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Monday Coffee, Kiara Artha Park

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>> Daftar dan dapatkan cuan berkali lipat <<

Restoran Monday Coffee, Kiara Artha Park merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang tepatnya di daerah Bandung

  •   Alamat : Jl. Banten, Kebonwaru, Kec. Batununggal, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40272 - Tenant C25, Kiara Artha Park.
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 26-Jan-2024
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Tidak
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Minuman, Aneka Nasi, Coffee Shop. Harga yang ditawarkan pun juga lumayan terjangkau dan menu-menu yang ditawarkan juga cukup bervariasi sehingga cocok disantap dengan teman dan sahabat anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Monday Special Offer! Monday Literan

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Monday Special Offer!
Berikut harga dan menu Monday Special Offer! dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
(BUY 1 GET 1) Monday sweetness 2.0 (BUY 1 GET 1) Monday sweetness 2.0
Rp. 44,000
(10 Cup) Monday Sweetness (10 Cup) Monday Sweetness
Rp. 320,000
(20 Cup) Monday Sweetness (20 Cup) Monday Sweetness
Rp. 640,000

Kategori Monday Literan
Berikut harga dan menu Monday Literan yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Monday sweetness (500ml) Monday sweetness (500ml)
Rp. 68,000
Monday sweetness 2.0 (500ml) Monday sweetness 2.0 (500ml)
Rp. 68,000
Honeydew kiss (500ml) Honeydew kiss (500ml)
Rp. 68,000
Youth yin yang yeah (500ml) Youth yin yang yeah (500ml)
Rp. 69,000
Black monday (500ml) Black monday (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
White monday (500ml) White monday (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Flavour latte (500ml) Flavour latte (500ml)
Rp. 72,000
Mochacinno (500ml) Mochacinno (500ml)
Rp. 72,000
Milkoats (500ml) Milkoats (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Choco signature (500ml) Choco signature (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Lovely velvet (500ml) Lovely velvet (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Matcha latte (500ml) Matcha latte (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Tropical berry tea (500ml) Tropical berry tea (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Tropical mango tea (500ml) Tropical mango tea (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Beach party (500ml) Beach party (500ml)
Rp. 67,000
Purple haze (500ml) Purple haze (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Yellow submarine (500ml) Yellow submarine (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
De chile (500ml) De chile (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Orange jinji (500ml) Orange jinji (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Baby bunny (500ml) Baby bunny (500ml)
Rp. 70,000
Monday sweetness (1000ml) Monday sweetness (1000ml)
Rp. 133,000
Monday sweetness 2.0 (1000ml) Monday sweetness 2.0 (1000ml)
Rp. 133,000
Honeydew kiss (1000ml) Honeydew kiss (1000ml)
Rp. 133,000
Milkoats (1000ml) Milkoats (1000ml)
Rp. 135,000
Choco signature (1000ml) Choco signature (1000ml)
Rp. 135,000
Matcha latte (1000ml) Matcha latte (1000ml)
Rp. 135,000
Lovely velvet (1000ml) Lovely velvet (1000ml)
Rp. 134,000
Juk Jerus (500Ml) Juk Jerus (500Ml)
Rp. 67,000

Berikut harga dan menu SIGNATURE DRINK dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Monday Sweetness Monday Sweetness
Creamy Milk Coffee With Sweet Of Mixed Sugar
Rp. 33,000
Monday Sweetness 2.0 Monday Sweetness 2.0
Creamy Milk Coffee With Mixed Sugar And Sweet Hint Of Coconut
Rp. 33,000
Honeydew Kiss Honeydew Kiss
Creamy Milk Coffee With Sweet Hint Of Fruit
Rp. 33,000
Youth Yin-yang Yeah Youth Yin-yang Yeah
Bitter Sweet And Sour Mocktail With Coffee And Tea Base
Rp. 35,000

Berikut harga dan menu SIGNATURE MOCKTAILS yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Baby Bunny Baby Bunny
Sweet And Creamy Mocktail With Sweet Of Bubble Gum And Hint Of Cinnamon
Rp. 35,000
Purple Haze Purple Haze
Refreshing Sweet And Sour Mocktail Dragon Fruit Based
Rp. 35,000
Yellow Submarine Yellow Submarine
Smooth Sweet And Sour Mocktail Turmeric Water Based
Rp. 35,000
Killua Killua
Sparkling Mocktail Topped With Creamy Sweet Whipcream
Rp. 35,000
Orange Jinji Orange Jinji
Clarified Soursop Mocktail With Osmanthus Flavour
Rp. 35,000
De Chile De Chile
Fresh Spice And Sour Mocktail Based On Chili
Rp. 35,000

Berikut harga dan menu MILK BASED dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Matcha Latte Matcha Latte
Premium Matcha With Creamy Milk Based
Rp. 35,000
Choco Signature Choco Signature
Premium Choco With Creamy Milk Based
Rp. 35,000
Lovely Velvet Lovely Velvet
Premium Red Velvet With Creamy Milk Based
Rp. 35,000
Milkoats Milkoats
Oat Biscuits And Milk With Sweet Of Coconut And Hazelnut
Rp. 33,000

Berikut harga dan menu COFFEE BASED dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
White Monday White Monday
White Coffee Full Arabica Based
Rp. 33,000
Black Monday Black Monday
Black Coffee Full Arabica Based
Rp. 33,000
Flavor Latte Flavor Latte
White Coffee Full Arabica With Special Flavour Syrup (vanilla Caramel Or Hazelnut)
Rp. 35,000
Mochacino Mochacino
Milk Chocolate Premium With A Shot Of Full Arabica Espresso
Rp. 35,000

