Last updated: Sep 1, 2023 |
Special Taste Large | Special Taste Small |
Combo Special Taste Large | Combo Special Taste Small |
Milk Large ( Tanpa Boba/Topping ) | Milk Small ( Tanpa Boba/Topping ) |
Topping |
Kategori Special Taste Large Berikut harga dan menu Special Taste Large dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Brown Sugar Klepon Boba Large Brown Sugar Boba | Rp. 21,000 | |
Brown Sugar Milk Tea Boba Large Brown Sugar Boba | Rp. 21,000 | |
Brown Sugar Fresh Milk Boba Large Brown Sugar Boba | Rp. 21,000 | |
Fresh Milk Regal Large Tanpa Boba | Rp. 21,000 | |
Cookies And Cream Oreo Large Topping Oreo Bubuk Oreo Asli | Rp. 21,000 | |
Milky Coffee Brown Sugar Boba Large Brown Sugar Boba | Rp. 21,000 | |
Kategori Special Taste Small Berikut harga dan menu Special Taste Small yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Brown Sugar Fresh Milk Boba Small Brown Sugar Boba | Rp. 17,500 | |
Fresh Milk Regal Small Topping Regal | Rp. 17,500 | |
Cookies And Cream Oreo Small Topping Oreo Bubuk Oreo Asli | Rp. 17,500 | |
Milky Coffee Brown Sugar Boba Small Brown Sugar Boba | Rp. 17,500 | |
Brown Sugar Klepon Boba Small Brown Sugar Boba | Rp. 17,500 | |
Brown Sugar Milk Tea Boba Small Brown Sugar Boba | Rp. 17,500 | |
Kategori Combo Special Taste Large Berikut harga dan menu Combo Special Taste Large yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
3 Brown Sugar Boba Fresh Milk Large 3 Ukuran Large Fresh Milk Boba | Rp. 55,000 | |
3 Cookies And Cream Large - | Rp. 55,000 | |
3 Brown Sugar Boba Milktea Large - | Rp. 55,000 | |
3 Fresh Milk Regal Large - | Rp. 55,000 | |
Kategori Combo Special Taste Small Berikut harga dan menu Combo Special Taste Small dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
3 Brown Sugar Fresh Milk Small - | Rp. 45,000 | |
3 Cookies And Cream Small - | Rp. 45,000 | |
3 Fresh Milk Regal Small - | Rp. 45,000 | |
3 Brown Sugar Boba Milk Tea Small - | Rp. 45,000 | |
Kategori Milk Large ( Tanpa Boba/Topping ) Berikut harga dan menu Milk Large ( Tanpa Boba/Topping ) dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Vanila Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Milk Tea Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Chocolate Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Cappucino Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Tiramishu Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Red Velvet Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Green Tea Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Thai Tea Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Taro Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Bubble Gum Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Avocado Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Manggo Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Strawberry Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Milo Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Teh Tarik Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Milky Coffee Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Ovaltine Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Durian Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Mocachino Large - | Rp. 16,000 | |
Kategori Milk Small ( Tanpa Boba/Topping ) Berikut harga dan menu Milk Small ( Tanpa Boba/Topping ) dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Vanila Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Chocolate Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Cappucino Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Red Velvet Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Green Tea Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Thai Tea Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Taro Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Avocado Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Manggo Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Strawberry Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milo Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Teh Tarik Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milky Coffee Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Durian Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Mocachino Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Milk Tea Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Tiramishu Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Bubble Gum Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Ovaltine Small - | Rp. 13,000 | |
Kategori Topping Berikut harga dan menu Topping dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Boba - | Rp. 3,000 | |
Regal - | Rp. 4,000 | |
Boba Meletus - | Rp. 5,000 |
Senin | 18:00-22:00 |
Selasa | 18:00-22:00 |
Rabu | 18:00-22:00 |
Jumat | 18:00-22:00 |
Sabtu | 18:00-22:00 |
Soto Banjar |
Sop Mutiara |
Nasi Kuning Banjar |
Nasi Itik Gambut |
Cacapan Asam |
Ketupat Kandangan |
Lontong Orari |
Patin Baubar |
Manday |
Sambal Acan |