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Planet Pasta, Pekauman

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Restoran Planet Pasta, Pekauman merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan yang tepatnya di daerah Banjarmasin

  •   Alamat : Jalan Rantauan Timur II No.2 Pekauman, Banjarmasin
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 07-Mar-2023
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Tidak
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Pizza Pasta. Harga yang ditawarkan pun juga lumayan terjangkau dan menu-menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup bervariasi sehingga cocok disantap dengan teman dan sahabat anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Pasta Traditional Pasta
 Sandwich Pizza

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Pasta
Berikut harga dan menu Pasta yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Spaghetti Bolognaise (Small) Spaghetti Bolognaise (Small)
Spaghetti With Mince Beef Fresh Tomatoes Oregano And Parmesan
Rp. 29,000
Spaghetti Bolognaise (Medium) Spaghetti Bolognaise (Medium)
Spaghetti With Mince Beef Fresh Tomatoes Oregano And Parmesan
Rp. 35,000
Fettucine Bolognaise (Small) Fettucine Bolognaise (Small)
Fettucine With Simmered Lean Ground Beef Tomatoes Oregano And Basil Served With Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 29,000
Fettucine Bolognaise (Medium) Fettucine Bolognaise (Medium)
Fettucine With Simmered Lean Ground Beef Tomatoes Oregano And Basil Served With Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 35,000
Fusilli Bolognaise Fusilli Bolognaise
Fusilli With Simmered Lean Ground Beef Tomatoes Oregano And Basil Served With Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 35,000
Penne Bolognaise Penne Bolognaise
Pasta Penne With Mince Beef Fresh Tomatoes Oregano And Parmesan
Rp. 35,000
Spaghetti Carbonara (Small) Spaghetti Carbonara (Small)
Spaghetti Cooked With Smoke Beef Cream And Black Pepper Topped With Parmesan
Rp. 29,000
Spaghetti Carbonara (Medium) Spaghetti Carbonara (Medium)
Spaghetti Cooked With Smoke Beef Cream And Black Pepper Topped With Parmesan
Rp. 35,000
Fettucine Carbonara (Small) Fettucine Carbonara (Small)
Fettucine Cooked With Smoke Beef Cream And Black Pepper Topped With Parmesan
Rp. 29,000
Fettucine Carbonara (Medium) Fettucine Carbonara (Medium)
Fettucine Cooked With Smoke Beef Cream And Black Pepper Topped With Parmesan
Rp. 35,000
Fusilli Carbonara Fusilli Carbonara
Fusillii Cooked With Smoke Beef Cream And Black Pepper Topped With Parmesan
Rp. 35,000
Penne Carbonara Penne Carbonara
Pasta Penne Cooked With Smoke Beef Cream And Black Pepper Topped With Parmesan
Rp. 35,000
Spaghetti Chicken Creamy Mushroom (Small) Spaghetti Chicken Creamy Mushroom (Small)
Spaghetti With Grilled Chicken Mushroom And Creamy Sauce
Rp. 29,000
Spaghetti Chicken Creamy Mushroom (Medium) Spaghetti Chicken Creamy Mushroom (Medium)
Spaghetti With Grilled Chicken Mushroom And Creamy Sauce
Rp. 35,000
Fettucine Chicken Creamy Mushroom (Small) Fettucine Chicken Creamy Mushroom (Small)
Fettucine Cooked With Grilled Chicken Mushroom And Creamy Sauce
Rp. 29,000
Fettucine Chicken Creamy Mushroom (Medium) Fettucine Chicken Creamy Mushroom (Medium)
Fettucine Cooked With Grilled Chicken Mushroom And Creamy Sauce
Rp. 35,000
Fusilli Chicken Creamy Mushroom Fusilli Chicken Creamy Mushroom
Fusilli Cooked With Grilled Chicken Mushroom And Creamy Sauce
Rp. 35,000
Penne Chicken Creamy Mushroom Penne Chicken Creamy Mushroom
Pasta Penne Cooked With Grilled Chicken Mushroom And Creamy Sauce
Rp. 35,000
Spaghetti Marinara (Small) Spaghetti Marinara (Small)
Spaghetti With Seafood Tomatoes Sauce Basil And Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 32,500
Spaghetti Marinara (Medium) Spaghetti Marinara (Medium)
Spaghetti With Seafood Tomatoes Sauce Basil And Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 39,000
Fettucine Marinara (Small) Fettucine Marinara (Small)
Fettucine With Seafood Tomatoes Sauce Basil And Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 32,500
Fettucine Marinara (Medium) Fettucine Marinara (Medium)
Fettucine With Seafood Tomatoes Sauce Basil And Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 39,000
Fusilli Marinara Fusilli Marinara
Fusilli With Seafood Tomatoes Sauce Basil And Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 39,000
Penne Marinara Penne Marinara
Pasta Penne With Seafood Tomatoes Sauce Basil And Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 39,000
Spaghetti Cheese Creamy (Small) Spaghetti Cheese Creamy (Small)
Spaghetti Cooked With Four Kinds Of Cheese Creamy Sauce
Rp. 29,000
Spaghetti Cheese Creamy (Medium) Spaghetti Cheese Creamy (Medium)
Spaghetti Cooked With Four Kinds Of Cheese Creamy Sauce
Rp. 35,000
Fettucine Cheese Creamy (Small) Fettucine Cheese Creamy (Small)
Pasta Fettucine Cooked With Four Kinds Of Cheese Creamy Sauce
Rp. 29,000
Fettucine Cheese Creamy (Medium) Fettucine Cheese Creamy (Medium)
Pasta Fettucine Cooked With Four Kinds Of Cheese Creamy Sauce
Rp. 35,000
Fusilli Cheese Creamy Fusilli Cheese Creamy
Fusilli Cooked With Four Kinds Of Cheese Creamy Sauce
Rp. 35,000
Penne Cheese Creamy Penne Cheese Creamy
Pasta Penne Cooked With Four Kinds Of Cheese Creamy Sauce
Rp. 35,000
Spaghetti Aglio Smoke Beef Mushroom. Spaghetti Aglio Smoke Beef Mushroom.
Spaghetti With Saute Garlic And Olive Oil And Smoke Beef And Mushroom
Rp. 35,000
Fettucine Aglio Smoke Beef Mushroom. Fettucine Aglio Smoke Beef Mushroom.
Fettucine With Saute Garlic And Olive Oil And Smoke Beef And Mushroom
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Traditional Pasta
Berikut harga dan menu Traditional Pasta yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Spaghetti Al Nero Di Seppia. Spaghetti Al Nero Di Seppia.
Spaghetti With Traditional Recipe Of Sicilian Cuisine Made From Squid Ink
Rp. 39,000
Spaghetti Aglio Olio Al Tonno Spaghetti Aglio Olio Al Tonno
Spaghetti With Traditional Sauce From Naples Sauted Garlic And Olive Oil Fresh Tuna And Topped With Parmesan Cheese
Rp. 35,000
Spaghetti Pesto Spaghetti Pesto
Spaghetti With Tradisional Sauce Originating From Genoa Italy Its Traditionally Consists Of Crushed Garlic Pine Nuts Basil Leaves Parmesan Cheese All Blended With Olive Oil
Rp. 35,000
Penne Pesto Penne Pesto
Pasta Penne With Tradisional Sauce Originating From Genoa Italy Its Traditionally Consists Of Crushed Garlic Pine Nuts Basil Leaves Parmesan Cheese All Blended With Olive Oil
Rp. 35,000
Baked Lasagna. Baked Lasagna.
Classic Homemade Baked Lasagna With Meat Sauce Pasta And Cheese
Rp. 42,500

