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Roti Bakar Dan Kukus AMORI Margahayu Raya Bandung

Rating 4.5 (4.5)

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Restoran Roti Bakar Dan Kukus AMORI Margahayu Raya Bandung merupakan restoran yang lokasinya berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat yang tepatnya di daerah Bandung

  •   Alamat : Margahayu Raya Jl Jupiter Barat Blok Q2 No 37 Sekejati Buahbatu Kota Bandung
  •   Telepon : 
  •   Daftar Online : 18-Nov-2020
  •   Ambil Di Tempat : Ya
  •   Bisa Dikirim : Ya

Restoran ini menjual berbagai macam jenis makanan/minuman seperti : Roti, Sweets Desserts, Minuman. yang sangat enak dinikmati bersama keluarga anda. Kamu bisa kok menikmati sajian makanan yang enak dengan harga terjangkau di restoran ini.

Restoran ini juga menyediakan kategori jenis kuliner yang beragam seperti :
 Roti Bakar Kadet Manis Roti Kukus Kadet Manis
 Roti Bakar Kadet Asin Soft Drink
 BasReng Juice
 Additional Toping Package
 Noodle Aka Mie

Daftar Menu Dan Harga

Kategori Roti Bakar Kadet Manis
Berikut harga dan menu Roti Bakar Kadet Manis dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Jadoel Toast Jadoel Toast
Mentega Gula Pasir Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 9,000
Jadoel Sprinkled With Bengbeng Toast Jadoel Sprinkled With Bengbeng Toast
Mentega Gula Pasir Ditaburin Drink Bengbeng Susu Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Chocolate Toast Chocolate Toast
Selai Coklat Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 9,000
Double Chocolate With Bengbeng Toast Double Chocolate With Bengbeng Toast
Rp. 17,000
Peanut Toast Peanut Toast
Selai Kacang Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 9,000
Peanut Chocolate Toast Peanut Chocolate Toast
Selai Kacang Cokelat Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 11,500
Peanut With Bengbeng Toast Peanut With Bengbeng Toast
Selai Kacang Ditaburi Bengbeng
Rp. 15,000
Peanut With Matcha Latte Toast Peanut With Matcha Latte Toast
Rp. 15,000
Single Cheese Toast Single Cheese Toast
Keju Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 11,500
Double Cheese Toast Double Cheese Toast
Keju Parut Melimpah
Rp. 15,000
Cheese Chocolate Toast Cheese Chocolate Toast
Selai Coklat Ditaburi Keju Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 13,000
Cheese Nuts Toast Cheese Nuts Toast
Selai Kacang Keju Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 13,000
Cheese Blueberry Toast Cheese Blueberry Toast
Rp. 13,000
Cheese Tiramisu Toast Cheese Tiramisu Toast
Rp. 17,500
Cheese Greentea Toast Cheese Greentea Toast
Rp. 17,500
Cheese With Bengbeng Toast Cheese With Bengbeng Toast
Keju Parut Ditaburin Bengbeng Susu
Rp. 17,000
Blueberry Toast Blueberry Toast
Rp. 9,000
Blueberry Nut Toast Blueberry Nut Toast
Selai Kacang Selai Blueberry Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 11,500
Blueberry Chocolate Toast Blueberry Chocolate Toast
Rp. 11,500
Blueberry Tiramisu Toast Blueberry Tiramisu Toast
Rp. 15,000
Blueberry Greentea Toast Blueberry Greentea Toast
Rp. 15,500
Blueberry With Bengbeng Toast Blueberry With Bengbeng Toast
Selai Blueberry Taburan Drink Bengbeng Susu
Rp. 15,000
Strawberry Toast Strawberry Toast
Rp. 9,000
Strawberry Nut Toast Strawberry Nut Toast
Selai Kacang Dan Selai Strawberry
Rp. 11,500
Strawberry Chocolate Toast Strawberry Chocolate Toast
Rp. 11,500
Strawberry Tiramisu Toast Strawberry Tiramisu Toast
Rp. 15,000
Strawberry With Bengbeng Toast Strawberry With Bengbeng Toast
Strawberry Ditaburin Bengbeng Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 15,000
Strawberry Greentea Toast Strawberry Greentea Toast
Rp. 15,000
Durian Toast Durian Toast
Selai Durian Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 10,500
Durian Chocolate Toast Durian Chocolate Toast
Rp. 15,000
Durian Cheese Toast Durian Cheese Toast
Rp. 15,000
Durian Greentea Toast Durian Greentea Toast
