Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 |
My Bestea | MenToast |
Kategori My Bestea Berikut harga dan menu My Bestea yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Original Bestea Large Teh Original | Rp. 10,000 | |
Original Bestea Medium Teh Original | Rp. 6,500 | |
Lemon Tea Medium Teh Lemon | Rp. 12,500 | |
Lemon Tea Large Teh Lemon | Rp. 16,500 | |
Cheesy Green Medium Green Tea Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Green Large Greentea Cream Chese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Red Medium Red Velvet Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Red Large Red Velvet Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Taro Medium Taro Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Taro Large Taro Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Silverqueen Medium Choco Silverqueen Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Silverqueen Large Choco Silverqueen Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Avocado Medium Avocado Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Avocado Large Avocado Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Mango Medium Mango Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Mango Large Mango Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Chocomisu Medium Chocomisu Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Chocomisu Large Chocomisu Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Darkcho Medium Darkcho Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Darkcho Large Darkcho Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Choco Cheese Medium Choco Cheese Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Choco Cheese Large Choco Cheese Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Chocobeng Medium Chocobeng Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Chocobeng Large Chocobeng Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Cheesy Mochacino Medium Mochacino Cream Cheese | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cheesy Mochacino Large Mochacino Cream Cheese | Rp. 23,000 | |
Caramel Oreo Medium Sirup Caramel Oreo Susu | Rp. 15,000 | |
Caramel Oreo Large Sirup Caramel Oreo Susu | Rp. 20,000 | |
Hazelnut Oreo Medium Sirup Hazelnut Oreo Susu | Rp. 15,000 | |
Hazelnut Oreo Large Sirup Hazelnut Oreo Susu | Rp. 20,000 | |
Regal Butterscoth Medium Sirup Butterscoth Regal Susu | Rp. 15,000 | |
Regal Butterscoth Large Sirup Butterscoth Regal Susu | Rp. 20,000 | |
Milky Mochacitea Medium Mochacino Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Mochacitea Large Mochacino Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Milky Greentea Medium Greentea Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Greentea Large Greentea Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Caramelky Tea Medium Sirup Caramel Teh Susu | Rp. 14,000 | |
Caramelky Tea Large Sirup Caramel Teh Susu | Rp. 20,000 | |
Milky Avocatea Medium Avocado Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Avocatea Large Avocado Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Milky Redveltea Medium Red Velvet Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Redveltea Large Red Velvet Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Milktea Bestea Medium Teh Susu | Rp. 12,500 | |
Milktea Bestea Large Teh Susu | Rp. 17,000 | |
Milky Mango Medium Mango Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Mango Large Mango Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Milky Taro Medium Taro Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Taro Large Taro Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Milky Chocobeng Medium Chocobeng Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Chocobeng Large Chocobeng Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Milky Chocomisu Medium Chocomisu Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Chocomisu Large Chocomisu Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Milky Choco Cheese Medium Choco Cheese Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Choco Cheese Large Choco Cheese Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Milky Darkcho Medium Darkcho Susu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Darkcho Large Darkcho Susu | Rp. 18,000 | |
Choreo Mixtea Medium Choreo Teh | Rp. 12,500 | |
Choreo Mixtea Large Choreo Teh | Rp. 17,500 | |
Chocobeng Mixtea Medium Chocobeng Teh | Rp. 12,500 | |
Chocobeng Mixtea Large Chocobeng Teh | Rp. 17,500 | |
Chocomisu Mixtea Medium Choco Tiramisu Teh | Rp. 12,500 | |
Chocomisu Mixtea Large Choco Tiramisu Teh | Rp. 17,500 | |
Choco Cheese Mixtea Medium Choco Cheese Teh | Rp. 12,500 | |
Choco Cheese Mixtea Large Choco Cheese Teh | Rp. 17,500 | |
Darkcho Mixtea Medium Darkcho Teh | Rp. 12,500 | |
Darkcho Mixtea Large Darkcho Teh | Rp. 17,500 | |
Mango Mixtea Medium Mango Teh | Rp. 12,500 | |
Mango Mixtea Large Mango Teh | Rp. 17,500 | |
Thai Mixtea Medium Thai Tea Ukuran Medium | Rp. 12,500 | |
Thai Mixtea Large Thai Tea | Rp. 17,500 | |
Kategori MenToast Berikut harga dan menu MenToast dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Choco Crunchy Toast Roti Topping Choco Crunch | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milk and Cheese Toast Roti Topping Susu Dan Keju | Rp. 13,000 | |
Tiramisu Toast Roti Topping Tiramisu | Rp. 13,000 | |
Greentea Toast Roti Topping Greentea | Rp. 13,000 | |
Blueberry Toast Roti Topping Selai Blueberry | Rp. 13,000 | |
Strawberry Toast Roti Topping Selai Strawberry | Rp. 13,000 | |
Beef Patty Toast Roti Isi Beef Patty | Rp. 20,000 | |
Chicken Crispy Toast Roti Isi Chicken Crispy | Rp. 19,500 | |
Egg and Cheese Toast Roti Isi Telur Dan Keju | Rp. 19,000 | |
Egg and Smoke Beef Toast Roti Isi Telur Dan Smoke Beef | Rp. 22,500 | |
Egg and Beef Patty Roti Isi Telur Dan Beef Patty | Rp. 24,000 | |
Egg and Chicken Crispy Roti Isi Telur Dan Chicken Crispy | Rp. 24,000 | |
Cheese and Smoke Beef Toast Roti Isi Keju Dan Smoke Beef | Rp. 22,500 | |
Cheese and Beef Patty Roti Isi Keju Dan Beef Patty | Rp. 24,000 | |
Cheese and Chicken Crispy Roti Isi Keju Dan Chicken Crispy | Rp. 24,000 | |
Double Mix Toast Roti Isi Patty Telur Dan Keju | Rp. 32,500 |
Senin | 09:30-22:00 |
Selasa | 09:30-22:00 |
Rabu | 09:30-22:00 |
Kamis | 09:30-22:00 |
Jumat | 09:30-22:00 |
Sabtu | 09:30-22:00 |
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