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V-Five Makanan & Minuman Kekinian, Jl. Juanda No 45

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Restoran V-Five Makanan & Minuman Kekinian, Jl. Juanda No 45 merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur yang tepatnya di daerah Samarinda

  •   Alamat : Jl Juanda 45
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 10-Aug-2023
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Tidak
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Minuman, Roti. Harga yang ditawarkan pun juga lumayan terjangkau dan menu-menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup bervariasi sehingga cocok disantap dengan teman dan sahabat anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 My Bestea MenToast

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori My Bestea
Berikut harga dan menu My Bestea yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Original Bestea Large Original Bestea Large
Teh Original
Rp. 10,000
Original Bestea Medium Original Bestea Medium
Teh Original
Rp. 6,500
Lemon Tea Medium Lemon Tea Medium
Teh Lemon
Rp. 12,500
Lemon Tea Large Lemon Tea Large
Teh Lemon
Rp. 16,500
Cheesy Green Medium Cheesy Green Medium
Green Tea Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Green Large Cheesy Green Large
Greentea Cream Chese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Red Medium Cheesy Red Medium
Red Velvet Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Red Large Cheesy Red Large
Red Velvet Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Taro Medium Cheesy Taro Medium
Taro Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Taro Large Cheesy Taro Large
Taro Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Silverqueen Medium Cheesy Silverqueen Medium
Choco Silverqueen Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Silverqueen Large Cheesy Silverqueen Large
Choco Silverqueen Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Avocado Medium Cheesy Avocado Medium
Avocado Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Avocado Large Cheesy Avocado Large
Avocado Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Mango Medium Cheesy Mango Medium
Mango Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Mango Large Cheesy Mango Large
Mango Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Chocomisu Medium Cheesy Chocomisu Medium
Chocomisu Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Chocomisu Large Cheesy Chocomisu Large
Chocomisu Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Darkcho Medium Cheesy Darkcho Medium
Darkcho Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Darkcho Large Cheesy Darkcho Large
Darkcho Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Choco Cheese Medium Cheesy Choco Cheese Medium
Choco Cheese Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Choco Cheese Large Cheesy Choco Cheese Large
Choco Cheese Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Chocobeng Medium Cheesy Chocobeng Medium
Chocobeng Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Chocobeng Large Cheesy Chocobeng Large
Chocobeng Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Cheesy Mochacino Medium Cheesy Mochacino Medium
Mochacino Cream Cheese
Rp. 17,500
Cheesy Mochacino Large Cheesy Mochacino Large
Mochacino Cream Cheese
Rp. 23,000
Caramel Oreo Medium Caramel Oreo Medium
Sirup Caramel Oreo Susu
Rp. 15,000
Caramel Oreo Large Caramel Oreo Large
Sirup Caramel Oreo Susu
Rp. 20,000
Hazelnut Oreo Medium Hazelnut Oreo Medium
Sirup Hazelnut Oreo Susu
Rp. 15,000
Hazelnut Oreo Large Hazelnut Oreo Large
Sirup Hazelnut Oreo Susu
Rp. 20,000
Regal Butterscoth Medium Regal Butterscoth Medium
Sirup Butterscoth Regal Susu
Rp. 15,000
Regal Butterscoth Large Regal Butterscoth Large
Sirup Butterscoth Regal Susu
Rp. 20,000
Milky Mochacitea Medium Milky Mochacitea Medium
Mochacino Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Mochacitea Large Milky Mochacitea Large
Mochacino Susu
Rp. 18,000
Milky Greentea Medium Milky Greentea Medium
Greentea Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Greentea Large Milky Greentea Large
Greentea Susu
Rp. 18,000
Caramelky Tea Medium Caramelky Tea Medium
Sirup Caramel Teh Susu
Rp. 14,000
Caramelky Tea Large Caramelky Tea Large
Sirup Caramel Teh Susu
Rp. 20,000
Milky Avocatea Medium Milky Avocatea Medium
Avocado Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Avocatea Large Milky Avocatea Large
Avocado Susu
Rp. 18,000
Milky Redveltea Medium Milky Redveltea Medium
Red Velvet Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Redveltea Large Milky Redveltea Large
Red Velvet Susu
Rp. 18,000
Milktea Bestea Medium Milktea Bestea Medium
Teh Susu
Rp. 12,500
Milktea Bestea Large Milktea Bestea Large
Teh Susu
Rp. 17,000
Milky Mango Medium Milky Mango Medium
Mango Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Mango Large Milky Mango Large
Mango Susu
Rp. 18,000
Milky Taro Medium Milky Taro Medium
Taro Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Taro Large Milky Taro Large
Taro Susu
Rp. 18,000
Milky Chocobeng Medium Milky Chocobeng Medium
Chocobeng Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Chocobeng Large Milky Chocobeng Large
Chocobeng Susu
Rp. 18,000
Milky Chocomisu Medium Milky Chocomisu Medium
Chocomisu Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Chocomisu Large Milky Chocomisu Large
Chocomisu Susu
Rp. 18,000
Milky Choco Cheese Medium Milky Choco Cheese Medium
Choco Cheese Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Choco Cheese Large Milky Choco Cheese Large
Choco Cheese Susu
Rp. 18,000
Milky Darkcho Medium Milky Darkcho Medium
Darkcho Susu
Rp. 13,000
Milky Darkcho Large Milky Darkcho Large
Darkcho Susu
Rp. 18,000
Choreo Mixtea Medium Choreo Mixtea Medium
Choreo Teh
Rp. 12,500
Choreo Mixtea Large Choreo Mixtea Large
Choreo Teh
Rp. 17,500
Chocobeng Mixtea Medium Chocobeng Mixtea Medium
Chocobeng Teh
Rp. 12,500
Chocobeng Mixtea Large Chocobeng Mixtea Large
Chocobeng Teh
Rp. 17,500
Chocomisu Mixtea Medium Chocomisu Mixtea Medium
Choco Tiramisu Teh
Rp. 12,500
Chocomisu Mixtea Large Chocomisu Mixtea Large
Choco Tiramisu Teh
Rp. 17,500
Choco Cheese Mixtea Medium Choco Cheese Mixtea Medium
Choco Cheese Teh
Rp. 12,500
Choco Cheese Mixtea Large Choco Cheese Mixtea Large
Choco Cheese Teh
Rp. 17,500
Darkcho Mixtea Medium Darkcho Mixtea Medium
Darkcho Teh
Rp. 12,500
Darkcho Mixtea Large Darkcho Mixtea Large
Darkcho Teh
Rp. 17,500
Mango Mixtea Medium Mango Mixtea Medium
Mango Teh
Rp. 12,500
Mango Mixtea Large Mango Mixtea Large
Mango Teh
Rp. 17,500
Thai Mixtea Medium Thai Mixtea Medium
Thai Tea Ukuran Medium
Rp. 12,500
Thai Mixtea Large Thai Mixtea Large
Thai Tea
Rp. 17,500

