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Juice & Salad Hello, Muliorejo/Talisari/Multimedia

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Restoran Juice & Salad Hello, Muliorejo/Talisari/Multimedia merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Timur yang tepatnya di daerah Surabaya

  •   Alamat : Jalan Raya Mulyosari No.186, Kalisari, Kecamatan Mulyorejo.
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 19-Feb-2024
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Tidak
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Fastfood, Snacks Jajanan, Minuman yang cocok disantap dengan teman atau sahabat anda. Tempat makan ini menawarkan berbagai menu masakan yang enak dan lezat. Harganya pun masih bisa dijangkau oleh kantong anda.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 JUICE Smothies Healthy Fruit Salad Diets
 Special Cream Fruit Salad Mixed Hello Healthy
 New...! Cream Chesee Thai Thai Spesial Shake Yummy
 Singapore Island

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori JUICE Smothies
Berikut harga dan menu JUICE Smothies yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Juice Durian Smooth Juice Durian Smooth
Durian Milk
Rp. 20,900
Juice Avocado Smoth Juice Avocado Smoth
Avocado Milk Dll
Rp. 19,900
Juice Red Grape Smoth Juice Red Grape Smoth
Grape Milk Dl
Rp. 18,900
Dragon Fruit Juice Smoth Dragon Fruit Juice Smoth
Dragon Fruit
Rp. 18,900
Guava Juice Smoth Guava Juice Smoth
Guava Milk
Rp. 17,900
Soursop Juice Smoth Soursop Juice Smoth
Rp. 18,900
Juice Red Apple Smoth Juice Red Apple Smoth
Red Apple Milk
Rp. 18,900
Juice Pear Smoth Juice Pear Smoth
Pir Milk
Rp. 18,900
Orange Juice Smoth Orange Juice Smoth
Rp. 17,900
Watermelon Juice Smoth Watermelon Juice Smoth
Watermelon Milk
Rp. 18,900
Juice Melon Smoth Juice Melon Smoth
Melon Milk
Rp. 17,900
Lemon Juice Smoth Lemon Juice Smoth
Rp. 17,900
Juice Tomato Smoth Juice Tomato Smoth
Tomato Milk
Rp. 17,900
Juice Pineapple Smoth Juice Pineapple Smoth
Pineapple Milk
Rp. 17,900
Juice Star Fruit Smoth Juice Star Fruit Smoth
Dare To Be Different Is Good :)
Rp. 17,900
Juice Spinach Juice Spinach
Rp. 17,900
Juice Brocolli Smooth Juice Brocolli Smooth
Rp. 18,900
Juice Carrot Smoth Juice Carrot Smoth
Carrot Milk
Rp. 17,900
Juice Cacumbar Healthy Juice Cacumbar Healthy
Rp. 17,900
Juice Terung Belanda Smooth Juice Terung Belanda Smooth
Terung Belanda
Rp. 20,900
Juice Mango Smoth Juice Mango Smoth
Dare To Be Different Is Good :)
Rp. 18,900
Juice Strawberries Smoth Juice Strawberries Smoth
Strowberry Milk
Rp. 17,500