Rp. 15,000
Durian Chocolate With Bengbeng Toast Durian Chocolate With Bengbeng Toast
Rp. 17,000
Tiramisu Toast Tiramisu Toast
Rp. 11,500
Tiramisu Chocolate Toast Tiramisu Chocolate Toast
Rp. 15,000
Tiramisu Durian Toast Tiramisu Durian Toast
Rp. 18,500
Tiramisu Greentea Toast Tiramisu Greentea Toast
Selai Tiramisu Dan Gteentea Susu Kental Manis
Rp. 15,000
Greentea Toast Greentea Toast
Rp. 11,500
Greentea Chocolate Toast Greentea Chocolate Toast
Rp. 15,000
Nastar Toast Nastar Toast
Selai Nanas Kental Manis
Rp. 13,000
Nastar Cheese Toast Nastar Cheese Toast
Selai Nastar Dan Keju Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Nastar Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast Nastar Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast
Selai Nanas Taburan Drink Bengbeng Dan Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Nastar Choco Toast Nastar Choco Toast
Selai Nanas Coklat Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Chocholate With Bengbeng Toast Chocholate With Bengbeng Toast
Selai Cokelat Ditabur Bengbeng Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 15,000
Choco Banana Sprinkled With Cheese Milk Toast Choco Banana Sprinkled With Cheese Milk Toast
Cokelat Pisang Ditaburi Keju
Rp. 17,500
Cheese Vanilla Toast Cheese Vanilla Toast
Rp. 15,000
Vanilla Toast Vanilla Toast
Rp. 11,000
Vanilla Chocolate Toast Vanilla Chocolate Toast
Rp. 12,500
Vanilla Greentea Toast Vanilla Greentea Toast
Rp. 15,000
Nextar Brownies Choco Milk Toast Nextar Brownies Choco Milk Toast
Nextar Coklat Susu
Rp. 17,500
Tiramisu Vanilla Toast Tiramisu Vanilla Toast
Rp. 17,500
Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Beng2 Toast Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Beng2 Toast
Wafer Bengbeng Ditaburin Drink Bengbeng Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 17,500
Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Tiramisu Cheese Toast Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Tiramisu Cheese Toast
Wafer Caramel Pakai Selai Tiramisu Dan Parutan Keju Serta Taburan Bengbeng Bubuk Kental Manis
Rp. 19,500
Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Chocolate Toast Wafer Caramel Bengbeng With Chocolate Toast
Rp. 15,000
Cheese Moza Milk Toast Cheese Moza Milk Toast
Keju Mozarela Susu Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Cheese Moza Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast Cheese Moza Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast
Keju Mozarela Ditaburi Serbuk Bengbeng
Rp. 18,500
Cheese Moza With Vanilla Milk Toast Cheese Moza With Vanilla Milk Toast
Keju Mozarela Dan Vanila Kental Manis
Rp. 17,500
Cheese Moza With Greentea Milk Toast Cheese Moza With Greentea Milk Toast
Keju Mozarela Dan Greentea Kental Manis
Rp. 17,500
Cheese Moza With Tiramisu Milk Toast Cheese Moza With Tiramisu Milk Toast
Keju Mozarela Selai Tiramisu Kental Manis
Rp. 17,500
Wafer Bengbeng With Cheese Moza Milk Toast Wafer Bengbeng With Cheese Moza Milk Toast
Wafer Bengbeng Keju Moza Kental Manis
Rp. 21,000
Taro Milk Toast Taro Milk Toast
Selai Taro Dan Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 11,500
Taro Chocolate Toast Taro Chocolate Toast
Selau Taro Dan Coklat Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Taro Tiramisu Toast Taro Tiramisu Toast
Selai Taro Dan Tiramisu Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Taro Vanila Toast Taro Vanila Toast
Selai Taro Dan Vanila Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 15,000
Taro Cheese Toast Taro Cheese Toast
Selau Taro Dan Keju Parut Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 16,500
Taro Banana Cheese Toast Taro Banana Cheese Toast
Pisang Dioles Selai Taro Dan Keju Parut Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 17,500
Taro Wafer Caramel Bengbeng Toast Taro Wafer Caramel Bengbeng Toast
Selai Taro Dan Wafer Karamel Bengbeng Kental Manis Bakar
Rp. 17,500