Kategori MenToast
Berikut harga dan menu MenToast dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Choco Crunchy Toast Choco Crunchy Toast
Roti Topping Choco Crunch
Rp. 13,000
Milk and Cheese Toast Milk and Cheese Toast
Roti Topping Susu Dan Keju
Rp. 13,000
Tiramisu Toast Tiramisu Toast
Roti Topping Tiramisu
Rp. 13,000
Greentea Toast Greentea Toast
Roti Topping Greentea
Rp. 13,000
Blueberry Toast Blueberry Toast
Roti Topping Selai Blueberry
Rp. 13,000
Strawberry Toast Strawberry Toast
Roti Topping Selai Strawberry
Rp. 13,000
Beef Patty Toast Beef Patty Toast
Roti Isi Beef Patty
Rp. 20,000
Chicken Crispy Toast Chicken Crispy Toast
Roti Isi Chicken Crispy
Rp. 19,500
Egg and Cheese Toast Egg and Cheese Toast
Roti Isi Telur Dan Keju
Rp. 19,000
Egg and Smoke Beef Toast Egg and Smoke Beef Toast
Roti Isi Telur Dan Smoke Beef
Rp. 22,500
Egg and Beef Patty Egg and Beef Patty
Roti Isi Telur Dan Beef Patty
Rp. 24,000
Egg and Chicken Crispy Egg and Chicken Crispy
Roti Isi Telur Dan Chicken Crispy
Rp. 24,000
Cheese and Smoke Beef Toast Cheese and Smoke Beef Toast
Roti Isi Keju Dan Smoke Beef
Rp. 22,500
Cheese and Beef Patty Cheese and Beef Patty
Roti Isi Keju Dan Beef Patty
Rp. 24,000
Cheese and Chicken Crispy Cheese and Chicken Crispy
Roti Isi Keju Dan Chicken Crispy
Rp. 24,000
Double Mix Toast Double Mix Toast
Roti Isi Patty Telur Dan Keju
Rp. 32,500

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 6,500 - Rp. 32,500.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran V-Five Makanan & Minuman Kekinian, Jl. Juanda No 45 secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.

Logo V-Five Makanan & Minuman Kekinian, Jl. Juanda No 45

 Lokasi Restoran

 Jam Operasional

 Kuliner Khas Samarinda
Ayam Cincane
Nasi Kuning
Nasi Bekepor
Sup Ikan Akmal
Bubur Pedas
Soto Banjar
Gence Ruan
Pepes Kepiting
Sate Payau
Rojak Singkil

 Restoran Sekitar V-five Makanan & Minuman Kekinian, Jl. Juanda No 45
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Rating 0
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Rating 0
Seblak Samkojo Samarinda, Juanda 7Seblak Samkojo Samarinda, Juanda 7
Rating 0
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Rating 0
Segaru 6.0, JuandaSegaru 6.0, Juanda
Rating 4.3
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Rating 4.7
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Rating 0
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Rating 0
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Rating 4.6


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