Kategori Healthy Fruit Salad Diets
Berikut harga dan menu Healthy Fruit Salad Diets yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Salad Exsport 650Ml Pudding Salad Exsport 650Ml Pudding
Dressing Creamer Selasi Milk Cheese Aple Melon Mango Nata De Coco Pear
Rp. 32,900
Salad Exsport 1100Ml Pudding Salad Exsport 1100Ml Pudding
Dressing Creamer Selasi Milk Cheese Aple Melon Mango Nata De Coco Pear
Rp. 40,900
Beautiful Salad 650ml Pudding Beautiful Salad 650ml Pudding
Dressing Honey Sweetened Condensed Milk Aple Pear Grape Strawberries Orange Kiwi Cheese
Rp. 32,900
Beautiful Salad 1100ml Pudding Beautiful Salad 1100ml Pudding
Dressing Honey Sweetened Condensed Milk Aple Pear Grape Strawberries Orange Kiwi Cheese
Rp. 41,900
Coory Ory Salad 650ml Pudding Coory Ory Salad 650ml Pudding
Dressing Milk Cheese Pineapple Watermelon Dragon Fruit Grape Lemon Strawberries
Rp. 30,900
Coory Ory Salad 1100ml Pudding Coory Ory Salad 1100ml Pudding
Dressing Milk Cheese Pineapple Watermelon Dragon Fruit Grape Lemon Strawberries
Rp. 39,200
Thai hot salad 650ml Pudding Thai hot salad 650ml Pudding
Dressing Boncilli Milk Cheese Pinaepple Melon Aple Watermelon Grape Kiwi Strawberries
Rp. 32,900
Thai Hot Salad 1100ML Pudding Thai Hot Salad 1100ML Pudding
Dressing Boncilli Milk Cheese Pinaepple Melon Aple Watermelon Grape Kiwi Strawberries
Rp. 42,900
Singapore Island 650Ml Pudding Singapore Island 650Ml Pudding
Sirsat Dressing Milk Cheese Nata De Coco Aple Melon Pear Grape Banana Mango Strawberri
Rp. 32,900
Singapore Island 1100Ml Pudding Singapore Island 1100Ml Pudding
Sirsat Dressing Milk Cheese Nata De Coco Aple Melon Pear Grape Banana Mango Strawberri
Rp. 42,900
Salad Milk Honey 650ml Pudding Salad Milk Honey 650ml Pudding
Dressing Milk Honey Cheese Mango Aple Melon Dragon Fruit Banana Grape Dates
Rp. 32,900
Salad Milk Honey 1100Ml Pudding Salad Milk Honey 1100Ml Pudding
Dressing Milk Honey Cheese Mango Aple Melon Dragon Fruit Banana Grape Dates
Rp. 42,900
Salad Sweet Aurora 650 Ml Salad Sweet Aurora 650 Ml
Dressing Milk Cheese Mint Yoghurt Plain Pear Mango Aple Strawberri Orange Natade Coco Selasi
Rp. 32,900
Salad Sweet Aurora 1100Ml Pudding Salad Sweet Aurora 1100Ml Pudding
Dressing Milk Cheese Mint Yoghurt Plain Pear Mango Aple Strawberri Orange Natade Coco Selasi
Rp. 42,900
Fruit Salad Homemade 650 Ml Pudding Fruit Salad Homemade 650 Ml Pudding
Dressing Milk Lemon Vanila Vegetable Oil Sugar Cheese Aple Pear Dragonfruit Banana Kiwi Orange
Rp. 32,900
Fruit Salad Homemade 1100Ml Pudding Fruit Salad Homemade 1100Ml Pudding
Dressing Milk Lemon Vanila Vegetable Oil Sugar Cheese Aple Pear Dragonfruit Banana Kiwi Orange
Rp. 42,900
Salad Honey-Lemon 650Ml Pudding Salad Honey-Lemon 650Ml Pudding
Dressing Lemon Honey Cheese Watermelon Melon Pineapple Pear Grape Strawberri Natade Coco Orange
Rp. 31,900
Salad Honey-Lemon 1100ml Pudding Salad Honey-Lemon 1100ml Pudding
Dressing Lemon Honey Cheese Watermelon Melon Pineapple Pear Grape Strawberri Natade Coco Orange
Rp. 42,900
Salad Vanilla Dressing 650Ml Pudding Salad Vanilla Dressing 650Ml Pudding
Dressing Yougurt Lemon Honey Cheese Aple Pear Melon Dragon Fruit Mango Kiwi Selasi Grape Nata De Coco
Rp. 32,900
Salad Vanilla Dressing 1100Ml Pudding Salad Vanilla Dressing 1100Ml Pudding
Dressing Yougurt Lemon Honey Cheese Aple Pear Melon Dragon Fruit Mango Kiwi Selasi Grape Nata De Coco
Rp. 42,900
Salad Sweet Orange 650Ml Pudding Salad Sweet Orange 650Ml Pudding
Aple Melon Honey Mango Grape Avocado Orange Cheese Milk Dressing
Rp. 32,900
Salad Sweet Orange 1100Ml Pudding Salad Sweet Orange 1100Ml Pudding
Aple Melon Honey Mango Grape Avocado Orange Cheese Milk Dressing
Rp. 42,900
Salad Sweet Macha 650Ml Puding Salad Sweet Macha 650Ml Puding
Green Tea Powder Apple Melon Banana Mango Kiwi Strawberry Cheese
Rp. 32,900
Salad Sweet Macha 1100Ml Puding Salad Sweet Macha 1100Ml Puding
Green Tea Powder Apple Melon Banana Mango Kiwi Strawberry Cheese
Rp. 42,900
New Salad Dress Taro 650 Ml Puding New Salad Dress Taro 650 Ml Puding
Mayo Keju Susu Taro Apel Melon B Naga Strow Anggur Dll
Rp. 32,000
New Salad Dress Taro 1100ML Puding New Salad Dress Taro 1100ML Puding
Mayo Keju Susu Taro Apel Melon B Nga Strow Pear Strow Anggur Dll
Rp. 41,900
New Salad Dress Bubble Gum 650Ml Puding New Salad Dress Bubble Gum 650Ml Puding
Dressing Bubble Gum Susu Kaju Strow Apel Kiwi Pisang Melon Semngka B Naga Pear Dll
Rp. 32,900
New Salad Dress Bubble Gum 1100Ml Puding New Salad Dress Bubble Gum 1100Ml Puding
Dressing Bubble Gum Susu Kaju Strow Apel Kiwi Pisang Melon Semngka B Naga Pear Dll
Rp. 42,900
Neu Salad Dress Bluberry 650Ml Puding Neu Salad Dress Bluberry 650Ml Puding
Dressing Bluberry Keju Susu Apel Melon Pisang Alpokat Bnaga Strow Kiwi Anggur Dll
Rp. 32,900
New Salad Dress Bluberry 1100Ml Puding New Salad Dress Bluberry 1100Ml Puding
Dressing Bluberry Keju Susu Apel Melon Pisang Alpokat Bnaga Strow Kiwi Anggur Dll
Rp. 42,900
New Salad Drees Karamel 650Ml Puding New Salad Drees Karamel 650Ml Puding
Karamel Keju Susu Cream Apel Pear Melon Kiwi Jeruk Semangka B Naga Dll
Rp. 32,900
New Salad Dress Karamel 1100ML puding New Salad Dress Karamel 1100ML puding
Karamel Keju Susu Cream Apel Pear Melon Kiwi Jeruk Semangka B Naga Dll
Rp. 42,900