Kategori Roti Kukus Kadet Manis
Berikut harga dan menu Roti Kukus Kadet Manis dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Jadoel Steamed Jadoel Steamed
Mentega Gula Pasir Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 9,000
Jadoel With Bengbeng Steamed Jadoel With Bengbeng Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Choco Milk Steamed Choco Milk Steamed
Rp. 9,000
Choco Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Choco Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed
Selai Cokelat Ditaburin Drink Benbeng Susu Kukus
Rp. 15,000
Peanut Butter Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Peanut Butter Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed
Selai Kacang Ditaburin Drink Bengbeng Susu Kukus
Rp. 15,000
Strawberry Milk Steamed Strawberry Milk Steamed
Rp. 9,000
Blueberry Milk Steamed Blueberry Milk Steamed
Rp. 9,000
Blueberry Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Blueberry Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Cheese Milk Steamed Cheese Milk Steamed
Rp. 11,500
Choco Chesee Milk Steamed Choco Chesee Milk Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Choco Blueberry Milk Steamed Choco Blueberry Milk Steamed
Selai Cokelat Dan Selai Blueberry
Rp. 11,500
Peanut Butter Blueberry Milk Steamed Peanut Butter Blueberry Milk Steamed
Selai Kacang Dan Blueberry
Rp. 11,500
Blueberry Mix Strawberry Milk Steamed Blueberry Mix Strawberry Milk Steamed
Selai Blueberry Dan Selai Strawberry
Rp. 11,500
Double Cheese Milk Steamed Double Cheese Milk Steamed
Keju Parut Melimpah Dan Kental Manis
Rp. 15,000
Durian Milk Steamed Durian Milk Steamed
Selai Durian Dna Kental Manis
Rp. 10,500
Durian Cheese Milk Steamed Durian Cheese Milk Steamed
Rp. 12,500
Tiramisu Milk Steamed Tiramisu Milk Steamed
Rp. 11,500
Tiramisu Mix Cheese Milk Steamed Tiramisu Mix Cheese Milk Steamed
Rp. 17,500
Tiramisu Mix Choco Mililk Steamed Tiramisu Mix Choco Mililk Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Tiramisu Mix Strawberry Milk Steamed Tiramisu Mix Strawberry Milk Steamed
Rp. 13,500
Tiramisu Mix Blueberry Milk Steamed Tiramisu Mix Blueberry Milk Steamed
Rp. 13,500
Tiramisu Mix Durian Milk Steamed Tiramisu Mix Durian Milk Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Greentea Milk Steamed Greentea Milk Steamed
Rp. 11,500
Greentea Mix Cheese Milk Steamed Greentea Mix Cheese Milk Steamed
Rp. 17,500
Greentea Mix Choco Milk Steamed Greentea Mix Choco Milk Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Greentea Mix Strawberry Milk Toast Greentea Mix Strawberry Milk Toast
Rp. 13,500
Greentea Mix Blueberry Milk Steamed Greentea Mix Blueberry Milk Steamed
Rp. 13,500
Greentea Mix Durian Milk Steamed Greentea Mix Durian Milk Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Tiramisu X Greentea Milk Steamed Tiramisu X Greentea Milk Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Greentea Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Greentea Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed
Selai Greentea Ditaburin Drink Bengbeng Susu Kukus
Rp. 15,000
Double Cheese Steamed Double Cheese Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Cheese Nuts Steamed Cheese Nuts Steamed
Rp. 13,000
Nastar Steamed Nastar Steamed
Selai Nanas Kukus
Rp. 13,000
Nastar Cheese Steamed Nastar Cheese Steamed
Selai Nanas Keju Kental Manis Kukus
Rp. 15,000
Nastar Choco Steamed Nastar Choco Steamed
Selai Nana Coklat Kental Manis Kukus
Rp. 15,000
Peanut Milk Steamed Peanut Milk Steamed
Rp. 9,000
Peanut Choco Milk Steamed Peanut Choco Milk Steamed
Rp. 11,500
Cheese Milk Lumer Steamed Cheese Milk Lumer Steamed
Rp. 11,500
Wafer Caramel Bengbeng Sprinkled Cheese Milk Steamed Wafer Caramel Bengbeng Sprinkled Cheese Milk Steamed
Wafer Bengbeng Ditaburin Keju Susu
Rp. 17,500
Nextar Brownies Choco Milk Steamed Nextar Brownies Choco Milk Steamed
Nextar Coklat Susu
Rp. 17,500
Tiramisu Mix Vanilla Milk Steamed Tiramisu Mix Vanilla Milk Steamed
Rp. 17,500
Greentea Mix Vanilla Milk Steamed Greentea Mix Vanilla Milk Steamed
Rp. 15,000
Cheesy Mozarella Milk Steamed Cheesy Mozarella Milk Steamed
Rp. 11,000
Vanila Milk Steamed Vanila Milk Steamed
Selai Vanila Susu Kukus
Rp. 11,500
Vanilla Choco Milk Toast Vanilla Choco Milk Toast
Selai Vanilla Cokelat Susu Kukus
Rp. 12,500
Vanilla Blueberry Milk Steamed Vanilla Blueberry Milk Steamed
Selai Vanilla Blueberry Susu Kukus
Rp. 12,500
Vanilla Strawberry Milk Steamed Vanilla Strawberry Milk Steamed
Selai Vanilla Strawbeery Susu Kukus
Rp. 12,500
Wafer Caramel Tiramisu Cheese Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed Wafer Caramel Tiramisu Cheese Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Steamed
Wafer Bengbeng Pakai Selai Tiramisu Dan Parutan Keju Serta Taburan Bengbeng Bubuk Kental Manis
Rp. 19,500

