Espresso Pandan Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Tiramisu Latte Espresso Tiramisu Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Vanilla Latte Espresso Tiramisu Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Ice Almond Latte Espresso Almond Latte With Ice | Rp. 26,400 | |
Kategori Cold Non Coffee Berikut harga dan menu Cold Non Coffee dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Ice Chocolate Chocolte Fresh Milk With Ice | Rp. 21,600 | |
Ice Green Matcha Latte Green Matcha Fresh Milk With Ice | Rp. 24,000 | |
Ice Red Velvet Latte Red Velvet Fresh Milk With Ice | Rp. 22,800 | |
Kategori Drinks Berikut harga dan menu Drinks dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
ICE LEMON TEA Lemon Tea With Ice | Rp. 18,000 | |
ICE LYCHEE TEA Lychee Tea With Lychee Fresh | Rp. 21,600 | |
ICE SWEET TEA Sweet Tea With Ice | Rp. 9,600 | |
MINERAL WATER 600ml | Rp. 7,200 | |
Kategori Indomie Berikut harga dan menu Indomie dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
INDOMIE GORENG SPECIAL Indomie Goreng With Egg And Sosis | Rp. 20,400 | |
INDOMIE GORENG TELUR Indomie Goreng With Egg | Rp. 14,400 | |
INDOMIE REBUS SPECIAL Indomie Rebus With Egg And Sosis | Rp. 20,400 | |
INDOMIE REBUS TELUR Indomie Rebus With Egg | Rp. 14,400 | |
Kategori Tambahan Berikut harga dan menu Tambahan dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
NASI PUTIH - | Rp. 8,400 | |
Kategori Paket Berikut harga dan menu Paket dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
PAKET TENTANG KAMU 1 Ice Chocolate And 1 French Fries | Rp. 36,000 | |
PAKET TENTANG KITA 2 Ice Red Velvet Latte And 1 French Fries | Rp. 60,000 | |
PAKET TENTANG AKU 1beef Burger Dan 1 Cup Black Tea Machiato | Rp. 48,000 | |
PAKET TENTANG KALIAN 1 Spicy Wing 1 French Fries N Sausage 1 Sweet Ice Tea 1 Ice Cafe Latte | Rp. 84,000 | |
Kategori Additional Berikut harga dan menu Additional dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Vanilla Ice Cream - | Rp. 8,400 |
Senin | 08:15-22:15 |
Selasa | 08:15-22:15 |
Rabu | 08:15-22:15 |
Kamis | 08:15-22:15 |
Jumat | 08:15-22:15 |
Sabtu | 08:15-22:15 |
Sate Bandeng |
Pecak Bandeng |
Rabeg |
Nasi Bakar Sum-sum |
Nasi Belut |
Gerem Asem |
Pasung Merah |
Ketan Bintul |
Emping Melinjo |
Lepet |