Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 |
Paket Berdua | Selat |
Sup | Nasi |
Menu | Minuman |
Snack |
Kategori Paket Berdua Berikut harga dan menu Paket Berdua dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
2 Selat Daging Cacah 2 Es Teh/teh Meat Ball Egg Potatoes Carrots Cucumbers Stringbeans Served With Fresh Viens Special Gravy Sauce | Rp. 70,000 | |
2 Selat Daging Cacah 2 Es Jeruk/jeruk Meat Ball Egg Potatoes Carrots Cucumbers Stringbeans Served With Fresh Viens Special Gravy Sauce | Rp. 72,000 | |
2 Sup Matahari 2 Es Teh/teh Chicken Fillet Wrapped In Omelette Carrots Crisps Potatoes Sweet Corn Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 50,000 | |
2 Sup Matahari 2 Es Jeruk/jeruk Chicken Fillet Wrapped In Omelette Carrots Crisps Potatoes Sweet Corn Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 52,000 | |
1 Sup Matahari 1 Selat Daging Cacah 2 Es Teh/teh Mix Sup Matahari And Selat Daging Cacah | Rp. 60,000 | |
1 Sup Matahari 1 Selat Daging Cacah 2 Es Jeruk/jeruk Mix Sup Matahari And Selat Daging Cacah | Rp. 62,000 | |
Kategori Selat Berikut harga dan menu Selat yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Selat Double Daging Meat Ball Egg Potatoes Carrots Cucumbers Stringbeans Served With Fresh Viens Special Gravy Sauce | Rp. 20,000 | |
Selat Daging Cacah Meat Ball Egg Potatoes Carrots Cucumbers Stringbeans Served With Fresh Viens Special Gravy Sauce | Rp. 17,500 | |
Selat Daging Cacah Es Teh/teh Meat Ball Egg Potatoes Carrots Cucumbers Stringbeans Served With Fresh Viens Special Gravy Sauce | Rp. 35,000 | |
Selat Daging Cacah Es Jeruk/jeruk Meat Ball Egg Potatoes Carrots Cucumbers Stringbeans Served With Fresh Viens Special Gravy Sauce | Rp. 36,000 | |
Kategori Sup Berikut harga dan menu Sup dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Stup Makaroni Macaroni Eggs Chicken Served Soup Broth With Milk Mixture | Rp. 13,000 | |
Sup Matahari Chicken Fillet Wrapped In Omelette Carrots Crisps Potatoes Sweet Corn Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 13,000 | |
Sup Galantin Chicken Fillet Carrots Crisps Potatoes Mushrom Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 13,000 | |
Sup Matahari Es Teh/teh Chicken Fillet Wrapped In Omelette Carrots Crisps Potatoes Sweet Corn Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 25,000 | |
Sup Matahari Es Jeruk/jeruk Chicken Fillet Wrapped In Omelette Carrots Crisps Potatoes Sweet Corn Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 26,000 | |
Sup Galantin Es Teh/teh Chicken Fillet Carrots Crisps Potatoes Mushrom Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 25,000 | |
Sup Galantin Es Jeruk/jeruk Chicken Fillet Carrots Crisps Potatoes Mushrom Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 25,000 | |
Sup Manten Es Teh/teh Chicken Carrots Crisps Potatoes Mushrom Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 25,000 | |
Sup Manten Es Jeruk/jeruk Chicken Carrots Crisps Potatoes Mushrom Served With Soup Broth | Rp. 25,000 | |
Kategori Nasi Berikut harga dan menu Nasi dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Nasi Soto Es Teh/teh Rice With Topping Crisps Potatoes Chicken Rice Noodles | Rp. 18,000 | |
Nasi Soto Es Jeruk/jeruk Rice With Topping Crisps Potatoes Chicken Rice Noodles | Rp. 20,000 | |
Nasi Timlo Es Teh/teh Rice With Topping Crisps Potatoes Chicken Egg Rice Noodles Carrots Mushrom | Rp. 18,000 | |
Nasi Timlo Es Jeruk/jeruk Rice With Topping Crisps Potatoes Chicken Egg Rice Noodles Carrots Mushrom | Rp. 20,000 | |
Kategori Menu Berikut harga dan menu Menu dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Gado-gado Solo es Teh/teh Egg Potatoes Carrots Stringbeans Cabbage Cucumbers Served With Nut Sauce | Rp. 26,000 | |
Gado-gado Solo es Jeruk/jeruk Egg Potatoes Carrots Stringbeans Cabbage Cucumbers Served With Nut Sauce | Rp. 28,000 | |
Kategori Minuman Berikut harga dan menu Minuman yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini. | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Es Teh/teh Solo Specialty Tea | Rp. 5,000 | |
Es Jeruk/jeruk Fresh Orange Juice | Rp. 6,000 | |
Kategori Snack Berikut harga dan menu Snack dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda | ||
Nama | Harga | |
Kue Sus Fla - | Rp. 4,500 | |
Karak Bratan - | Rp. 6,000 |
Senin | 10:00-22:00 |
Selasa | 10:00-22:00 |
Rabu | 10:00-22:00 |
Kamis | 10:00-22:00 |
Jumat | 10:00-22:00 |
Sabtu | 10:00-22:00 |
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