Kategori Roti Bakar Kadet Asin
Berikut harga dan menu Roti Bakar Kadet Asin dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Egg With Chili Sauce Toast Egg With Chili Sauce Toast
Telor Saos Sambel
Rp. 13,000
Egg With Tomato Sauce Toast Egg With Tomato Sauce Toast
Telor Saos Tomat
Rp. 13,000
Omlet Interju Isi 2 Porsi Roti Omlet Interju Isi 2 Porsi Roti
Indomie Telor Pake Keju Bisa Pakai Sauce Sambel Tomat Atau Sambal Ulek
Rp. 35,000
Egg Chili Sauce With Cheese toast Egg Chili Sauce With Cheese toast
Telor Keju Saos Sambel
Rp. 15,500
Egg Tomato Sauce With Cheese Toast Egg Tomato Sauce With Cheese Toast
Telor Keju Saos Tomat
Rp. 15,500
Egg Mayo Sauce With Cheese Toast Egg Mayo Sauce With Cheese Toast
Rp. 17,500
Double Cheese With Chili Sauce Toast Double Cheese With Chili Sauce Toast
Toping Keju Melimpah Saos Cabe
Rp. 15,000
Egg With Mayo Sauce My Taste Toast Egg With Mayo Sauce My Taste Toast
Roti Saos Mayo Dari My Taste
Rp. 15,500
Egg With Bolognese Sauce My Taste Toast Egg With Bolognese Sauce My Taste Toast
Telor Pakai Saos Bolognese
Rp. 15,500
Egg With Sweet Sour Sauce My Taste Toast Egg With Sweet Sour Sauce My Taste Toast
Telor Pakai Saos Asem Manis Dari My Taste
Rp. 15,500
Egg With Thousand Island Sauce My Taste Toast Egg With Thousand Island Sauce My Taste Toast
Telor Pakai Saos Dari My Taste
Rp. 15,500
Egg Bolognese Sauce With Cheese Toast Egg Bolognese Sauce With Cheese Toast
Rp. 17,500
Egg Sweet Sour Sauce With Cheese Toast Egg Sweet Sour Sauce With Cheese Toast
Telor Pakai Keju Saos Asem Manis
Rp. 17,500
Egg Thousand Island With Cheese Toast Egg Thousand Island With Cheese Toast
Telor Toping Keju Saos Thousand Island
Rp. 17,500
Egg Mayo Sauce With Moza Cheese Toast Egg Mayo Sauce With Moza Cheese Toast
Telor Toping Mozarela Saos Mayones
Rp. 21,000
Egg Tomato Sauce With Moza Toast Egg Tomato Sauce With Moza Toast
Telor Saos Tomat Dengan Mozarela
Rp. 21,000
Egg Chili Sauce With Moza Cheese Toast Egg Chili Sauce With Moza Cheese Toast
Telor Saos Sambel Dengan Mozarela
Rp. 21,000