Kategori Sandwich
Berikut harga dan menu Sandwich dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Planet Sandwich Planet Sandwich
Our Chef Creation Smoke Beef Egg Cheese And Vegetable Served With French Fries
Rp. 35,000
Tuna Melt Sandwich Tuna Melt Sandwich
Tuna Chunks With Cheese In Lightly Toast Bread Served With French Fries
Rp. 35,000

Kategori Pizza
Berikut harga dan menu Pizza yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Pizza Pollo Con Funghi (Reguler) Pizza Pollo Con Funghi (Reguler)
Topping With Homemade Tomatoes Sauce Chicken And Mushroom Mozzarella Cheese
Rp. 69,000
Pizza Cajun Sausage (Reguler) Pedas. Pizza Cajun Sausage (Reguler) Pedas.
Topping With Tomatoes Sauce Beef Sausage Homemade Chilli Pickles Mozzarella Cheese
Rp. 69,000
Pizza Al Tonno E Cipole. Pizza Al Tonno E Cipole.
Topping With Homemade Tomatoes Sauce Mozzarella Cheese Tuna And Onion
Rp. 75,000
Pizza Marinara. Pizza Marinara.
Topping With Homemade Tomatoes Sauce Shrimp Clam Seafood Mozzarella Cheese
Rp. 75,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 29,000 - Rp. 75,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Planet Pasta, Pekauman secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


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