Kategori Special Cream Fruit Salad
Berikut harga dan menu Special Cream Fruit Salad yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Salad Musim Panas 650Ml Salad Musim Panas 650Ml
Marshmello Pisang Nanas Kelapa Cherry Strow Jeruk Anggur Pir Yogurt Dll
Rp. 33,900
Hot Cream Salada 650ml Hot Cream Salada 650ml
Cream Cilly Lemon Pisang Nanas Mangga Apel Strow Pir
Rp. 32,900
Frugt Vani Choko Cream 650Ml Frugt Vani Choko Cream 650Ml
Cream Vani Susu Anggur Apel Strow Pisang Melon Coklat Kacang Almond
Rp. 33,900
Frog Eye Cream Salad 650Ml Frog Eye Cream Salad 650Ml
Kelapa Jeruk Apel Pisang Pir Jelly Anggur Cream Marshmello Dll
Rp. 32,900
Bionica Marshmello Cream 650Ml Bionica Marshmello Cream 650Ml
Apel Pir Jeruk Melon Cream Susu Madu Strow
Rp. 32,900

Kategori Mixed Hello Healthy
Berikut harga dan menu Mixed Hello Healthy dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Healthy Strawberryban Healthy Strawberryban
Rp. 23,900
Smoothis Chocolate Butter Banana Smoothis Chocolate Butter Banana
Milk Chocolate Banana Cream Dll
Rp. 23,900
BluberryBan Spin Smooth BluberryBan Spin Smooth
Bluberry Spinach Banana Dll
Rp. 23,900
Kiwi spin Banana Smooth Kiwi spin Banana Smooth
Kiwi Banana Spinach Milk Creamer Dll
Rp. 22,900
Vanni Strawberry Smooth Vanni Strawberry Smooth
Strawberry Vanilla Milk Yogurt Dll
Rp. 22,900
Strawberry Beet Smooth Strawberry Beet Smooth
Beet Strawberry Banana Lettuce Dll
Rp. 22,900
Pineapple Orange Mango Smooth Pineapple Orange Mango Smooth
Pineapple Orange Mango Yogurt Milk Dll
Rp. 22,900
Dragon and Mango Smooth Dragon and Mango Smooth
Dragon Fruit Mango Vanilla Yogurt Yakult Milk Dll
Rp. 22,900
Carrot Orange Mango (COM) Carrot Orange Mango (COM)
Carrot Orange Mango Cream Dll
Rp. 22,900
Mixed Berry Two Smooth Mixed Berry Two Smooth
Strawberry Bluberry Yugort Milk Dll
Rp. 22,900
Tropical Green Tropical Green
Spinach Pineapple Mango Milk Dll
Rp. 22,900
Mix Avona Quaker Mix Avona Quaker
Quaker Pisang Alpokat Skm Susu Dll
Rp. 20,900
Mix Almo Avona Mix Almo Avona
Kacang Almond Pisang Alpokat Skm Cream
Rp. 20,900
Mix Four Fruit Mix Four Fruit
Jeruk Apel Wortel Strowberry Skm
Rp. 21,900
Mix Dragon Black Current Mix Dragon Black Current
B Naga Black Current Skm Dll
Rp. 20,900
Mix 3Berriban Current Mix 3Berriban Current
Pisang Strow Blu Black Current Skm
Rp. 21,900
Banana Chia Quaker Banana Chia Quaker
Pisang Chiased Quaker Skm Dll
Rp. 20,900
Mix Pinpear Mix Pinpear
Nanas Pir Skm Dll
Rp. 20,900
Mix A And D Hello Mix A And D Hello
Alpokat B Naga Skm Dll
Rp. 20,900
Mix 3 Diva Hello Mix 3 Diva Hello
Tomat Apel Pepaya Susu Dll
Rp. 20,900
Mix 3Divart Mix 3Divart
Apel Tomat Wortel Skm Dll
Rp. 20,900
Mix Avobee Mix Avobee
Alpokat Strowberry Skm Dll
Rp. 20,900
Mix Cacumbar N Pear Mix Cacumbar N Pear
Timun Pir Skm
Rp. 19,900