Kategori Soft Drink
Berikut harga dan menu Soft Drink dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Ice Tea Ice Tea
Es Teh Manis
Rp. 7,000
Iceblend Lemon Tea Iceblend Lemon Tea
Max Tea Lemon Tea Pake Es Terus Di Blender Biar Segar Sentosa
Rp. 9,000
Iceblend ChocoMilk Iceblend ChocoMilk
Rp. 9,000
Icebland Bengbeng Drink Icebland Bengbeng Drink
Rp. 9,000
Icebland Dancow Vanilla Icebland Dancow Vanilla
Rp. 12,000
Icebland Milo Drink Icebland Milo Drink
Rp. 9,000
Icebland Capuccino Icebland Capuccino
Rp. 9,000
Mineral Water Mineral Water
Air Mineral 1 5 L
Rp. 7,000
Cold Sosro Tea 350ml Cold Sosro Tea 350ml
Teh Botol Sosro Dingin 350ml
Rp. 7,500
Cold Orange Water 500ml Cold Orange Water 500ml
Orange Water You C Dingin 500ml
Rp. 11,000
Chingku Water 350ml Chingku Water 350ml
Air Chingku Dingin 350ml
Rp. 9,000
Hot Red ginger Mixed Hot Red ginger Mixed
Jahe Merah Panas
Rp. 13,000
Hot/cold Beruang 189ml Hot/cold Beruang 189ml
Rp. 15,000

Kategori BasReng
Berikut harga dan menu BasReng yang mempunyai khas unik dan lezat. Ayo Buruan silahkan dipesan menu yang lezat ini.
Nama Harga
Basreng Barbeque Pedas Basreng Barbeque Pedas
Baso Goreng Bumbu Pedas Dan Barbeque
Rp. 11,000
Basreng Keju Pedas Basreng Keju Pedas
Rp. 11,000
Basreng Keju Basreng Keju
Rp. 11,000
Basreng Barbeque Basreng Barbeque
Rp. 11,000
Basreng Jagung Manis Pedas Basreng Jagung Manis Pedas
Rp. 11,000
Basreng Jagung Manis Basreng Jagung Manis
Rp. 11,000
Basreng Pedas Asin Basreng Pedas Asin
Rp. 11,000

Kategori Juice
Berikut harga dan menu Juice dengan rasa yang unik dan enak. Silakan memesan sembari menikmati suasana enjoy di rumah
Nama Harga
Banana Juice Banana Juice
Jus Pisang
Rp. 11,000
Banana Juice Special Banana Juice Special
Jus Pisang Spesial Toping Pisang
Rp. 17,000
Banana Mix Dragon Fruit Juice Banana Mix Dragon Fruit Juice
Jus Pisang Mix Jus Buah Naga
Rp. 15,000
Banana Mix Dancow Iceblend Banana Mix Dancow Iceblend
Pisang Dan Susu Dancow Blender
Rp. 15,000
Dragon Fruit Juice Dragon Fruit Juice
Jus Buah Naga
Rp. 13,000
Dragon Fruit Juice Special Dragon Fruit Juice Special
Jus Buah Naga Toping Buah Naga
Rp. 17,000
Dragon Fruit Mix Dancow Iceblend Dragon Fruit Mix Dancow Iceblend
Buah Naga Dan Dancow Blender
Rp. 15,000
Avocado Juice Avocado Juice
Jus Alpukat
Rp. 13,000
Avocado Juice Special Avocado Juice Special
Jus Alpukat Toping Alpukat
Rp. 17,000
Avocado Mix Dancow Ice Blend Avocado Mix Dancow Ice Blend
Buah Alpukat Dan Dancow Iceblend
Rp. 15,000

Kategori Additional Toping
Berikut harga dan menu Additional Toping yang memiliki cita rasa yang unik. Ayo Nikmati Menu yang Lezat dan Bikin Nagih ini.
Nama Harga
Milo Milo
Untuk Tambahan Jus Dan Roti
Rp. 5,000
Drink Bengbeng Drink Bengbeng
Untuk Tambahan Jus
Rp. 5,000
Yakult Yakult
Untuk Mix Jus
Rp. 5,000

Kategori Package
Berikut harga dan menu Package dengan harga yang ekonomis. Anda bisa menikmati bersama keluarga dan saudara anda
Nama Harga
Choco Milk 1, Peanut Milk 1, Strawberry Milk 1 Toast Choco Milk 1, Peanut Milk 1, Strawberry Milk 1 Toast
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 27,000
Double Cheese Milk Toast Double Cheese Milk Toast
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 45,000
Peanut Milk Toast Peanut Milk Toast
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 27,000
Choco Milk Toast Choco Milk Toast
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 27,000
Double Cheese Milk 1, Peanut Milk 2 Double Cheese Milk 1, Peanut Milk 2
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 48,000
Choco Cheese 2, Cheese Nut 1 Choco Cheese 2, Cheese Nut 1
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 39,000
Tiramisu Cheese 1, Blueberry Tiramisu 1, Strawberry Tiramisu 1 Tiramisu Cheese 1, Blueberry Tiramisu 1, Strawberry Tiramisu 1
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 47,500
Peanut Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Peanut Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk
2 Pcs Bred
Rp. 30,000
Cheese Tiramisu Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Toast Cheese Tiramisu Sprinkled Bengbeng Milk Toast
Rp. 40,000
Blueberry Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast Blueberry Sprinkled Bengbeng Toast
2 Pcs Bread
Rp. 30,000
Tiramisu 1, Greentea 1, Taro 1 Tiramisu 1, Greentea 1, Taro 1
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 34,500
Durian Milk 1, Choco Milk 1, Vanilla Milk 1 Durian Milk 1, Choco Milk 1, Vanilla Milk 1
3 Pcs Bread
Rp. 30,500