Kategori TEA BASED
Berikut harga dan menu TEA BASED dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Tropical Berry Tea Tropical Berry Tea
Fresh Sweet And Sour Artisan Tea
Rp. 35,000
Tropical Mango Tea Tropical Mango Tea
Fresh Sweet And Sour Artisan Tea
Rp. 35,000

Berikut harga dan menu MONDAY BOOSTER yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Beach Party Beach Party
Mixed Juice Signature By Monday Coffee Bubat
Rp. 32,000
Juk Jerus Juk Jerus
Mixed Juice Signature By Monday Coffee Dago
Rp. 32,000

Berikut harga dan menu SWEET BITES dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Carrot Cake Carrot Cake
Creamy Cake Sweet Carrot Based
Rp. 32,000
Basque Burnt Cheesecake Basque Burnt Cheesecake
Creamy Soft Cheese Cake With Basque Burnt Sauce
Rp. 40,000
Rare Blueberry Cheesecake Rare Blueberry Cheesecake
Creamy Soft And Fruity Cake With Blueberry Sauce
Rp. 40,000
Monday Lotus Cheesecake Monday Lotus Cheesecake
Creamy Soft Cheesecake With Lotus Sauce
Rp. 40,000
Monday Butter Croissant Monday Butter Croissant
Rp. 33,000
Monday Cookie Cup Monday Cookie Cup
Try The First Cookie Cup In Town!
Rp. 56,000
Tom and Jerry Cheesecake Tom and Jerry Cheesecake
Cheesecake Unik Dengan Layer Coklat Keras Diluar Lalu Soft Cream Didalamnya
Rp. 38,000
Choco Berry Gyatto Choco Berry Gyatto
Cake Classic Gateau Au Chocolat Lembut Dan Kaya Coklatnya Dimodifikasi Dengan Berries Cream
Rp. 38,000
Lamington Cake Lamington Cake
Cake Vanilla Dengan Mix Berries Jam Ditengahnya Dilapisi Dark Chocolate Dan Ditaburi Kelapa Bubuk
Rp. 38,000
NY Cheesecake NY Cheesecake
Classic New York Cheesecake Dengan Texture Creamy Dan Lembut Lalu Diberi Topping Strawberry Blueberry Jam
Rp. 38,000
Opera Cake Opera Cake
Layer Almond Sponge Cake Dengan Flavor Coffee Dengan French Buttercream Lalu Ditutup Oleh Dark Chocolate
Rp. 38,000

Berikut harga dan menu SNACK BITES dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Bite Ballen Bite Ballen
Roux Ball Filled With Mozarella Cheese
Rp. 37,000
Mon-nachos Mon-nachos
Tortilla Chips Mixed With Chicken Katsu And Salsa Dabu Dabu
Rp. 35,000
Umami Cilembu Fries Umami Cilembu Fries
Sweet Potato Shoestring Fries With Spicy Mayo Side Sauce
Rp. 34,000
Potato Karooket Potato Karooket
Potato Puree Mixing With Roux Filled With Smoke Beef
Rp. 32,000
Monday Platter Monday Platter
Signature Platter Of Onion Ring Fried Fries And Champignon Mushroom
Rp. 37,000

Kategori FOODS
Berikut harga dan menu FOODS yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Kip Spicy Mayo Kip Spicy Mayo
Chicken Karage With Chilli Oil And Mayo And Sunny Side Up
Rp. 44,000
Kip Sambal Kemangi Kip Sambal Kemangi
Chicken Karage With Kemangi Sauce And Scramble Egg
Rp. 44,000
Selat Steak Selat Steak
Chicken Steak With Potato Wedges And Selat Solo Sauce
Rp. 53,000
Dori Fish Matah Rice Dori Fish Matah Rice
Rice With Sunny Side Up And Dori Fish Sambal Matah
Rp. 44,000
Baked Zwartzuur Baked Zwartzuur
Fried Butter Rice With Balado Chicken Topped With Creamy Brulee
Rp. 49,000
Rice Bowl Dori (with sauce) Rice Bowl Dori (with sauce)
Rice Bowl Dori Katsu Dengan Lima Saus Pilihan (Pick One Sauce!)
Rp. 38,000
Rice Bowl Chicken Katsu (with sauce) Rice Bowl Chicken Katsu (with sauce)
Rice Bowl Chicken Katsu Dengan Lima Saus Pilihan (Pick One Sauce!)
Rp. 38,000
Rice Bowl Beef Sirloin (With Sauce) Rice Bowl Beef Sirloin (With Sauce)
Rice Bowl Beef Sirloin Dengan Lima Saus Pilihan (pick One Sauce!)
Rp. 40,000

Berikut harga dan menu NOODLE AND PASTA dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Fettuccine Mushroom Fettuccine Mushroom
Creamy Fettucine With Full Flavour Of 3 Mushroom Types
Rp. 34,000
Fettuccine Beef Chimichurri Fettuccine Beef Chimichurri
Fettuccine Coated With Chimichurri Sauce
Rp. 46,000
Hainan Soup Noodle Hainan Soup Noodle
Noodle Soup With Savoury From Hainan Broth And Chicken Katsu
Rp. 42,000
Spaghetti Dabu-dabu Spaghetti Dabu-dabu
Fusion Of Spaghetti Aglio E Olio With Dabu Dabu Sauce
Rp. 48,000
Spaghetti Dogdog Spaghetti Dogdog
A Modification Of Traditional Noodle Egg But With Spaghetti
Rp. 43,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 32,000 - Rp. 640,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Monday Coffee, Kiara Artha Park secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


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