Kategori New...! Cream Chesee Thai Thai
Berikut harga dan menu New...! Cream Chesee Thai Thai dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Dragon Thai Cream Cheese 22 Dragon Thai Cream Cheese 22
Cream Sugar Dll
Rp. 25,000
Dragon Thai Cream Cheese 18 Dragon Thai Cream Cheese 18
Rp. 20,000
Banana Thai Cream Cheese 22 Banana Thai Cream Cheese 22
Rp. 25,000
Banana Thai Cream Cheese 18 Banana Thai Cream Cheese 18
Rp. 20,000
Mango Thai Cream Cheese 22 Mango Thai Cream Cheese 22
Rp. 25,000
Mango Thai Cream Cheese 18 Mango Thai Cream Cheese 18
Mangi Cream
Rp. 20,000
Avocado Thai Cream Cheese 22 Avocado Thai Cream Cheese 22
Rp. 25,000
Avocado Thai Creams Cheese 18 Avocado Thai Creams Cheese 18
Avocado Creams
Rp. 20,000
Strow Thai Cream Cheese 22 Strow Thai Cream Cheese 22
Strow Creams
Rp. 25,000
Strow Thai Cream Cheese 18 Strow Thai Cream Cheese 18
Strow Cream
Rp. 20,000

Kategori Spesial Shake Yummy
Berikut harga dan menu Spesial Shake Yummy dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Avocado Shake cappuccino Avocado Shake cappuccino
Avocado Creamer Milk Sugar Cuppucino Ice Dll
Rp. 22,900
Avocado chocolate cheese shake Avocado chocolate cheese shake
Avocado Creamer Milk Simple Sirup Cheese Chokelat Ice Dll
Rp. 22,900
Chocolate Shake avocado Chocolate Shake avocado
Avocado Milk Creamer Simple Sirup Ice Chocelate
Rp. 22,900
Avocado shake special cuppuccino Avocado shake special cuppuccino
Avocado Simple Sirup Milk Creamer Ice Cuppuccino
Rp. 22,900
Avocado Shake Oreos Avocado Shake Oreos
Avocado Creamer Cheese Simple Sirup Ice Oreos Milk Dll
Rp. 22,900
Avocado Shake Original Avocado Shake Original
Avocado Milk Creamer Cheese Simple Sirup Ice Dll
Rp. 22,900
Dragon fruit shake Dragon fruit shake
Dragon Fruit Milk Simple Sirup Creamer Dll
Rp. 22,900
Mango shake Milk Mango shake Milk
Mango Milk Simple Sirup Creamer Cheese Ice Dll
Rp. 22,900
Milk Shake Durian Milk Shake Durian
Durian Dll
Rp. 21,900

Kategori Singapore Island
Berikut harga dan menu Singapore Island yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Singapore Island Avocado Original Singapore Island Avocado Original
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 23,900
Singapore Island Avocado Milo Singapore Island Avocado Milo
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 23,900
Singapore Island Avocado Oreo Singapore Island Avocado Oreo
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
singapore island avocado chocolate cheese singapore island avocado chocolate cheese
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore Island Dragon Singapore Island Dragon
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore island Guava Singapore island Guava
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore Island Milk Singapore Island Milk
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore Island Tailings Singapore Island Tailings
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore Island Chocolate Singapore Island Chocolate
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapura Island Grape Singapura Island Grape
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore Island Strawberries Singapore Island Strawberries
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore Island Aple Singapore Island Aple
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore Island Orange Singapore Island Orange
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900
Singapore Island Mango Singapore Island Mango
Various Fruit Flavors
Rp. 22,900

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 17,500 - Rp. 42,900.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Juice & Salad Hello, Muliorejo/Talisari/Multimedia secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.


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