Kategori Noodle Aka Mie
Berikut harga dan menu Noodle Aka Mie dengan rasa yang paling enak. Menu ini sangat enak dinikmati dengan suasana santai di rumah
Nama Harga
Fried Noodle Indomie Goreng Fried Noodle Indomie Goreng
Oseng Indomie Goreng Polos
Rp. 10,000
Fried Noodle With Egg Fried Noodle With Egg
Indomie Goreng Dengan Toping Telur
Rp. 12,500
Fried Noodle With Egg N Cheese Fried Noodle With Egg N Cheese
Oseng Indomie Goreng Toping Telur Dan Keju
Rp. 15,000
Fried Noodle Hype Abisss Fried Noodle Hype Abisss
Oseng Indomie Ayam Geprek Polos
Rp. 10,000
Fried Noodle Jeruk Limau Fried Noodle Jeruk Limau
Oseng Mie Sedap Polos
Rp. 10,000

Rentang harga menu yang dijual mulai dari Rp. 5,000 - Rp. 48,000.

Anda bisa langsung datang ke Restoran untuk melakukan pembelian atau jika anda ingin membeli menu yang disediakan oleh Restoran Roti Bakar Dan Kukus AMORI Margahayu Raya Bandung secara online, anda bisa pesan dengan melalui tombol dibawah ini.

Logo Roti Bakar Dan Kukus AMORI Margahayu Raya Bandung

 Lokasi Restoran

 Ulasan Rating
Rasa Enak Rasa Enak10 Rating
Segar Segar5 Rating
Kemasan Baik Kemasan Baik6 Rating

 Jam Operasional

 Kuliner Khas Bandung
Mie Kocok
Nasi Tutug Oncom
Tahu Susu
Pisang Bollen

 Restoran Sekitar Roti Bakar Dan Kukus Amori Margahayu Raya Bandung
Kedai Bersaudara, Buah BatuKedai Bersaudara, Buah Batu
Rating 0
Waroeng Cesatu, Buahbatu/sekejatiWaroeng Cesatu, Buahbatu/sekejati
Rating 0
De Annora, CinamboDe Annora, Cinambo
Rating 0
Es Kelapa Rasa Rasa Kelara, MargahayuEs Kelapa Rasa Rasa Kelara, Margahayu
Rating 0
Dapur Mamatih, Buah Batu Sekejati BandungDapur Mamatih, Buah Batu Sekejati Bandung
Rating 4.6
Waroeng Si Penyet Seuhaah, Jupiter BaratWaroeng Si Penyet Seuhaah, Jupiter Barat
Rating 4.7
Moza Sukiyaki Jupiter, Buahbatu/sekejati/jln JupiterMoza Sukiyaki Jupiter, Buahbatu/sekejati/jln Jupiter
Rating 0
Ayam Geprek Dapurq. Samping Ayam Bakar De Minah, Margahayu. MetroAyam Geprek Dapurq. Samping Ayam Bakar De Minah, Margahayu. Metro
Rating 4.1
Sate Pa Usup, Jupiter BaratSate Pa Usup, Jupiter Barat
Rating 0
Seblak Nenek Rirasa, Cidurian SelatanSeblak Nenek Rirasa, Cidurian Selatan
Rating 0


1. Winna (27/09/22 - 22:59:27)
Rating Review 4
 maunya sihh nyampe tuhh masih panas2 gimana gituhhh😄...betewe enaklahh next order lg dsini

2. N***** (01/02/22 - 18:31:35)
Rating Review 4
 Rasanya enak, bersih ala bikinan rumahan. Roti manisnya oke. Cm yg asin telurnya td brasa ada yg hilg. Mgkn racikan mayonya perlu ditambh apa biar ada khas restonya.


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